WebAudio changing of orientation of Listener and/or Panner - three.js

I am trying to understand how the WebAudio API would work. I have two objects; one representing the listener and one the source. And have used the below link as an example. I am able to move the source and the sound position changes.
The command to change the orientation has been provided: viz this.panner.setOrientation or this.listener.setOrientation. The question I have is: if I have a source or listener object (in canvas mode using ThreeJS viz. we know its position and rotation) how do I change the orientation of either the panner or listener (as the case may be) via JS.
An example would greatly help. Thanks

Any reason not to use THREE's PositionalAudio object? https://threejs.org/docs/index.html#api/audio/PositionalAudio. That lets you add a sound to mesh object, and THREE will take care of moving it. If you want to source a different sound than an AudioBuffer, just connect the audio source to the .gain of the PositionalAudio object.


Copy camera viewpoint using open3d gui

Open3d's easy draw_geometries utility makes it possible to copy & paste camera parameters to restore a certain view point after it has been changed. It seems like this functionality would also be available when using the SceneWidget and its Open3DScene high level scene. However I have not figured out a way to mimic this behavior.
Copying and pasting a viewpoint from draw_geometries onto notepad reveals this information:
boundingbox_max, boundingbox_min, field_of_view, front, lookat, up, zoom
In order for it to have the same effect using the SceneWidget I would have to somehow obtain this information from the scene's camera, create a copy, and then load it later when it is needed. Nevertheless, I cannot access the above properties explicitly through the camera object, nor have I found a way to set them (assuming I already have them).
The next "obvious" solution would be the camera class's copy_from method, which sounds great, except I am unable to instantiate the Camera class in order to use it.
How can I achieve this save & restore viewpoint effect?
Thanks in advance

Change Object parent in Three.js using JSON file

I'm using same technique explained in this example
I defined a JSON file that contains all objects, geometries and animations. However, I couldn't find the way to specify in the animation a change of object's parent. Also, by looking at the documentation of the Three.js library I don't see any ObjectKeyframeTrack which would be nice to set an object's parent.
My questions is referring the JSON file format, not using the API, to do this.
I know there is a similar question (Change Object parent in Three.js?) but is not what I am looking for.
In any case, other approaches are welcome as well.
This was solved in the forum but i'll crosspost the answer here: the three.js animation system does not provide a way to serialize changes in the scene graph as part of a JSON file. JSON keyframe animation can affect properties of objects like position, rotation, scale, and color. To change the parent of an object, you would need to use custom JS at the appropriate time in the animation playback.

Original skeleton position (Fbx import)

I was thinking that you need a deformer to read the clusters etc to be able to get the original (usually T pose) position of the skeleton.
Also FBX supports poses etc but never had a file that implemented it.
But my surprise was that importing an fbx file into 3dsmax without any mesh inside if I uncheck "animation" I get the T pose.
Any idea about it?
Thank you in adavnce
FbxCluster has GetTransformMatrix and GetTransformLinkMatrix. The former returns the original transform of the bone (that should be used to initialize the skinning), and the latter the corresponding orientation of the skinned node. Additionally, the skin node can also have "geometric rotation". I don't think there's anything more than that.

How can I dynamically change keyframe values from code in Unity 5?

I have gameObject with animator attached to it, it has animation curves, I need to dynamically change keyframe values from code. How do I access them?
Already asked this in the Live Session. The Answer is you can't since the anim file is the core for running the Animation Controller.
The alternate way that they gave me is to use the legacy SpriteRenderer instead.
Animation Controller doesn't support Dynamic changing of the values. Instead they provided Animator for you to make Dynamic changes of path from anim files, so consider making different anim files and path to your Animator if you don't like to work with SpriteRenderer.
If "dynamically" still means editor-time, then you could use UnityEditor.AnimationUtility, which provides methods to get and set curves and key frames and more.
One can retrieve the bindings with AnimationUtility.GetCurveBindings() or AnimationUtility.GetObjectReferenceCurveBindings(). And with AnimationUtility.GetObjectReferenceCurve() one can get the key frames, make modifications and apply it with AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve()
At runtime - probably only with workarounds.
For example via some animated relay value within a certain custom script that then applies the wanted value to the actual property on Update() - a kind of custom constraint if you will. And within that you could apply then again custom modifications via code on runtime. But on editor time and when animating, the preview would be broken because you would not directly animate the property, but only that relay value. Maybe one could use [ExecuteInEditMode] in that custom constraint behaviour and AnimationMode.InAnimationMode() to simulate a preview. But all of this would be experimental.

SceneKit and NSKeyedArchiver

I am trying to archive my SceneKit scene for saving using NSKeyedArchiver. This is so I can save the scene allowing me to restore it at a later date. I am finding that the restored scene seems to ignore/lose the SCNTransformConstraints I have added to various SCNNodes. This results is the nodes being placed in the wrong place.
I am wondering if this is by design or a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?
Any pointers would be appreciated.
SCNTransformConstraints works with a block provided by the client of the API. Blocks can't be archived with NSKeyedArchiver.
You need to archive another object instead that is be able to reconstruct the block and re-assign the transform constraint.
