How do I check a website http connectivity by using NSCP in NSClient++? - windows

I tried check-network command but I'm unsure how to use it to insert a http or is it possible to do so?
NSCP command to check http connectivity in Windows Command Prompt.


Error when attempting to access azure aks with kubectl

W0111 13:21:23.866650 172 azure.go:92] WARNING: the azure auth plugin is deprecated in v1.22+, unavailable in v1.26+; use instead.
To learn more, consult
This is the error I get in cmd, powershell, git-bash, azure shell & vscode terminal. Also I get the same issue if I go to the azure portal and use the web shell.
Yes if I use the terminal in Mirantis lens kubectl works as expected the only difference being is that I've added a http proxy in the Proxy settings for Lens.
I belive the issue is caused by the terminal not using the http proxy.
I've added a system environment variable through advanced system settings, which doesn't appear to be used in my terminal session.
How can I use the http proxy during sessions to use kubectl to access AKS and how can I check if the terminal is using the http proxy?
Installed kubelogin as above
Checked that the proxy was running using Get-Proxess px*
Checked that the environment variable was set with the correct value by doing ls $env: and listing all envvars
You are correct, the problem is with the client.
It seems you are using a client version > 1.26, which as the error suggests its removed.
The easiest thing you can do is to use an older version of the kubectl client.

Is there a way to echo on a UNIX terminal the output of a local server running a web-socket?

I am running some code that implements a web-socket server locally.
I'd like to echo the output of it on a Unix Terminal to verify whether it works correctly.
The curl command page does not seem to state the support the web-socket protocol.
Are you aware of any other UNIX commend that does so?
My tool websocat supports it (and WebSocket server as well).
Other alternatives include multiple tools named "wscat" (1,2,3), "ws" and maybe others.

I can't use metro apps and some other cmd apps with proxy on windows 8

i'm having a problem with my pc (windows 8), the problem is that i use a proxy (located on and i can access websites using my web browser(s), i can also use command line tools that require intenet connectivity like curl (for both http and https), git push, composer, heroku toolbelt and vagrant, but when i try to use tools like ping and other cmd network troubleshooting tools i get a 'request timed out' error. likewise my sublime SFTP plugin gives a 'connection timeout error' and i also cannot use some other apps like windows store app and other windows 8 metro apps.
Please what could be the cause of the error.
Note that i have done/tried the following, yet no avail:
1. set the proxy setting under internet options in command prompt(as expected)
2. set http_proxy and http_proxy environment vars
3. done netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie

How can I use remote host options TCPProxy on Grinder?

I want to test Desktop application with Grinder. My application is multiple client/server app. I must use TCPProxy and remotehost options. But I couldn't. Please guide me.
I have solved this. if we connect a remote host and if we use proxy, we must set proxy:
Open cmd
cd c:\grinder
C:\grinder>java net.grinder.TCPProxy -remotehost myremotehost -remoteport myremoteport -console>
and recording process

Access FTP via Proxy using command line

I need to be able to upload/download files to FTP via a proxy server as FTP access is blocked. All this being an automated script, I did find but they don't have command line feature yet.
I have been using NCFTPGET and NCFTPPUT all this while, but on networks which have FTP blocked, I get stuck.
I have found an alternate method wget which can use proxies for downloading from FTP and HTTP as well.
Read the manual here ->
I have moved over to cURL , its a much better refined command line tool. More details ->
