Error when attempting to access azure aks with kubectl - shell

W0111 13:21:23.866650 172 azure.go:92] WARNING: the azure auth plugin is deprecated in v1.22+, unavailable in v1.26+; use instead.
To learn more, consult
This is the error I get in cmd, powershell, git-bash, azure shell & vscode terminal. Also I get the same issue if I go to the azure portal and use the web shell.
Yes if I use the terminal in Mirantis lens kubectl works as expected the only difference being is that I've added a http proxy in the Proxy settings for Lens.
I belive the issue is caused by the terminal not using the http proxy.
I've added a system environment variable through advanced system settings, which doesn't appear to be used in my terminal session.
How can I use the http proxy during sessions to use kubectl to access AKS and how can I check if the terminal is using the http proxy?
Installed kubelogin as above
Checked that the proxy was running using Get-Proxess px*
Checked that the environment variable was set with the correct value by doing ls $env: and listing all envvars

You are correct, the problem is with the client.
It seems you are using a client version > 1.26, which as the error suggests its removed.
The easiest thing you can do is to use an older version of the kubectl client.


Unable to output container password details when using ansible with podman

when using ansible-podman, I am unable to output the std-out of the container run command as I might do when using the command line. This means that I don't get to see the automatically generated password and keystore password, along with other details.
Even when using the tty parameter of the ansible-podman-container, the logs report:
Auto-configuration will not generate a password for the elastic built-in superuser, as we cannot determine if there is a terminal attached to the elasticsearch process. You can use the bin/elasticsearch-reset-password tool to set the password for the elastic user."
There is no elastic user created, and when I exec into the container, the bin/elasticsearch-reset-password tool fails with:
ROR: Failed to reset password for the [elasticsearch] user
As https is standard on the 8.5 image, I am unable to use it, as I cannot set up auth properly. Also, I cannot use apt to install an editor, as the user elasticsearch does not have sufficient permissions.
If you think this is a podman error then please let me know, and I will hassle the devs, and see if I can't get better output and tty detection etc.
An alternative I have tried is using ansible to run a shell command, but the output is no different.
What I really want is to be able to obtain the password to output to an ansible variable so that I can spin up a pod of containers, including elasticsearch, for running tests.
Alternatively, I can use elasticsearch 7.17.7 with http, but I am going to need encryption for production, and there doesn't seem to be a way to do it with ansible.
Perhaps there is an environment variable that I am missing that I could set to create the password? I have tried setting ELASTIC_PASSWORD, but it is of no help.
I am connecting from django using django-elasticsearch-dsl, and get the following error, when verify_cert is set to false:
AuthenticationException(401, 'security_exception', 'missing authentication credentials for REST request [/forum_posts_index/_search]')
Any help gratefully received...

Container access to gcloud credentials denied

I'm trying to implement the container that converts data from HL7 to FHIR ( on Google Cloud. However, I can't build the container, locally, on my machine, to later deploy to the cloud.
The error that occurs is always in the authentication part of the credentials when I try to rotate the image locally using the docker:
docker run --network=host -v ~/.config:/root/.config hl7v2_to_fhir_converter
/healthcare/bin/healthcare --fhirProjectId=<PROJECT_ID> --fhirLocationId=<LOCATION_ID> --
fhirDatasetId=<DATASET_ID> --fhirStoreId=<STORE_ID> --pubsubProjectId=<PUBSUB_PROJECT_ID> --
pubsubSubscription=<PUBSUB_SUBSCRIPTION_ID> --apiAddrPrefix=<API_ADDR_PREFIX>
I am using Windows and have already performed the command below to create the credentials:
gcloud auth application-default login
The credential, after executing the above command, is saved in:
The command -v ~ / .config: /root/.config is supposed to enable the docker to search for the credential when running the image, but it does not. The error that occurs is:
The Application Default Credentials are not available. They are available if running in Google
Compute Engine. Otherwise, the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS must be defined
pointing to a file defining the credentials. See for more information.
What am I putting error on?
A container runs isolated to the rest of the system, it's its strength and that's why this packaging method is so popular.
Thus, all the configuration on your environment is void if you don't pass it to the container runtime environment, like the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env var.
I wrote an article on this. Let me know if it helps, and, if not, we will discussed the blocking point!

How to spin up spinnaker locally for the first time

How to spin up a local version of Spinnaker? This has been answered and addressed in detail here.
Ok, so I got it to work, but not without you valuable help! #lwander
So I'll leave the steps here for posterity.
Each line is a separate command in the command line, I've installed this on a virtual machine with a freshly installed Ubuntu 14.04 copy with nothing else than SSH. Then SSH as root, You will need to configure sshd on your console to allow root access.
> curl -O
created a user account member of the adm and sudo groups (is this necessary???)
then Install Halyard:
Verify that HAL is installed and validate its version.
hal -v
Tell Hal that the deployment type will be as a local instance (this will publish all services in localhost which will be tricky later in order to access them, but I have a turnaround so keep reading)
hal config deploy edit --type localdebian
Hal will complain that a version has not been selected, just tell HAL which version:
hal config version edit --version 1.0.0
The tell HAL which storage you are going to use, in my case and since it is local I want to use redis.
hal config storage edit --type redis
So now we need to add a cloud provider to HAL, we use AWS so we add it like this:
hal config provider aws edit --access-key-idXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX--secret-access-key
I created a user on AWS and added access keys to the user inside IAM on the user security credentials tab. Obviously my access-key-idis not XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, I edited it. You do not need to enter the secret-access-key because the command will prompt for it.
Then you need to create a username relative or that will only concern you spinnaker installation however this will get related to you AWS Account-ID, so in MY spinnaker local installation I chose the username spinnakermaster you should choose yours!. And my AWS Account ID is not YYYYYYYYYYYY, I've edited too.
All the configurations and steps that you'll need to do inside AWS for this to work are really well documented here:
And to tell HAL of of the above here's the command:
hal config provider aws account add spinnakermaster --account-id YYYYYYYYYYYY --assume-role role/spinnakerManaged
And after all that and if everything went according to plan we can ask HAL to deploy our brand new spinnaker installation.
hal deploy apply
It will begin a long installation downloading and configuring all the services.
Once it has finished you may do whatever you like but in my case I created a monitoring script like the one described here:
Which can be launched on a recursive manner as this:
watch -n1 spinnaker-status.shor until toctrl+Cit!.
then to be able to access your local VM spinnaker copy you can either setup a reverse proxy with the proxy server of your choice to forward all the requests to localhost or you can simply ssh the SH** out of this redirecting the ports;
ssh root#ZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ -L 9000: -L 8084: -L 8083: -L 7002: -L 8087: -L 8080: -L 8088: -L 8089:
Where obviously theZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ is not an actual IP Address.
And finally to begin having fun with this cutie you have to go to your browser of choice and type into the address bar:
Hope this helps and saves some time to everybody!.

PuTTy "unknown option -o" when trying to connect

following the getting started guide I attempt to create & connect to a datalab vm instance with the command:
datalab create demo
but I get the following pop-up:
then, on ok-ing the error,
connection broken
Attempting to reconnect...
in the command prompt
Any idea how to have the keys generated a different way to allow me to connect?
As a workaround, you can try either running the datalab connect demo command from inside of Cloud Shell, or downgrading to version 153.0.0 of the Cloud SDK.
As for your error, this seems to be a newly introduced bug in the 154.0.0 release of the Cloud SDK.
Prior to that, running a command like gcloud compute ssh --ssh-flag=-o --ssh-flag=LogLevel=info demo would have resulted in the "-o LogLevel=info" flag being stripped out of the command prior to it running on Windows.
With the most recent release (154.0.0), however, those flags are now passed to the SSH command as-is. This causes an error on Windows, as the PuTTY CLI does not support the -o flag.
I've filed to track fixing this issue.
Sorry that you got hit by this.

I can't use metro apps and some other cmd apps with proxy on windows 8

i'm having a problem with my pc (windows 8), the problem is that i use a proxy (located on and i can access websites using my web browser(s), i can also use command line tools that require intenet connectivity like curl (for both http and https), git push, composer, heroku toolbelt and vagrant, but when i try to use tools like ping and other cmd network troubleshooting tools i get a 'request timed out' error. likewise my sublime SFTP plugin gives a 'connection timeout error' and i also cannot use some other apps like windows store app and other windows 8 metro apps.
Please what could be the cause of the error.
Note that i have done/tried the following, yet no avail:
1. set the proxy setting under internet options in command prompt(as expected)
2. set http_proxy and http_proxy environment vars
3. done netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie
