import _geo into Meilisearch from Laravel Model - laravel

ok so lets start off with code
return [
'name' => $this->name,
'user_display_name' => $this->user_display_name,
'user_city' => $this->user_city,
'user_region' => $this->user_region,
'user_country' => $this->user_country,
'profile_photo_path' => $this->profile_photo_path,
'_geo' => [
'lat' => $this->user_latitude,
'lon' => $this->user_longitude,
So, the issue is, when I do php artisan scout:import "App\Models\User" it gets all the data except inside the _geo array. I have looked at the formatting 100 times but it looks right based on all the docs and everything. Does anyone have any idea what I am not seeing?


Laravel: custom array validation depends on previous selected value

Laravel version: 7.x
I have tested the code with hard-coded valid device_company_id (which is associated with the selected device) and it works fine.
|- id
|- company_id
|- title
|- ...
|- id
|- device_company_id
|- ...
Request data
[devices] => Array
[0] => Array
[device_company_id] => 1
[device_id] => 2
[device_inventory_id] => null
[amount] =>
[refundable] =>
[description] =>
$rules = array_merge($rules, [
'devices' => [
'devices.*.device_company_id' => [
'exists:device_companies,id,company_id,' . auth()->user()->id
'devices.*.device_id' => [
I need a custom validation rule for the exists validator to validate if device actually belongs the selected device_company or not. Because I don't want anyone opening the inspect tool, change the value and causing the application an error or anything like that.
Here is the link where I found the reference
My code:
$rules = [
...other rules
$newRules = [
'devices' => [
'devices.*.device_company_id' => [
'exists:device_companies,id,company_id,' . auth()->user()->id
foreach($data['devices'] as $key => $array)
$newRules["devices.{$key}.device_id"] = [
$rules = array_merge($rules, $newRules);
Although, this code is working for me but I feel its not the proper way to do it. It feels kind of a way around instead of the proper solution. If anyone finds a better solution then please do post your answer.
Hope this can be helpful for someone. Thanks :)

Creating Custom BigQueryHandler in Laravel

Hello there I am supposed to transfer artisan logs to bigquery and store it. I wrote Custom Channel
'channels' => [
'stack' => [
'driver' => 'stack',
'channels' => ['daily', 'bigquery'],
'bigquery' => [
'driver' => 'custom',
'level' => 'debug',
'via' => BigQueryHandler ::class,
'with' => [
'bq_dataset_name' => 'something',
'bq_table_name' => 'something_com_logs'
I have wrote BigQueryHandler class to write those logs using write() method. I have also wrote test case which works fine and updates the record in bigquery table. but If I invoke bigquery channel from artisan files it doesnt work. Can someone tell me whats wrong here?
the command to invoke bigquery channel is
\Log::channel('bigquery')->info('Something happened!');"
Have written it inside handle().

Laravel Insert Seed if data doesn't already exist

Is there any way to run a laravel seed to only insert the records if they do not exist already?
My current laravel seeder looks like this
//Global Admin
'member_id' => 11111111,
'firstname' => 'Joe',
'lastname' => 'Bloggs'
'member_id' => 22222222,
'firstname' => 'Jim',
'lastname' => 'Bloggs'
Pretty standard!
would I have to wrap each and every insert in a try catch? like this
try {
DB::table('users')->insert(['member_id' => 11111111, 'firstname' => 'Joe', 'lastname' => 'Bloggs']);
} catch(Exception $e){
//Die silently
try {
DB::table('users')->insert(['member_id' => 22222222, 'firstname' => 'Jim', 'lastname' => 'Bloggs']);
} catch(Exception $e){
//Die silently
Later on I might want to add extra rows to the same seeder without having to write a new one, and re run php artisan db:seed to only add my new rows.
Is this possible?
You can achieve this by Eloquent firstOrCreate.
The firstOrCreate method will attempt to locate a database record
using the given column / value pairs. If the model can not be found in
the database, a record will be inserted with the attributes from the
first parameter, along with those in the optional second parameter.
So, if you identify the user by member_id, you can do something like this:
['member_id' => 11111111],
'firstname' => 'anakin',
'lastname' => 'skywalker',
'password' => Hash::make('4nak1n')
If you want to locate the record by 'member_id', 'firstname' and 'lastname' fields, something like this:
'member_id' => 11111111,
'firstname' => 'anakin',
'lastname' => 'skywalker'
'password' => Hash::make('4nak1n'),
As stokoe0990 stated, it is not advisable to run seeders in production. The Laravel Seeder was written as way to generate test data. Per the documentation "Laravel includes a simple method of seeding your database with test data using seed classes".
That said, The only way you can satisfy your question is to build the logic into your seed:
$users = array(
['member_id' => 11111111,'firstname' => 'Joe','lastname' => 'Bloggs'],
['member_id' => 22222222,'firstname' => 'Jim','lastname' => 'Bloggs']
foreach ($users as $user) {
if (\App\User::find($user['id'])) {
Seeding is only supposed to be used for testing, anyways.
Why don't you just execute php artisan migrate:fresh --seed?
This will refresh your database (deletes the tables) then runs all your migrations again and finally seeds the database again.
You should never be using seeders in production.
Just add the new data to your seeder, run migrate:fresh and re-seed :)
You can achieve that by using Eloquent updateOrInsert() method:
Read more about it here.
The best I recommend is to truncate (or delete all) the data in the table anytime you migrate. Try something like this:
//data in the table
DB::table('users')->delete(); //or use model like this: User::truncate();
//Global Admin
'member_id' => 11111111,
'firstname' => 'Joe',
'lastname' => 'Bloggs'
'member_id' => 22222222,
'firstname' => 'Jim',
'lastname' => 'Bloggs'
Then there will be no duplications when you run php artisan db:seed

Guzzle Post Null/Empty Values in Laravel

I've been trying to work with Guzzle and learn my way around it, but I'm a bit confused about using a request in conjunction with empty or null values.
For example:
$response = $client->request('POST',
'', [
'form_params' => [
'client' => [
'web_id' => NULL,
'name' => 'Test Name',
'address1' => '123 E 45th Avenue',
'address2' => 'Ste. 1',
'city' => 'Nowhere',
'state' => 'CO',
'zip' => '80002'
'contact' => [],
'donation' => [
'status_id' => 1,
'amount' => $donation->amount,
'balance' => $donation->balance,
'date' => $donation->date,
'group_id' => $group->id,
After running a test, I found out that 'web_id' completely disappears from my request if set to NULL. My question is how do I ensure that it is kept around on the request to work with my conditionals?
At this point, if I dd the $request->client, all I get back is everything but the web_id. Thanks!
I ran into this issue yesterday and your question is very well ranked on Google. Shame that it has no answer.
The problem here is that form_params uses http_build_query() under the hood and as stated in this user contributed note, null params are not present in the function's output.
I suggest that you pass this information via a JSON body (by using json as key instead of form_params) or via multipart (by using multipart instead of form_params).
Note: those 2 keys are available as constants, respectively GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::JSON and GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::MULTIPART
Try to define anything like form_params, headers or base_uri before creating a client, so:
// set options, data, params BEFORE...
$settings = [
'base_uri' => 'api.test',
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Authorization' => 'ajustneedatokenheredontworry'
'form_params' => [
'cash' => $request->cash,
'reason' => 'I have a good soul'
// ...THEN create your client,
$client = new GuzzleClient($settings);
// ...and finally check your response.
$response = $client->request('POST', 'donations');
If you check $request->all() at the controller function that you are calling, you should see that were sent successfully.
For those using laravel, use this:

How to override needed messages from core messages in yii2

In yii2, i want to override some core messages translation, example:
in #yii/messages/vi/yii.php, has key => translated message:
'Update' => 'Sửa'
but in my application, i want to change this as:
'Update' => 'Cập nhật'
I have created the file: #app/messages/vi/yii.php, has only one the message which need to override:
return [
'Update' => 'Cập nhật'
in my main.php config, I added this to components:
'i18n' => [
'translations' => [
'yii' => [
'class' => 'yii\i18n\PhpMessageSource',
'basePath' => '#app/messages'
It works but just only for the override messages, others of core don't work.
I think you should copy yii.php from core to #common/messages/<your language>/yii.php and edit it. It should be work stable.
Try somehing like this
'class' => 'yii\i18n\PhpMessageSource',
'basePath' => "#vendor/yiisoft/yii2/messages",
'sourceLanguage' => 'en_US', // put your language here
'fileMap' => [
Might be outdated thread but I'm putting this in case someone hits this in a search results as I did.
This works out for me :
// get the default translation file for desired language
$yii = require \Yii::getAlias('#vendor/yiisoft/yii2/messages/az/yii.php');
// just override what ever you want
return yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::merge( $yii,
'update' => 'myUpdateString',
// ... and so on
