Upgrade openpgpg from version 4 to version 5.x - initworker() not found - openpgp

I need to upgrade openpgp from version 4.x to version 5.x and I noticed there are major changes in version 5.x
The reason I need to upgrade is that version 4.x have dependency that causing problem and this dependency do not exit in version 5.x
First problem I get when upgrading to version 5.x is that initworker function does not exist.
is there a documentation to help upgrading to version 5.x ?
I was expecting version 5 to be backward compatible with minor changes


Found Gradle version Gradle 7.4. Versions Gradle 6.0.0 and newer are not supported in FG3, FG4 however supports Versions 6.8.1 and newer

I have a problem with Gradle. I'm trying to make a mod for Minecraft 1.12.2 and I'm using Intellij IDEA. Everything works fine for the version 1.16.4, but if I want to build a mod for the 1.12 I get this error:
Failed to apply plugin 'net.minecraftforge.gradle'.
Found Gradle version Gradle 7.4. Versions Gradle 6.0.0 and newer are not supported in FG3, FG4 however supports Versions 6.8.1 and newer. Consider upgrading.
It's supposed to do something with apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle' in the build.gradle file.
I don't have much experience with this sort of stuff so please help me. Thanks in advance
to write a mod for 1.12.2, Forge provides a build.gradle file. In this, the 3.+ (FG3) is specified as the ForgeGradle version.
The current version of Gradle (7.4.2) only supports ForgeGradle versions from FG4 and newer.
FG3 - older than Gradle version 6.0.0
FG4 - Gradle version 6.8.1 and newer
You now have two options:
You take the Gradle version 7.4.2 and make a mod for a Minecraft version with a ForgeGradle version from FG4 or newer.
You take an older Gradle version.

Gradle Version Resolution Problem: Building Xcore

I'm trying to build a project which has a dependency on a library xcore 1.10.0 that has a dependency on antlr with restriction [3.2.0, 3.2.1). What exists is a version 3.2.
The build fails reporting Could not find any version that matches org.antlr:antlr-runtime:[3.2.0, 3.2.1).. When I explicitly ask for version 3.2, it resolves. When I check ava -cp "$MAVEN_HOME/lib/*" org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ComparableVersion 3.2 3.2.0 3.2.1, I get the following (which I interpret as 3.2 being within the requested racket):
1. 3.2 == 3.2
3.2 == 3.2.0
2. 3.2.0 == 3.2
3.2.0 < 3.2.1
3. 3.2.1 == 3.2.1
To try this at home, one should be able to check out this example project and try running ./gradlew clean build.
Is the version bracket wrongly specified (given the versions that actually exist and assuming version 3.2 is required)? Or is Gradle doing something weird with the interpretation of the version bracket?
Is there a way to work around this (other than uploading a "fake" replica with version 3.2.0 to a local repository)?

which one is the latest version of maven to use

I am trying to use maven in our project and am new to it.
checking this https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi
3.6.0 version is latest version to download.
Someone was saying there is maven 4 is latest. Not sure where to download this from and can we use this for java 8.
Which one is latest version to use?
From https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi
Apache Maven 3.6.0 is the latest release and recommended version for
all users.
Works nicely with Java 8. Note that your IDE may bundle an older version in the unlikely case you run into problems.

Why Hadoop 2.6.4 is released after 2.7.2

Apache Hadoop Release
I downloaded Hadoop 2.6.4, but I find 2.7.2 was released earlier than 2.6.4, also 2.7.2 is stable. How can 2.7.2 is more stable than 2.6.4, and how can 2.7.2 released earlier than 2.6.4 ?
I guess 2.7.X are stable versions, 2.6.X are unstable versions ?
Hadoop community had decided to drop JDK6 runtime and works with JDK 7+ only.
On 2.x release versions they started this trough release 2.7.0.
To extend support for JDK6 hadoop users they started maintenance release for 2.6.x branch.
2.7.x versions contains roadmap features with JDK7 support.
2.6.x version contains point releases having critical fixes with JDK6 support.
To answer the question 2.6.x release post 2.7.x are point releases for 2.6.x branch containing critical fixes.
As long as stability is concerned, release 2.7.1 and 2.7.2 are stable.
Check POM configuration of Hadoop's 2.7.x & 2.6.x branches on github mirrors for JDK compatibility

Difficulty upgrade from version 3.4.1 to 4.5.2

Hi I'm trying to upgrade Sonarqube from 3.4.1 to 4.5.2 but had some issues.
I ensured that the sonar.properties file and the wrapper.conf file were both the same and changed them accordingly on the newer version. To install it we simply moved 4.5.2 onto the server and changed the symlink, this worked until it tried to upgrade the database then it stated 'Upgrade is impossible'
After this we couldn't get Sonar to start again, so we rolled it back to a previous version..
So our current predicament is whether or not to create a new version of Sonar on the latest version or to slowly upgrade the old one but from 3.4.1 to 3.4.2 etc..
What would you suggest?
