Benefit of using Spring Event to handle event logging - spring

I have some code that uses Spring Events and publisher to handle logging. What I don't understand is what is the benefit of using that to handle logging instead of using a logging service to do the job. e.g.
} catch (SomeException e) {
applicationEventPublisher.publishEvent(new ExceptionEvent(e));
Then in some event listener class
public void handleLoggingEvent(ExceptionEvent event) {
Compare to
} catch (SomeException e) {
I am not against it, but am trying to understand the pros and cons of using Spring Events. At the end of the day, the calling class still needs to either autowire an ApplicationEventPublisher or the LoggingService.


Forward ApplicationEvent to RabbitMQ using funtions

My application should spread some event from a component to some rabbit message publisher.
My component fires the event using ApplicationEventPublisher.publishEvent(e)
On the other side, a message producer should receive the event, process it then publish it to a rabbit queue.
I'm using spring cloud stream and spring cloud function for messaging part:
MessagingConfig {
StreamBridge sb;
void handleEvent(Event e){
sb.send("topic", e)
Is there to rely on function rather StreamBridge
Supplier<Event> messageProducer(){
//Get the event and publish it
Or considering ApplicationEventListener as binder
Function<Event, Event> messageProcessor(){
// redirect event to rabbit binder
I'm a confused.
Thank you for your help.
The #EventListener and StreamBridge combination is an easier way to achieve your task. For a Supplier variant you need some intermediate buffer (Flux?) where you would place your events. And that would be a bit involved with a Flux.create() API:
It is possible to use Spring Integration ApplicationEventListeningMessageProducer to catch those events and produce them to the binding's MessageChannel.

consumption of events stopped after the consumer throw an exception in spring cloud stream?

I have an aggregation function that aggregates events published into output-channel. I have subscribed to the flux generated by the function like below:
public class EventsAggregator {
private Sinks.Many<Message<?>> eventsPublisher; // Used to publish events from different places in the code
private final Function<Flux<Message<?>>, Flux<Message<?>>> aggregatorFunction;
public void aggregate() {
Flux<Message<?>> output = aggregatorFunction.apply(eventsPublisher.asFlux());
public void aggregate(Message<?> aggregatedEventsMessage) {
if (...) {
//some code
} else {
throw new RuntimeException();
If the RuntimeException is thrown, the aggregation function does not work, and I get this message The [bean 'outputChannel'; defined in: 'class path resource [org/springframework/cloud/fn/aggregator/AggregatorFunctionConfiguration.class]'; from source: ''] doesn't have subscribers to accept messages at org.springframework.util.Assert.state(
Is there any way to subscribe to the flux generated by the aggregation function in a safe way?
That's correct. That's how Reactive Streams work: if an exception is thrown, the subscriber is cancelled and no new data can be send to that subscriber anymore.
Consider to not throw that exception up to the stream.
See more in docs:

Set permissions/authentication for spring-cloud-stream message consumer so it passes #PreAuthorize checks

I consume messages from spring-cloud-stream through a Consumer<MyMessage> Implementation. As part of the message handling I need to access methods that are protected with #PreAuthorize security-checks. By default the Consumer run unauthenticated so message-handling fails.
public Consumer<MyMessage> exampleMessageConsumer(MyMessageConsumer consumer) {
return consumer::handleMessage;
Secured Method:
#PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('ROLE_ADMIN') or hasAuthority('ROLE_USER')")
public void doSomething() { ... }
I dont just want to bypass security, so what is the easiest way to authenticate my Consumer so it passes the check?
EDIT: we are using google pubsub as a binder
For the Kafka binder:
Add an #EventListener to listen for ConsumerStartedEvents; you can then add the authentication to the security context via the SecurityContextHolder; this binds it to the thread; the same thread is used to call the listener.
I found two possible solutions to my problem
use springs RunAs support (baeldung) to add permissions to a security context for a specific method. If i do this i need to add ROLE_RUN_AS_USER to my secured methods. At scale this would complicated annotations a lot.
Manually change the security context before executing the handler method and return it to its original state afterwards.
I went with the second option. I would have liked a transparent solution but there does not appear to be one.
To make this work i created a class that wraps a functional interface with the changing code and returns it.
public class RunAs {
public interface RunAsMethod {
void runWithException() throws Throwable;
public static <T> Consumer<T> createWriteConsumer(Consumer<T> originalConsumer) {
return message -> runWithWritePermission(() -> originalConsumer.accept(message));
public static void runWithWritePermission(final RunAsMethod func) {
final Authentication originalAuthentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
final AnonymousAuthenticationToken token = new AnonymousAuthenticationToken(
originalAuthentication != null ? originalAuthentication.getPrincipal() : "system",
AuthorityUtils.createAuthorityList("ROLE_ADMIN", "SCOPE_write")
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException("exception during method with altered permissions", e);
} finally {

How to process multiple AMQP messages in parallel with the same #Incoming method

Is it possible to process multiple amqp - messages in parallel with the same method annotated with #Incoming("queue") with quarkus and smallrye-reactive-messaging?
To be more precise, I have following class:
public class Receiver {
public void process(String input) {
System.out.println("start processing:" + input);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("end processing:" + input);
With the configuration in the
amqp-host: localhost
amqp-port: 5672
amqp-username: quarkus
amqp-password: quarkus
mp.messaging.incoming.test-queue.connector: smallrye-amqp
mp.messaging.incoming.test-queue.address: test-queue
Now I'd like define by configuration how many parallel processing of messages are possible. For example, on a 4 core cpu it should run 4 in parallel.
Currently I can just add 4 copies of the method with different names to allow this parallelism, but that is not configurable.
I'm not sure, but I don't think Reactive Messaging supports what you're asking for.
You can, however, do what you want another way. I think it's also a better overall pattern for using messaging.
Find the example with the CompletionStage and the explicit ack(). That variant is asynchronous, so if you combine it with Java's existing concurrency facilities, you'll get efficient parallel processing.
I would send the incoming work to an executor, and then have the executing task ack() when it completes.
I just came across the same scenario and here is how the spec intends for you to handle concurrency:
From eclipse Microprofile spec
Basically, instead of having a class with a method like this:
public void process(String input) {}
You have 2 classes like this:
public class MessageSubscriberProducer {
public Subscriber<String> createSubscriber() {
return new SubscriberImpl();
public class SubsciberImpl implements Subscriber<String> {
private Subscription subscription;
public void onSubscribe(Subscription subscription) {
this.subscription = subscription;
this.subscription.request(4); // this tells how many messages to grab right away
public void onNext(String val) {
// do processing
this.subscription.request(1); // grab 1 more
This has the additional advantage of moving your processing code from the vert.x event-loop thread to a worker thread pool.

Custom Event Notifier for apache camel doesn't work for exchange events

I have a spring-boot application that implements a camel routing service. I want to know if the consumers queues are alive or not (because those queues are not in my system). I implemented a Event Notifier to know if the exchange sent event it's triggered or not. But my custom implementation of the Event notifier is not working. I can see in the logs when camel context event is triggered but this is all. No other event is captured by the event notifier.
This is may event notifier class:
public class MyLoggingSentEventNotifer extends EventNotifierSupport {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyLoggingSentEventNotifer.class);
public void notify(final EventObject event) throws Exception {
if (event instanceof CamelContextStartedEvent) {
if (event instanceof ExchangeSentEvent) {
final ExchangeSentEvent sent = (ExchangeSentEvent) event;"Took {} millis to send to: {}", sent.getTimeTaken(), sent.getEndpoint());
if (event instanceof ExchangeCreatedEvent) {
final ExchangeSendingEvent sending = (ExchangeSendingEvent) event;"Sending to to: {}", sending.getEndpoint());
public boolean isEnabled(final EventObject event) {
if (event instanceof CamelContextStartedEvent) {
return true;
return false;
The problem is your isEnabled method where you should filter which events you want to accept. And in your code, you only accept the camel context started event, and therefore you only get that. Instead either just return true for all events, or filter the ones you only want.
