How to add a footnote plugin to a custom ckeditor build - ckeditor

I am using ckeditor build by the online builder. Now I want to add a footnote plugin to it. I follwed the setps in docs. I installed the ckditor footnote plugin and as per the docs ran
npm run build
but after this it throws the below error
uncaught ckeditorerror: ckeditor-duplicated-modules: some ckeditor 5 modules are duplicated.
So what is the correct way to add a plugin to ckeditor build by its online builder


NO compatible agent error for for teamcity plugin

I have created a simple HelloWorld plugin for teamcity. However when i try to run it i get below error
enter image description here
there is no specific dependancy. also when i remove my plugin from build step the agent automatically becomes compatible. Any help on this would be helpfull

Nativescript VideoRecorder

Just wondering why Nativescript haven't developed a Video recorder plugin as they have done with the Nativesckipt-Camera plugin or why in fact the camera plugin does not do video as well. I know there are options out there such as Nativescript-videorecorder, but seems to be an obvious omission of standard plugins for Nativescript.
The NativeScript plugin for video recording is named nativescript-videorecorder. You can find it on npm, github, or the NativeScript marketplace.
Make it available for use in your project by running the following command:
tns add plugin nativescript-videorecorder

Does CKEditor have tools to automatically download plugins and dependencies

When building CKEditor I specify plugins in build-config.js, however I have to manually download plugins and their dependencies from addon's page and put them into /plugins page before running script. Does CKEditor have any tool that can do it automatically, like npm for example?
CKEditor 4 - no, it pre-dates most of the packaging tools on the market, or at least the time that they got really popular.
You can also generate a custom build online, through CKBuilder, either choosing plugins from the list of "Available Plugins" or uploading your build-config.js there (a button in the top-right corner).
I'm aware this is not the same level of build automation that npm offers, but hope this will help. CKEditor 5 will be much better aligned to more modern building tools.

Nativescript error require nativescript-background-http module

I'm using Telerik AppBuilder, trying to import nativescript-background-http module in my app and get error Module "nativescript-background-http" not found. When i'm looking for it in Properties => Dependencies, it is present in installed NPM Packages. Can i make smth with it?
It appears that this is an issue in desktop appbuilder client. It can be fixed following the next steps:
Remove the dependencies entries from the configuration file and save
your project, commit if necessary
Open your Telerik Platform account
Locate the project in the web portal and open it
Open Properties > Dependencies
Install the plugin(s) from the Marketplace
Save the project
Open the project from your preferred AppBuilder client
Hope it will be fixed in the next versions.

Jenkins RequireJs Build / CI

I've just started a project that uses RequireJs, Backbone etc. Everything is running well client-side and I wan't to set up my build environment.
I was planning on using Jenkins but have found zero information on how to go about this. I've managed to set up Gradle and use that to do things like minify the js etc, but I think I need to run R.js and have no idea where to get started or if this is even what I should be doing.
I've googled a bunch and found nothing. Sorry for my ignorance.
Jenkins has a Gradle plugin: Gradle Jenkins Plugin
The plugin is very easy to install and use. To install it, just use the Jenkins web interface.
Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins -> Available Plugins -> Install
Search for Gradle, check the box and click install.
Create a job
Click new job. Select free style job and add a Gradle build step.
