NO compatible agent error for for teamcity plugin - teamcity

I have created a simple HelloWorld plugin for teamcity. However when i try to run it i get below error
enter image description here
there is no specific dependancy. also when i remove my plugin from build step the agent automatically becomes compatible. Any help on this would be helpfull


TFS code analysis for java/maven projects

I have a brand new TFS2018 test installation and try to run a maven build with sonarqube analysis.
The sonarqube extension is installed from the marketplace and configured to use our internal Sonarqube. I added the prepare and publish SonarQube steps to my build like described.
In the prepare step I can successfully select my SonarQube endpoint from the drop down box.
When I now tick the "Use SonarQube" check box in my maven task the SonarQube-Endpoint drop-down box is empty. My SonarQube-Server "Heuboe" does not show up. Even if I type it in the box stays invalid.
Any hint what's going wrong? Does anybody now how to file an issue to SonarQube directly. I can view issues under:
but I didn't find a way to report one.
The Maven task is expecting a Generic Endpoint. The SonarQube extension adds another type of endpoint specifically for SonarQube, which the built-in Maven task has no awareness of.
Version 2.* of the task (which should be selectable from the dropdown menu for the task) has another method of running SonarQube, which will use the endpoint defined in the Prepare Analysis step.

How do I use Sonar Plugin with Hudson?

I want to use SonarQube for Code Quality analysis. I have Hudson as the CI tool and have integrated clearcase. How do I use SonarQube when the Ant build happens? Do I need to install SonarQube in a server and use a plugin to access it?
Can someone help me?
Install SonarQube web server as a first step. Default port will be localhost:9000.
After installing SonarQube you need to create an Ant target. Sample Script is available on GitHub. If Hudson is working correctly earlier. It will pick up the changes in Ant Script and perform the Analysis. After the completion of Analysis report will be generated and accessible at SonarQube Web Dashboard.

Adding a new project to Sonar v.2.9

I am using sonar to review my code for a java project. the version that I am using is v.2.9, I am using sonar for the first time. I have no idea how to add project in sonar server.
Please help on this
There's no option to "add" a project in Sonar from Sonar UI. Projects are automatically added to Sonar whenever a successful analysis occurs.
I'd suggest you the following :
Upgrade to a more recent Sonar version.
Read the analyzing source code guide where you can find instructions for all available methods to trigger a new analysis
Update : Sonarqube allows (I think after 5.x version) provisioning of projects as described in their documentation
With Administrator role, you can "Provision" a project.
Log in as administrator
Select Settings from the menu
Select System -> Provisioning from the sub-menu
Click Create (at the very far right of the frame)
It's pretty straight forward with the newest version. All you have to do is installing as the guide. And it will prompt a command which you need to execute with your build tool at the project folder.
For an example for maven it would be like
mvn sonar:sonar -Dsonar.login=4aa32e977ab1513e3fe5c3ac0c7883528d01a5e8.
With a command similar to this reports will be sent to the Sonarqube. And code analysis will be done

Jenkins RequireJs Build / CI

I've just started a project that uses RequireJs, Backbone etc. Everything is running well client-side and I wan't to set up my build environment.
I was planning on using Jenkins but have found zero information on how to go about this. I've managed to set up Gradle and use that to do things like minify the js etc, but I think I need to run R.js and have no idea where to get started or if this is even what I should be doing.
I've googled a bunch and found nothing. Sorry for my ignorance.
Jenkins has a Gradle plugin: Gradle Jenkins Plugin
The plugin is very easy to install and use. To install it, just use the Jenkins web interface.
Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins -> Available Plugins -> Install
Search for Gradle, check the box and click install.
Create a job
Click new job. Select free style job and add a Gradle build step.

How can I integrate Jenkins with Redmine?

I would like to integrate Jenkins with Redmine. If some build breaks, Jenkins would open an issue in Redmine to notify it with the console output.
How can I do it? Are there any plugins? Are there any implementation guides? I couldn't find a solution yet.
There are two ways to achieve this
install hudson plugin inside redmine, see , it will let you know the build inside redmine. (**2014.5.7 [Updated] change to redmine plugin list **)
install redmine plugin inside jenkins (hudson), unfortunately the plugin is not maintained any more, . And JIRA jenkins plugin is a way how redmine plugin should be supported.
([Updated] the plugin is back since 2013)
[updated] I tried to add this functions for solution 2 in 2011.2, see my blog:, but I stopped after that, because
In the community, it seems solution 1 is preferred.
lots of functions are already inside JIRA, it is better to persuade them to make it as a common issue plugin inside jenkins.
You can try the e-mail-to-issue option in Redmine.
Configure Jenkins to send an e-mail to Redmine with detailed report.
Configure Redmine to accept the e-mail and transfer it to the issue.
You can configure whatever template you wish so the reports will be user-friendly. Further more Redmine has a simple incoming mail parser so that you can omit info you don't need.
No plugins needed, only settings in both tools.
