Three.js change AnimationAction’s blendmode to ‘AdditiveAnimationBlendMode’ leads to incorrect results - three.js

Three.js change AnimationAction’s blendmode to ‘AdditiveAnimationBlendMode’ leads to incorrect results.
Main Code:
if (blendMode !== clip.blendMode) {
clip.blendMode = blendMode;
const additiveAction = this.mixer.clipAction(clip, this.animRoot);
Incorrect Result:show image (skeleton nodes are overscaled).
Conversely, use AnimationUtils.makeClipAdditive will get the correct result.
Main Code:
if (blendMode !== clip.blendMode) {
if (blendMode === AdditiveAnimationBlendMode) {
} else {
clip.blendMode = blendMode;
const additiveAction = this.mixer.clipAction(clip, this.animRoot);
Correct Result:
show image


Ckeditor5 error with undoing multiline paste operation

I have a plugin for my ckeditor build which should convert pasted content with formulas,
separated by '(' ')', '$$' etc. into math-formulas from ckeditor5-math ( I changed the AutoMath Plugin so that it supports text with the separators.
I have run into a problem where undoing (ctrl-z) the operation works fine for single-line content, but not for multiline content.
To reproduce the issue, I have built a similar plugin which does not require the math plugin. This plugin converts text enclosed by '&' to bold text.
To reproduce this issue with an editor instance it is required to have the cursor inside a word (not after or before the end of the text, I don't know why that doesn't work, if you know why, help is appreciated^^) and paste it from the clipboard. The content will inside the '&' will be marked bold, however if you undo this operation twice, an model-position-path-incorrect-format error will be thrown.
example to paste:
aa &bb& cc
ee &ff& gg
Undoing the operation twice results in this error:
Uncaught CKEditorError: model-position-path-incorrect-format {"path":[]}
Read more:
Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to fix this issue, and have not found a similar issue.
I know it has to do with the batches that are operated, and that maybe the position parent has to do something with it, that I should cache the position of the parent. However, I do not know how.
Below my code for an example to reproduce:
import Plugin from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-core/src/plugin';
import Undo from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-undo/src/undo';
import LiveRange from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-engine/src/model/liverange';
import LivePosition from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-engine/src/model/liveposition';
import global from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/dom/global';
export default class Test extends Plugin {
static get requires() {
return [Undo];
static get pluginName() {
return 'Test';
constructor(editor) {
this._timeoutId = null;
this._positionToInsert = null;
init() {
const editor = this.editor;
const modelDocument = editor.model.document;
const view = editor.editing.view;
//change < Clipboard > to < 'ClipboardPipeline' > because in version upgrade from 26 to 27
//the usage of this call changed
this.listenTo(editor.plugins.get('ClipboardPipeline'), 'inputTransformation', (evt, data) => {
const firstRange = modelDocument.selection.getFirstRange();
const leftLivePosition = LivePosition.fromPosition(firstRange.start);
leftLivePosition.stickiness = 'toPrevious';
const rightLivePosition = LivePosition.fromPosition(firstRange.end);
rightLivePosition.stickiness = 'toNext';
modelDocument.once('change:data', () => {
this._boldBetweenPositions(leftLivePosition, rightLivePosition);
}, {priority: 'high'});
editor.commands.get('undo').on('execute', () => {
if (this._timeoutId) {
this._timeoutId = null;
}, {priority: 'high'});
_boldBetweenPositions(leftPosition, rightPosition) {
const editor = this.editor;
const equationRange = new LiveRange(leftPosition, rightPosition);
// With timeout user can undo conversation if wants to use plain text
this._timeoutId = global.window.setTimeout(() => {
this._timeoutId = null;
let walker = equationRange.getWalker({ignoreElementEnd: true});
let nodeArray = [];
for (const node of walker) { // remember nodes, because when they are changed model-textproxy-wrong-length error occurs
editor.model.change(writer => {
for (let node of nodeArray) {
let text =;
if ('$textProxy') && text !== undefined && text.match(/&/g)) {
let finishedFormulas = this._split(text);
const realRange = writer.createRange(node.previousPosition, node.nextPosition);
for (let i = finishedFormulas.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (i % 2 === 0) {
writer.insertText(finishedFormulas[i], node.previousPosition);
} else {
writer.insertText(finishedFormulas[i], {bold: true}, node.previousPosition);
}, 100);
_split(text) {
let mathFormsAndText = text.split(/(&)/g);
let mathTextArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < mathFormsAndText.length; i++) {
if (i % 4 === 0) {
} else if (i % 2 === 0) {
return mathTextArray;
Let me know if I can clarify anything.

Plugin ReferenceError: Color is not defined in

First plugin with XD and i can't seem to create a instance of class Color.
Their documentation doesn't show any examples and any that i find in other examples just shows new Color() and that i don't have to perform any require.
Plugin ReferenceError: Color is not defined
at exportToBmpFunction (C:\Users\<useR>\AppData\Local\Packages\Adobe.CC.XD_adky2gkssdxte\LocalState\develop\BMP_Export\main.js:21:21)
What am i doing wrong?
async function exportToBmpFunction(selection) {
if (selection.items.length == 0) {
// Generate PNG rendition of the selected node
let application = require("application");
let scenegraph = require("scenegraph");
let fs = require("uxp").storage.localFileSystem;
let shape = selection.items[0];
let file = await fs.getFileForSaving('what.png', { types: ["png"] });
let renditions = [{
node: shape,
outputFile: file,
type: application.RenditionType.PNG,
scale: 1,
background: new Color('#FF00CD', 1)
application.createRenditions(renditions).then(function(results) {
// something with outputFiles on disk...
module.exports = {
commands: {
exportToBmp: exportToBmpFunction
Turns out after digging through other classes in the same 'namespace' that their documentation is just flat out wrong in some places. This is what it should be.
const Color = require("scenegraph").Color;
let color = new Color('#FF00CD');
This happens to be in direct contradiction to examples of use of Color in the docs.
Yay for freehanding code!

How do I initialise a NativeScript app fully programmatically (without XML)?

Here's what I have so far. The background goes green (the colour of the Page), but I'd expect a purple ContentView with some text inside to fill the page, too.
Is there anything further I'm missing?
import { on, run, launchEvent } from "tns-core-modules/application";
import { Frame } from "tns-core-modules/ui/frame/frame";
import { ContentView } from "tns-core-modules/ui/content-view/content-view";
import { TextBase } from "tns-core-modules/ui/text-base/text-base";
import { Page } from "tns-core-modules/ui/page/page";
on(launchEvent, (data) => {
const frame = new Frame();
const page = new Page();
page.backgroundColor = "green";
const contentView = new ContentView();
const textBase = new TextBase();
contentView.height = 100;
contentView.width = 100;
contentView.backgroundColor = "purple";
textBase.text = "Hello, world!";
page.bindingContext = contentView;
frame.navigate({ create: () => page });
data.root = page; // Incidentally, should this be the frame or the page?
You are almost on track, you just need slight modification on your code.
import { on, run, launchEvent } from 'tns-core-modules/application';
import { Frame } from 'tns-core-modules/ui/frame/frame';
import { ContentView } from 'tns-core-modules/ui/content-view/content-view';
import { TextField } from 'tns-core-modules/ui/text-field';
import { Page } from 'tns-core-modules/ui/page/page';
create: () => {
const frame = new Frame();
create: () => {
const page = new Page();
page.backgroundColor = "green";
const contentView = new ContentView();
const textField = new TextField();
contentView.height = 100;
contentView.width = 100;
contentView.backgroundColor = "purple";
textField.text = "Hello, world!";
contentView.content = textField;
page.content = contentView;
return page;
return frame;
You don't have to wait for launch event, you could set the root frame in run method itself.
In your code, you were creating the frame but never adding it to root UI element or mark the frame itself as root element
It's recommended to use .content to add child for a ContentView / Page as they are originally designed to hold one child element only.
Use TextField / TextView for input text, TextBase is just a base class.
It seems to me that you try to overcomplicate. You can replace XML with code just by implementing createPage method - Create a page via code.
I just modified default NS + TypeScript Playground template to operate without XML - NS + TypeScript template without XML.
I think you can't leave run as empty as it is expecting an entry to start the app. From {NS} website,
You can use this file to perform app-level initializations, but the
primary purpose of the file is to pass control to the app's root
module. To do this, you need to call the method and
pass a NavigationEntry with the desired moduleName as the path to the
root module relative to your /app folder.
if you look for run code in "tns-core-modules/application"
function run(entry) {
createRootFrame.value = false;
} = run;
function start(entry) {
if (started) {
throw new Error("Application is already started.");
started = true;
mainEntry = typeof entry === "string" ? { moduleName: entry } : entry;
if (!androidApp.nativeApp) {
var nativeApp = getNativeApplication();

postman - how to check picture size

I am trying to write some tests in Postman (I am running the Postman Jetpacks packaged app, if it does matter) and I am facing some inconsistencies.
The scope of my test is to verify the size (width and height) of a set of images against some predefined values.
The scenario is like this: I make a call to a method that returns some urls, then I set the URLs as environment variables and then I verifying the size of each picture. Below is the code I am using in Tests tab in Postman.
tests["Status code is 200"] = responseCode.code === 200;
var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);
//test that response contains the expected attributes
tests["splash_image_url present"] = data.hasOwnProperty("splash_image_url");
tests["home_image_url present"] = data.hasOwnProperty("home_image_url");
tests["login_image_url present"] = data.hasOwnProperty("login_image_url");
tests["register_image_url present"] = data.hasOwnProperty("register_image_url");
tests["splash_logo_url present"] = data.hasOwnProperty("splash_logo_url");
tests["bar_logo_url present"] = data.hasOwnProperty("bar_logo_url");
//set each image URL as environment variable
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("splash_image_url", data.splash_image_url);
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("home_image_url", data.home_image_url);
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("login_image_url", data.login_image_url);
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("register_image_url", data.register_image_url);
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("splash_logo_url", data.splash_logo_url);
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("bar_logo_url", data.bar_logo_url);
//extract images from each URL
var splash_image_url = document.createElement("img");
splash_image_url.src = environment.splash_image_url;
var home_image_url = document.createElement("img");
home_image_url.src = environment.home_image_url;
var login_image_url = document.createElement("img");
login_image_url.src = environment.login_image_url;
var register_image_url = document.createElement("img");
register_image_url.src = environment.register_image_url;
var splash_logo_url = document.createElement("img");
splash_logo_url.src = environment.splash_logo_url;
var bar_logo_url = document.createElement("img");
bar_logo_url.src = environment.bar_logo_url;
//test the size for each picture
tests["splash_image_url width"] = splash_image_url.width === 640;
tests["splash_image_url height"] = splash_image_url.height === 960;
tests["home_image_url width"] = home_image_url.width === 640;
tests["home_image_url height"] = home_image_url.height === 960;
tests["login_image_url width"] = login_image_url.width === 640;
tests["login_image_url height"] = login_image_url.height === 960;
tests["register_image_url width"] = register_image_url.width === 640;
tests["register_image_url height"] = register_image_url.height === 960;
tests["splash_logo_url width"] = splash_logo_url.width === 310;
tests["splash_logo_url height"] = splash_logo_url.height === 80;
tests["bar_logo_url width"] = bar_logo_url.width === 155;
tests["bar_logo_url height"] = bar_logo_url.height === 40;
The problem is that sometimes when running the request all or some of the picture size verification fail. If I continue to manually run the same request again and again it will eventually show all the tests passed. This inconsistency makes the test unreliable.
I am missing something or doing something wrong? Is there a batter way to verify the picture size?
Very nice question, was a fun challenge. Thanks !
1. Your problem
The tests actually work after you manually run them a couple of times, because the images are cached at that point.
The main issue here, is that you are not waiting for images to actually load, before checking the properties associated with them.
2. Postman Test Results
I tried a proof of concept on this by waiting for the images to actually load and found out... that my tests were not actually being displayed either as passing or failing.
This was mainly due to the way tests are run. Postman uses eval in the context of the request (more or less).
in Evaluator.js # 111
if (command === "runcode") {
try {
var result = eval(code);
event.source.postMessage({'type': 'test_result', 'result': result, 'scriptType': scriptType}, event.origin);
catch(e) {
event.source.postMessage({'type': 'test_error', 'errorMessage': e.message, 'scriptType': scriptType}, event.origin);
Unfortunately for us, any sort of the callback logic will not get retroactively pushed back into the results chain.
2.1 Postman Secondary Test Results
It seems that posting a new set of results to event.source will not trigger a new set of results, but get completely discarded.
I have managed to find a workaround for this. Simply end the script with:
function postmanJetpacksSupportsOnlyOneResultPerTest()
event.source.postMessage({'type': 'test_result', 'result': tests, 'scriptType': 'test'}, event.origin);
throw 'ignore this. Enforcing failure on this test case, real values will come by manually calling *postmanJetpacksSupportsOnlyOneResultPerTest* when you are done with the test case.';
Then just call postmanJetpacksSupportsOnlyOneResultPerTest when all of your callbacks are done.
3. Postman Developers
I really hope you can somehow include the concept of promises. Example:
In the test runner:
var defered = new jQuery.Deferred();
tests['before timeout'] = true;
setTimeout(function() {
tests['on timeout'] = true;
}, 500);
tests['after timeout'] = true;
return defered.promise();
In Evaluator.js # 113:
var result = eval(code);
if (result.promise instanceof Function) {
result.then(function(result) {
event.source.postMessage({'type': 'test_result', 'result': result, 'scriptType': scriptType}, event.origin);
} else {
event.source.postMessage({'type': 'test_result', 'result': result, 'scriptType': scriptType}, event.origin);
4. An example
// handlers
var waiting = 0;
function errorHandler() {
tests[ + ' load'] = false;
function successHandler() {
tests[ + ' load'] = true;
tests[ + ' width'] = this.image.width == this.width;
tests[ + ' height'] = this.image.height == this.height;
// test case kind of
function createImageTest(name, url, width, height)
// create image tag
var image = document.createElement('img');
// set the name = name;
// set error handlers
image.onerror = errorHandler.bind({
image: image
image.onload = successHandler.bind({
image: image,
width: width,
height: height
// finally attach the src
image.src = url;
// waiting on either a fail or a load
// the actual test cases
createImageTest('stackexchange logo', '', 223, 52);
createImageTest('stackoverflow logo', '', 240, 500);
// wait for all callbacks finished
(function checkFinished(){
// still images to process
if (waiting) {
// check back in another 0.1 seconds
return setTimeout(checkFinished, 100);
// ready to send result
// the hack from #2.1
function postmanJetpacksSupportsOnlyOneResultPerTest()
event.source.postMessage({'type': 'test_result', 'result': tests, 'scriptType': 'test'}, event.origin);
throw 'ignore this. Enforcing failure on this test case, real values will come from init...';

In UnityScript, why does GUI not get called within hit on collider?

I'm trying to print out text when a user touches a sprite, however, even though I get no errors when building and running the code, the code refuses to printout the text and I cannot understand what I am doing wrong. Please help me understand why it does not print.
It prints the debug text when I touch the sprite, but not the GUI text with total.
This is the code:
#pragma strict
function Start () {
function OnGUI(){
//var total = 0;
//GUI.Label( myRect, total.ToString() ); // Displays "10".
//GUI.Label( myRect, "" + bullets ); // Displays "10".
// GUI.Label(Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height),"Total:"+total);
//function Update () {
var platform : RuntimePlatform = Application.platform;
function Update(){
if(platform == RuntimePlatform.Android || platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer){
if(Input.touchCount > 0) {
if(Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Began){
}else if(platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor){
if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) {
function checkTouch(pos){
var total = 0;
var wp : Vector3 = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(pos);
var touchPos : Vector2 = new Vector2(wp.x, wp.y);
var hit = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(touchPos);
//total = total +1;
You cannot put a gui item outside the OnGUI Method. You need to set a boolean to turn on the label.
Something along these lines.
GUI.Label ....
labelbool = true;
