No exception of type DataAccessException - spring

I have no idea what is going on right now with my project, when I try to use the command mvn clean package. I get this error of
incorrect classpath: /Users/myname/.m2/repository/org/springframework/spring-core/5.2.7.RELEASE/spring-core-5.2.7.RELEASE.jar
[ERROR] No exception of type DataAccessException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
Im not sure what this means really as when I go to my .m2 folder I have the required spring-core jar it is talking about so I don't understand how the classpath is wrong and why it cannot use the DataAccessException.
I have tried to delete my .m2 folder and redownload the dependencies but that didnt work. I even tried cloning the remote repo again into a new local repo to see if I can launch the master branch but the new repo is getting the same error....
Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening and how I can fix this? Im a junior and this is stumping me really bad


Gradle could not resolve org.springframework.vault:spring-vault-core

I have a project that adopts Spring Vault to fetch credential. Dependencies of the project are as following and build.gradle file is generated automatically afterwards.
When I build the project I got the error
Could not resolve
Possible solution:
Declare repository providing the artifact, see the documentation at
I have checked the libraries by going to the Project Structures and got the weird thing
The weird thing I mean here is about the path of the jar file. It should be something like
How can I fix this issue in IntelliJ?
When you get an error about could not resolve dependencies in gradle, then there are several things you need to check.
Proxy settings (should be inside
Permission for creating directories (particularly in %GRADLE_HOME%\caches\modules-2\files-2.1)
For the problem of proxy setting, simply set values for the following fields inside
For the problem of permission, try creating directories with the name of dependencies cannot be resolved, for example, org.springframework.vault at %GRADLE_HOME%\caches\modules-2\files-2.1. If you got permission denied or simply cannot create, then please contact your IT support!

Spark Cassandra NoClassDefFoundError guava/cache/CacheLoader

Running Cassandra 2.2.8, Win7, JDK8, Spark2, HAve thse in the CP: Cassandra core 3.12, spark-cassandra-2.11, Spark-cassandra-java-2.11, Spark2.11, spark-network-common_2.11, Guava-16.0.jar, sacala2.11.jar, etc
Trying to run a basic example- compiles fine, but when when I try to run- at the first line itself get error:
SparkConf conf = new SparkConf();
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/spark_project/guava/cache/CacheLoader
Missing spark-network-common is supposed to cause this error - but I do have it. Any conflicting jars?
So the answer is: don't exactly know the answer but the problem was solved. Used the the pom and created a maven project in eclipse. it brought in several (dozen) jars and it finally worked. So likely some conflicting/missing jar - tried to look into it- hard to figure out.
Maybe you should check the repository. To check the whether jar with the lastupdated .If it has lastupdated, and then del those files. And download again.

Groovy install HTTPBuilder now that Codehaus shutdown?

I'm a groovy n00b and trying to use http-builder, but ALL of the examples on the web just reference the same #Grab statement which doesn't work. I assume it is because isn't hosting groovy stuff anymore. I've tried downloading the source from github and building it with Maven, but the build fails.
How and where am I supposed to get httpbuilder for groovy?
Things I've already tried:
Deleting the grapes directory from this post didn't work.
I got this code snippet from this other post, but it doesn't work for me either.
#Grab(group='org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', module='http-builder', version='0.7' )
def http = new'')
println http
Here is the error in the IntelliJ console:
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
General error during conversion: Error grabbing Grapes --
[download failed: xerces#xercesImpl;2.9.1!xercesImpl.jar,
download failed: xml-apis#xml-apis;1.3.04!xml-apis.jar]
Tried running it from the command line, still same error message.
Tried grab artifacts in IntelliJ, but that failed too:
I wondered if it was Mac related, and bingo. I uploaded this script to my CentOS server and it ran just fine. There is something related to MacOSX+groovy that is causing the problem.
Got it! It looks like it was the maven cache that was the problem.
I found the solution on this page:
rm -rf ~/.m2/repository ~/.groovy/grapes
I had previously tried removing the ~/.groovy/grapes cache, but that didn't fix the problem. Removing the ~/.m2/repository is what actually did it for me.
This works fine from the groovy console and from the command line.
The http-builder project is hosted on Maven Central.
Grab will actually use JCenter, but JCenter mirrors Maven Central so this resolution works.
Not sure why you would have trouble resolving transitive dependencies... it may be that you are using a proxy, for example... could also be your settings for Maven or Ivy... Check the Groovy Grapes documentation to see if you might inadvertently have something configured that causes this problem.
Also, try from groovyConsole or the command-line to rule out some conflicts within IntelliJ.
From IntelliJ, point to the Grab annotation and hit Alt+Enter. Then select grab artifacts and Enter.
It should work (works for me) and you should be able to run the script without problems.
If it complains about Ivy not being in the classpath, just add Ivy to the module dependencies and it will work.

Build Error while building aperturejs

I am trying to build aperturejs with instructions.
I cloned the repository and tried the command mvn clean install in the root directory of ApertureJs.
I got the following Build Error as in the screenshot,
I am using the latest version of Maven - 3.3.9
Thanks in advance.
By reading the error in your console, I could feel that you are not authorized to access the particular repository, which is shown in your console.
Copy the repository url and try it from a browser - hope you will not be able to access the repository, since you are not authorized.
Raise appropriate access and after getting access, then try mvn clean install.
Below is the Quick fix till the time you get the access:
Copy and Paste the respective jar/pom/folder from your colleague machine, in your .m2/repository/...
Run the mvn clean install with -o option so that it will look into your local repository for building your application
Thank you. The issue is solved. I posted this issue to Uncharted Software's Salt Repository and exactly like Clement Said, I was trying to access a repository that no more has access publicly. Therefore they gave a workaround.
It is available here ->
Thanks a lot.

The code change is not reflecting in the Jar

I've applied a git patch on my local repository to get some changes from my fellow-developer. The patch was successfully applied, and I see the changes to the java files.
I did a 'mvn clean install' on the project, it did build successfully but the changes is not visible to another java class which depends on the new changes(this jar).
When I extracted the jar and decompiled the class file I found the changes are not part of the compiled class. Could not understand this behaviour.
in simple words .. the java files has got the new changes but the generated JAR does not have the changes.
Need some advice if someone has faced this issue.
Thankyou... Found the issue, the local git repo had an issue, there were hidden files in the same repo that was causing this issue, I deleted my local repo and re-cloned it, its working now.
