Gradle could not resolve org.springframework.vault:spring-vault-core - spring-boot

I have a project that adopts Spring Vault to fetch credential. Dependencies of the project are as following and build.gradle file is generated automatically afterwards.
When I build the project I got the error
Could not resolve
Possible solution:
Declare repository providing the artifact, see the documentation at
I have checked the libraries by going to the Project Structures and got the weird thing
The weird thing I mean here is about the path of the jar file. It should be something like
How can I fix this issue in IntelliJ?

When you get an error about could not resolve dependencies in gradle, then there are several things you need to check.
Proxy settings (should be inside
Permission for creating directories (particularly in %GRADLE_HOME%\caches\modules-2\files-2.1)
For the problem of proxy setting, simply set values for the following fields inside
For the problem of permission, try creating directories with the name of dependencies cannot be resolved, for example, org.springframework.vault at %GRADLE_HOME%\caches\modules-2\files-2.1. If you got permission denied or simply cannot create, then please contact your IT support!


maven directory not found in Jenkins?

I am doing auto deployment of Java Application using Maven and Jenkins, but it is getting failed.Here is the console output:
I have set the environment varaibles and also downloaded and configure all the required plugins. Need help to solve this issue.
First of all: Please copy/paste messages instead of using images.
Secondly, the message said that you probably misconfigured the directory for the settings.xml. The settings.xml is usually in the directory .m2 in the user directory, but it can also be supplied from somewhere else.

Adding Maven Dependencies to Ant

I'm trying to implement adding maven dependencies to my ant build using this article. I beleive I have everything set up as indicated by the article but since it is not working I must be missing something. I am getting this error:
Could not load definitions from resource org/apache/maven/artifact/ant/antlib.xml. It could not be found.
My searches for this error seem to imply I an missing maven-ant-tasks-2.1.3.jar. However, it is in the path indicated by the classpath. Can someone help be debug this? TIA.
I found at least part of the problem. I had the wrong file name in the classpath. It was maven-ant-tasks.jar and it should have been maven-ant-tasks-2.1.3.jar.
Unfortunately I now have a different problem which I think implies a corrupt jar file.
Unable to obtain resource from /usr/build/lib/maven-ant-tasks-2.1.3.jar: error in opening zip file
Downloading the jar file again did not help.
Never mind. Apparently the Apache maven web site has a corrupt version. I downloaded it from the mvnrepository and that worked.

How to download dependencies using Bazel?

I am new to Bazel. I need to download external dependency jar files using Bazel. Where to configure to download external jar files. I tried to add jar files in BUILD and WORKSPACE files , but not working.
Workspace file
Build file
srcs = glob([""]),
The logical mistake you have there is that the workspace name (flink-java) is illegal see here and here. What is needed is to change the - to _ in maven_jar and of course the reference in the bind.
Two more mistakes you had in the above were:
In the artifact coordinates you wrote filnk-java when you needed flink-java
The mvnrepository URL you used doesn't seem to be legal. I tried a few variants but couldn't get it to work. Additionally from the site they seem to link downloads to Maven Central itself so I'm not sure they server the jars. Having said that since Bazel fallbacks to Maven Central I just omitted the maven_server and the build passes. If you need help with the maven_server part and you need to use a private Maven repository please double check the URL first.
PS: It would have really helped if you added to your question the Bazel outputs since I needed to create my own workspace to know what were the problems you encountered.

Unable to build maven project, pom.xml file not found

We recently lost (i.e they died after SAN failure) build VMs for an inhouse application. Unfortunately, these VMs were never backed up.
The devs that set this environment up have moved on and now I'm trying get these VMs going again as mods are required to this inhouse application. I'm a sys admin not a developer and this is proving harder than I thought...
The VMs that died were a TeamCity server and an Artifactory server.
I've built a new VM with both TeamCity and Artifactory (it should be lightly loaded enough to handle it). I have TeamCity talking to the git repo but when I try and build the project, I get
Non-readable POM /srv/teamcity/10.0.4/buildAgent/work/b20d5a085d491430/webview/pom.xml: /srv/teamcity/10.0.4/buildAgent/work/b20d5a085d491430/webview/pom.xml (No such file or directory)
Looking on the file system, indeed there is no pom.xml file at /srv/teamcity/10.0.4/buildAgent/work/b20d5a085d491430/webview. There is however a pom.xml file in /srv/teamcity/10.0.4/buildAgent/work/b20d5a085d491430.
Any pointers on how to get Maven to look one directory up for this file?
Apologies all, I just found that I hadn't correctly defined the "VCS Root", I done that now and am getting further although the project still doesn't build. I'll poke it some more and see how I go.
I just found that I hadn't correctly defined the "VCS Root".
I faced similar issue. Solution is: Please check the module name in parent POM and child pom, both name should be same.
Adding to that Teamcity build using maven thrown me same kind of error with the below message
The project (/opt/buildagent/work/d1df6864f98d2599/pom.xml) has 1 error
Non-readable POM /opt/buildagent/work/d1df6864f98d2599/pom.xml: /opt/buildagent/work/d1df6864f98d2599/pom.xml (No such file or directory)
for me it solved by creating VCSRoot configuration

Groovy install HTTPBuilder now that Codehaus shutdown?

I'm a groovy n00b and trying to use http-builder, but ALL of the examples on the web just reference the same #Grab statement which doesn't work. I assume it is because isn't hosting groovy stuff anymore. I've tried downloading the source from github and building it with Maven, but the build fails.
How and where am I supposed to get httpbuilder for groovy?
Things I've already tried:
Deleting the grapes directory from this post didn't work.
I got this code snippet from this other post, but it doesn't work for me either.
#Grab(group='org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', module='http-builder', version='0.7' )
def http = new'')
println http
Here is the error in the IntelliJ console:
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
General error during conversion: Error grabbing Grapes --
[download failed: xerces#xercesImpl;2.9.1!xercesImpl.jar,
download failed: xml-apis#xml-apis;1.3.04!xml-apis.jar]
Tried running it from the command line, still same error message.
Tried grab artifacts in IntelliJ, but that failed too:
I wondered if it was Mac related, and bingo. I uploaded this script to my CentOS server and it ran just fine. There is something related to MacOSX+groovy that is causing the problem.
Got it! It looks like it was the maven cache that was the problem.
I found the solution on this page:
rm -rf ~/.m2/repository ~/.groovy/grapes
I had previously tried removing the ~/.groovy/grapes cache, but that didn't fix the problem. Removing the ~/.m2/repository is what actually did it for me.
This works fine from the groovy console and from the command line.
The http-builder project is hosted on Maven Central.
Grab will actually use JCenter, but JCenter mirrors Maven Central so this resolution works.
Not sure why you would have trouble resolving transitive dependencies... it may be that you are using a proxy, for example... could also be your settings for Maven or Ivy... Check the Groovy Grapes documentation to see if you might inadvertently have something configured that causes this problem.
Also, try from groovyConsole or the command-line to rule out some conflicts within IntelliJ.
From IntelliJ, point to the Grab annotation and hit Alt+Enter. Then select grab artifacts and Enter.
It should work (works for me) and you should be able to run the script without problems.
If it complains about Ivy not being in the classpath, just add Ivy to the module dependencies and it will work.
