Can a table with 1000 rows be sqooped on the primary key with a single mapper?
I'm looking for a way to modify a parquet data table in HIVE to remove some fields. The table is managed but it doesn't matter because I can convert it to external.
The problem is that I can not use the command ALTER TABLE ... REPLACE COLUMN with partitioned parquet tables.
It is works well for textfile format (partitioned or not) and only for non-partitioned parquet tables.
I've tried to replace column but this is the result:
hive> ALTER TABLE db_test.mytable REPLACE COLUMNS(name String);
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask.
Replacing columns cannot drop columns for table db_test.mytable.
SerDe may be incompatible
I've thought about some solutions, but none of them fits my scenario:
- [Optional] Convert the table in external.
- Delete the table.
- Re-create the table with the fields that I want.
- MSCK REPAIR TABLE to add HDFS partitions.
- [Optional] Convert back to managed table.
- Create temporary table as selection of the original table with the fields that I choose.
- Delete the original table.
- Rename the temporary table to the original name.
Both options affect my process because I would lose the statistics of my table. This table is consumed with MicroStrategy by Impala and I need to mantain the statistics.
In addition, the second solution is bad with very large data tables.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
You can use first method and then run
hive> anayze table <db_name>.<table_name> compute statistics;
to compute all the statistics of the table.
We have a HBase table with 1 column family and has 1.5 billion records in it.
HBase Row count was retrieved using command
"count '<tablename>'", {CACHE => 1000000}.
And HBase to Hive Mapping was done with the below command.
create external table stagingdata(
rowkey String,
col1 String,
col2 String
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
'hbase.columns.mapping' = ':key,
TBLPROPERTIES('' = 'hbase_staging_data');
But While we retrieve the Hive Row Count using the below command,
select count(*) from stagingdata;
It only shows up 140 million rows in the Hive Mapped Table.
We have tried the similar approach for Smaller HBase with 100 million records and complete records were shown up in Hive Mapped Table.
My Question is why the complete 1.5 billion records are not showing up in Hive?
Are we missing here anything ?
Your Immediate Answer would be highly appreciated.
What you see in hive is the latest version per key and not all the versions of a key
there is currently no way to access the HBase timestamp attribute, and
queries always access data with the latest timestamp.
Hive HBase Integration
I have stored the data in hdfs using Pig Multistorage with the column id.
So data stored as
Now I have created a partitioned table in hive and I want to load the data from /output folder into this partitioned table. Is there any way to achieve this?
First you create a temp hive table where you load all the data from pig output.
Then You load to your actual partitioned hive table from temp table.
Something like below:
FROM emp_external temp INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE emp_partition PARTITION(country) SELECT,,temp.dept,temp.sal,;
Else you can explore Hcatlog for this case.
not sure if you are looking to insert the data in the outputfolder (created from pig) to an existing table or loading the data in the output folder in to a new hive partitioned table.
If you want to load the data in to new hive table, you can create a new partitioned table pointing to the output folder
If you are looking to load the data into an existing hive table, then you can either create a temp table as #Aman mentioed and do a insert in to the destination table
You can just move/copy the files in the hdfs from output/ to hive table location.
Hope this helps
Assign a Hive schema to pig output location with partitioned columns (Alter table Add Partition) as column id. Now both are hive tables and you can use where clause over partitioned column to move over the data.
Here is a my scenario i have a data in hive warehouse and i want to export this data into a table named "sample" of "test" database in mysql. What happens if one column is primary key in sample.test and and the data in hive(which we are exporting) is having duplicate values under that key ,then obviously the job will fail , so how could i handle this kind of scenario ?
Thanks in Advance
If you want your mysql table to contain only the last row among the duplicates, you can use the following:
sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql://<*ip*>/test -table sample --username root -P --export-dir /user/hive/warehouse/sample --update-key <*primary key column*> --update-mode allowinsert
While exporting, Sqoop converts each row into an insert statement by default. By specifying --update-key, each row can be converted into an update statement. However, if a particular row is not present for update, the row is skipped by default. This can be overridden by using --update-mode allowinsert, which allows such rows to be converted into insert statements.
Beforing performing export operation ,massage your data by removing duplicates from primary key. Take distinct on that primary column and then export to mysql.
I have a partitioned Hive table that i want to load in a Pig script and would like to add partition as column also.
How can I do that?
Table definition in Hive:
column1 string,
column2 string
LOCATION '/path';
Pig script:
%default INPUT_PATH '/path'
USING PigStorage('|')
AS (
The datestamp column is not populated. Why is it so?
I am sorry I didn't get the part which says add partition as column also. Once created, partition keys behave like regular columns. What exactly do you need?
And you are loading the data directly from a given HDFS location, not as a Hive table. If you intend to use Pig to load/store data from/into a Hive table you should use HCatalog.
For example :
A = LOAD 'transactions' USING org.apache.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader();