How to serialize and deserialize errors string in go - go

In the context of two go services sharing the same types, one client post a json to a server:
type Message struct {
Error string `json:"error"`
The client should serialize an error into a string.
The server should deserialize that string into an error on which I can use errors.As or errors.Is to check for wrapped errors and such.
How may I serialize nested errors ?

Let me share with you some thoughts that maybe can guide you in the right direction.
errors.Is and errors.As
These two operators deal with the error type. The common scenario they are used when you've to deal with an error returned by a function and, based on which type of error it is, take some actions. If you're returning just a string from a function, it's almost impossible to invoke errors.Is and errors.As unless you do some extra logic to handle the string.
A simple workaround
If you wanna preserve a hierarchical structure for your errors without having to flatten them, you could follow this approach:
package main
import (
type RecursiveErr struct {
Message string `json:"Message"`
Err error `json:"error"`
func (r RecursiveErr) Error() string {
return r.Message
func main() {
// recursive - marshal
childErr := RecursiveErr{Message: "leaf-child error"}
parentErr := RecursiveErr{Message: "root error", Err: &childErr}
data, _ := json.MarshalIndent(&parentErr, "", "\t")
// recursive - unmarshal
var parsedParentErr RecursiveErr
json.Unmarshal(data, &parsedParentErr)
This solution has the following benefits:
You can preserve the hierarchical structure of your errors (parent-child relationship)
You can invoke the errors.Is and errors.As on the Err field.
As it's an uncommon scenario for me, I hope to not be off-topic with your request, let me know!


Return error from deferred function when error is already returned

Update: I think now that there is no universal answer to this question. We can return both errors using the technique explained in the answer. I think that the most important thing here is not to forget the case when we have two errors and somehow handle it.
Notes: There are many questions on SO about how to return an error from deferred function. This is not a question here.
(In Go) What is the proper way to return an error from a deferred function when the function is already returning an error. For example
func errorMaker() (err error) {
defer func() {
err = errors.New("Deferred error")
err = errors.New("Some error")
func main() {
err := errorMaker()
fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)
In the code above the error returned by the deferred function overwrites the error returned by the function. What is the canonical way to return both errors? If another programmer uses my function what result might she expect from the function when the function returns 'two errors'?
Should I use Error wrapping for this?
Additional notes:
As #Volker says in his comment I write some application specific handling for this error. Because I know what should be done based on nature of the errors.
I think my question is - if I want to return all errors from the function what is the best way to combine them in my scenario?
Disclaimer: I don't know if the following advice can be seen as "standard" or "widely-accepted".
Should I use Error wrapping for this?
Short answer: yes (I would do so).
Go 1.12 and earlier
What I do when I need my errors to convey some specific meaning, without foregoing the error interface, I create a wrapper that implements the error interface - Error() string -. This wrapper contains all extra information I need.
If the caller is aware of the existence of those extra info, it can unwrap the error with a cast and find those info.
With the added benefit that unaware callers can just handle the error as a generic error.
type MyError struct {
DeferredError error
// Implements 'error' interface
func (e MyError) Error() string {
// format to string
func someFunc() error {
// might return an instance of MyError
// Caller code
err := someFunc()
if err != nil {
if myErr, ok := err.(*MyError); ok {
// here you can access the wrapped info
} else {
// otherwise handle the error generically
Go 1.13 onwards
With Go.13 you can use errors.As to unwrap an error. From the official docs:
[The method] As finds the first error in err's chain that matches target, and if so, sets target to that error value and returns true. The chain consists of err itself followed by the sequence of errors obtained by repeatedly calling Unwrap.
var myErr *MyError
if errors.As(err, &myErr) {
// here you can access the wrapped info
} else {
// otherwise handle the error generically
As the docs say the myErr variable is populated as a side-effect of calling As.

Call function of specific type in Go

I'm a complete Go newbie, so sorry for the question in advance.
I'm trying to work with a so-defined interface to connect to a message broker:
// Broker is an interface used for asynchronous messaging.
type Broker interface {
Options() Options
Address() string
Connect() error
Disconnect() error
Init(...Option) error
Publish(string, *Message, ...PublishOption) error
Subscribe(string, Handler, ...SubscribeOption) (Subscriber, error)
String() string
// Handler is used to process messages via a subscription of a topic.
// The handler is passed a publication interface which contains the
// message and optional Ack method to acknowledge receipt of the message.
type Handler func(Publication) error
// Publication is given to a subscription handler for processing
type Publication interface {
Topic() string
Message() *Message
Ack() error
I'm trying to use the Subscribe-function to subscribe to a channel and thats the point where I'm struggeling right now.
My current approach is the following one:
func(p broker.Publication) {
The error output is cannot use func literal (type func(broker.Publication)) as type broker.Handler in argument to natsBroker.Subscribe.
But how do I ensure that the function type actually is a broker.Handler?
Thx for your time in advance!
In case anybody is interested, the error return type was missing which caused the error, so it should look similar to that:
broker.Handler(func(p broker.Publication) error {
return nil
As the error indicates, the parameter and what you're passing don't match:
type Handler func(Publication) error
func(p broker.Publication)
You have no return value. If you add a return value (even if you always return nil), it will work fine.
If your signature of your anonymous function matched that of the handler type declaration (Adrian correctly points out you're missing the error return), you should be able to just do a type conversion:
package main
import "fmt"
type Handler func(int) error
var a Handler
func main() {
a = Handler(func(i int) error {
return nil
func isHandler(h Handler) bool {
return true
Since the the compiler knows at compiler-time that the types match, there's no need to do additional checking, like you might in the case of, say, a type assertion.

How pass different structures to function?

I have several different structures.
Here show two:
type AdsResponse struct {
Body struct {
Docs []struct {
ID int `json:"ID"`
// others
} `json:"docs"`
} `json:"response"`
Header `json:"responseHeader"`
type OtherResponse struct {
Body struct {
Docs []struct {
ID int `json:"ID"`
// others
} `json:"docs"`
} `json:"response"`
Header `json:"responseHeader"`
but i don't know how i can do for this method accepts and return both.
func Get(url string, response Response) (Response, bool) {
res, err := goreq.Request{
Uri: url,
// several validations
return response, true
And use like this:
var struct1 AdsResponse
var struct2 OtherResponse
Get("someURL", struct1)
Get("someURL", struct2)
There are any form?
Your code example is somewhat confusing since both structs appear to be identical. I'll assume that they differ somewhere in "others".
First, I generally recommend creating a wrapper around these kinds of JSON deserializations. Working directly on the JSON structure is fragile. Most of your program should not be aware of the fact that the data comes down in JSON. So for instance, you can wrap this in an Ads struct that contains an AdsResponse, or just copies the pieces it cares about out of it. Doing that will also make some of the below slightly easier to implement and less fragile.
The most common solution is probably to create an interface:
type Response interface {
ID() int
You make both Ads and Others conform to Response. Then you can return Response. If necessary, you can type-switch later to figure out which one you have and unload other data.
switch response := response.(type) {
case Ads:
case Other:
I don't quite get why you have the reponse as a parameter and as a return. I think you dont need to return it. You should pass a pointer to the reponse and fill it with the data. Also, I'd return an Error instead of a boolean, but that is another topic.
Anyway, the solution is to use interface{} (empty interface).
You are lucky because the function you are using (FromJsonTo) accepts an empty interface as a parameter, so you can safely change your parameter type to interface{} and just pass it to FromJsonTo. Like this:
func Get(url string, response interface{}) bool {
res, err := goreq.Request{
Uri: url,
// several validations
return true
Warning: I did not compile the code.
Then you would call this function with the url and a pointer to one of the reponse structs like this:
var struct1 AdsResponse
var struct2 OtherResponse
Get("someURL", &struct1)
Get("someURL", &struct2)
The way to achieve this is through Go's interfaces.
Two options:
empty interface
Get(url string, response interface{}) (Response, bool)
This option allows any value to be given to this function.
custom interface
Creating a custom interface will allow you to narrow down the types that can be provided as arguments to your function.
In this case you'll have to create an interface that all your Response structs will need to abide by. Any struct really that abides by that interface will be able to be used as an argument of your function.
Something like this:
type MyResponse interface {
Then your function signature could look like
Get(url string, response MyResponse) (MyResponse, bool)
As long as AdsResponse and OtherResponse abide by the MyResponse interface, they will be allowed to be used as arguments to the function.
Follow the solution working at Go Playground
Go has no polymorphic or any other OO like behaviour, so, when you try to pass a AdsResponse or OtherResponse struct as an Response (or any interface{}), these values becomes an Response (or other param type specified), and is not possible to Go to infer the real type that originate these interface{} and correctly decode your json to these struct types as expected.
This kind of thing should works perfectly in OO languages, like Java, C# etc. There is no hierarchy generalization/specialization on structs/interfaces in Go.
You would need to do a type assertion in your Rest executor, or a switch case, but it seems that you need a generic REST executor, like a generic lib some thing like that. Would not reasonable create a switch case for each struct in your program. Maybe you have dozens or hundreds of structs soon.
I think that a reasonable solution is the rest client pass a lambda function to do the last step for your, that is just create a correct struct destination type and call json decode.
As i say above, the return type of executeRest() in my example will became an interface{}, but the rest client can securely do the type assertion of returned value after executeRest() call.

Create custom error with stack trace

I'm trying to use go-errors to include stack traces with errors I generate. I have a custom HttpError type that I also want to include stack traces. My initial thought was to do this with an embed, but I can't seem to embed it since the name of the class (Error) is the same as the name of one of the methods.
package netutil
import (
type HttpError struct {
status int
func (h *HttpError) Error() string {
return "Failed"
func NewHttpError(status int, message string) *HttpError {
return &HttpError{
I receive the following error:
tmp_error.go:12: type HttpError has both field and method named Error
Any suggestions?
Why not just name this inner error with something appropriate like inner-error or stack-trace?
type HttpError struct {
status int
StackTace *errors.Error
Seems to be fairly common practice in classes used for error handling in other languages/frameworks like .NET and Java.
Another option would be to concatenate your custom message with the inner error using fmt.Sprintf at the time you create the error, keeping it all as one.
errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("This proprietary error happened! Stack trace: %s", message));
If you did that you wouldn't implement func (h *HttpError) Error() since you'd be relying on the embedded error for this.

Why embedded structs are not decoded when there is an Unmarshal implementation?

I have a type ServiceAccount which embeds two other types (User and Policy). However it seems the fields of the User type are totally ignored due the Unmarshaler implementation of the Policy type.
Is there any good reason for this behaviour? It looks like a bug to me because the json package can see through reflection that we have two types embedded and not only the type Policy.
I'm aware that I can "fix" the issue by implementing the Unmarshaler interface on type ServiceAccount too.
package main
import (
type ServiceAccount struct {
type User struct {
UserID string `json:"userID"`
type Policy struct {
Scopes string `json:"scopes,omitempty"`
// PolicyRaw is the Policy type as received from client.
type PolicyRaw struct {
Scopes string `json:"scopes,omitempty"`
func main() {
s := `{"userID":"xyz", "scopes":"some scopes"}`
srvAcc := &ServiceAccount{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), srvAcc); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("srvAcc %v", *srvAcc)
func (p *Policy) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
pr := new(PolicyRaw)
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, pr); err != nil {
return err
p.Scopes = pr.Scopes
return nil
I don't think it's a bug but just just how interfaces and embedding works. It just happens not to be what you want/expect here.
json.Unmarshal figures out to use the UnmarshalJSON method via this line:
if u, ok := v.Interface().(Unmarshaler); ok
As you know, something implements an interface if it has the right method set which *Policy and *ServiceAccount do. So it's expected that JSON decoding of the the outer type would just call the appropriate method and think it's done.
Interestingly, if you were to experiment and add a dummy method such as:
func (u *User) UnmarshalJSON([]byte) error {return errors.New("not impl")}
then although *User and *Policy would now both implement the interface,
*ServiceAccount will no longer implement that interface. The reason is clear if you try and explicitly call srvAcc.UnmarshalJSON which would then give a compiler error of "ambiguous selector srvAcc.UnmarshalJSON". Without such a call the code is legal and the method is just excluded from the method set.
So I think the solution is one of:
Just don't embed things that implement json.Unmarshaller if you want to marshal the result, e.g. use a named field instead.
Make sure you explicitly implement json.Unmarshaller for the outer type yourself when doing such embedding (e.g. add an UnmarshalJSON method to *ServiceAccount).
Make sure at least two embedded things implement json.Unmarshaller and then they'll work individually¹ but the "outer" type will get the default behaviour.
The last option seems like a hack to me. (And btw could be done on purpose with something like:
type ServiceAccount struct {
type dummyMarshaller struct{}
func (dummyMarshaller) MarshalJSON([]byte) error {panic("ouch")}
but that looks really hacky to me).
See also:
¹ Further testing shows that decoding such anonymous (i.e. embedded fields), that their UnmarshalJSON methods do not get called.
