Add metadata when creating file in alfresco from java - spring-boot

I want to add to a file custom metadata when i create the file from java.
I can add some propperties i copy from the page i saw the tutorial but i cannot add more.
This is my code:
Map<String, Object> properties2 = new HashMap<String, Object>();
properties2.put(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, "cmis:document");
properties2.put(PropertyIds.NAME, file.getOriginalFilename());
properties2.put("propertyName", "propertyValue");
And this is the error i am getting:
Property 'propertyName' is not valid for this type or one of the secondary types!

I don't know which function did you use for creation new "file", but properly is use nodeService.createNode(). Or if you want to only add properties nodeService.setProperties().
Parameter properties is type Map<QName,Serializable> not Map<String, Object>. So code then can look like this:
Map<QName, Serializable> properties = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>();
properties.put(ContentModel.PROP_TITLE, "My title");
properties.put(ContentModel.PROP_DESCRIPTION, "My description");
properties.put(QName.createQName("", "my_property"), "My value");
It's good to have all own QName in separate file called Model. Take inspiration here


Can't generate jasper report on spring

I am trying to generate a PDF file using JasperReports, however, regardless of how I try it, it's giving me a NullPointerException.
Tried looking there, and changed the jasper properties file, but it didn't do anything and i'm still getting the same error.
Tried absolute paths, relative paths, getting resource as stream, nothing
This is the code i'm using to generate the report
public String generateInvoiceFor (Reservation reservation) throws JRException {
JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport("I:\\anoranzaHopefullyFinal\\src\\main\\resources\\jasper\\FacturaFinalFinal.jrxml");
List<Reservation> reservations = reservationService.getAll();
JRBeanCollectionDataSource jrBeanCollectionDataSource = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(reservations);
Map<String,Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
parameters.put("Idparam", reservation.getId());
JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters, jrBeanCollectionDataSource);
JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint, "jasper/jasperOutput/Factura.pdf");
return "Report successfully generated #path= jasper/jasperOutput/";
Check your datasource and jasperPrint. If there is no problem try this.
JRPdfExporter exporter = new JRPdfExporter();
exporter.setExporterInput(new SimpleExporterInput(jasperPrint));
new SimpleOutputStreamExporterOutput("PDF NAME IS HERE.pdf"));
SimplePdfReportConfiguration reportConfig
= new SimplePdfReportConfiguration();
SimplePdfExporterConfiguration exportConfig
= new SimplePdfExporterConfiguration();
exportConfig.setMetadataAuthor("Auth name is here");

How to read flat file header and body separately in Spring Batch

i'm doing a simple batch job with Spring Batch and Spring Boot.
I need to read a flat file, separate the header data (first line) from the body data (rest of lines) for individual business logic processing and then write everything into a single file.
As you can see, the header has 5 params that have to be mapped to one class, and the body has 12 which have to be mapped to a different one.
I first thought of using FlatFileItemReader and skip the header. Then use the skippedLinesCallback to handle that line, but i couldn't figure out how to do it.
I'm new to Spring Batch and Java Config. If someone can help me writing a solution for my problem i would really aprecciate it!
I leave here the input file:
01.01.2017|12345678231234|0002342434|BORGIA RUBEN|27-32548987-9|FA|A|2062-
01.01.2017|12345673201234|2342434|ALVAREZ ESTHER|27-32533987-9|FA|A|2062-
01.01.2017|12345673201234|0002342434|LOPEZ LUCRECIA|27-32553387-9|FA|A|2062-
01.01.2017|12345672301234|0002342434|SILVA JESUS|27-32558657-9|NC|A|2062-
This would be my first attepmt . My "body" POJO is called DetalleFacturacion and my "header" POJO is CabeceraFacturacion. The reader I thought to do it with DetalleFacturacion pojo, so i can skip the header and treat it later... however i'm not sure how to assign header's data into CabeceraFacturacion.
public FlatFileItemReader<DetalleFacturacion> readerDetalleFacturacion(){
FlatFileItemReader<DetalleFacturacion> reader = new FlatFileItemReader<>();
reader.setResource(new ClassPathResource("/inputFiles/GLEO-MN170100-PROCESO01-SUBDFACT-000001.txt"));
DefaultLineMapper<DetalleFacturacion> detalleLineMapper = new DefaultLineMapper<>();
DelimitedLineTokenizer tokenizerDet = new DelimitedLineTokenizer("|");
tokenizerDet.setNames(new String[] {"fechaEmision", "tipoDocumento", "letra", "nroComprobante",
"nroCliente", "razonSocial", "cuit", "montoNetoGP", "montoNetoG3",
"montoExento", "impuestos", "montoTotal"});
LineCallbackHandler skippedLineCallback = new LineCallbackHandler() {
public void handleLine(String line) {
String[] headerSeparado = line.split("|");
String printDate = headerSeparado[0];
String reportIdentifier = headerSeparado[1];
String tituloReporte = headerSeparado[2];
String fechaDesde = headerSeparado[3];
String fechaHasta = headerSeparado[4];
CabeceraFacturacion cabeceraFacturacion = new CabeceraFacturacion();
detalleLineMapper.setFieldSetMapper(new DetalleFieldSetMapper());
// Test to check if it is saving correctly data in CabeceraFacturacion
CabeceraFacturacion cabeceraFacturacion = new CabeceraFacturacion();
System.out.println("Print Date:"+cabeceraFacturacion.getPrintDate());
System.out.println("Report Identif:
return reader;
You are correct . You need to use skippedLinesCallback to handle skip lines.
You need to implement LineCallbackHandler interface and add you processing in handleLine method.
LineCallbackHandler Interface passes the raw line content of the lines in the file to be skipped. If linesToSkip is set to 2, then this interface is called twice.
This is how you can define Reader for the same.
Java Config - Spring Batch 4
public FlatFileItemReader<POJO> myReader() {
return FlatFileItemReader<pojo>().
.setResource(new FileSystemResource("resources/players.csv"));

Is there a way to create multiple instances of CacheManager in Microsoft Enterprise Library, programatically without depending on configuration file

We are trying to migrate to use Microsoft Enterprise Library - Caching block. However, cache manager initialization seems to be pretty tied to the config file entries and our application creates inmemory "containers" on the fly. Is there anyway by which an instance of cache manager can be instantiated on the fly using pre-configured set of values (inmemory only).
Enterprise Library 5 has a fluent configuration which makes it easy to programmatically configure the blocks. For example:
var builder = new ConfigurationSourceBuilder();
var configSource = new DictionaryConfigurationSource();
= EnterpriseLibraryContainer.CreateDefaultContainer(configSource);
Unfortunately, it looks like you need to configure the entire block at once so you wouldn't be able to add CacheManagers on the fly. (When I call ConfigureCaching() twice on the same builder an exception is thrown.) You can create a new ConfigurationSource but then you lose your previous configuration. Perhaps there is a way to retrieve the existing configuration, modify it (e.g. add a new CacheManager) and then replace it? I haven't been able to find a way.
Another approach is to use the Caching classes directly.
The following example uses the Caching classes to instantiate two CacheManager instances and stores them in a static Dictionary. No configuration required since it's not using the container. I'm not sure it's a great idea -- it feels a bit wrong to me. It's pretty rudimentary but hopefully helps.
public static Dictionary<string, CacheManager> caches = new Dictionary<string, CacheManager>();
static void Main(string[] args)
IBackingStore backingStore = new NullBackingStore();
ICachingInstrumentationProvider instrProv = new CachingInstrumentationProvider("myInstance", false, false,
new NoPrefixNameFormatter());
Cache cache = new Cache(backingStore, instrProv);
BackgroundScheduler bgScheduler = new BackgroundScheduler(new ExpirationTask(null, instrProv), new ScavengerTask(0,
int.MaxValue, new NullCacheOperation(), instrProv), instrProv);
CacheManager cacheManager = new CacheManager(cache, bgScheduler, new ExpirationPollTimer(int.MaxValue));
cacheManager.Add("test1", "value1");
caches.Add("cache1", cacheManager);
cacheManager = new CacheManager(new Cache(backingStore, instrProv), bgScheduler, new ExpirationPollTimer(int.MaxValue));
cacheManager.Add("test2", "value2");
caches.Add("cache2", cacheManager);
public class NullCacheOperation : ICacheOperations
public int Count { get { return 0; } }
public Hashtable CurrentCacheState { get { return new System.Collections.Hashtable(); } }
public void RemoveItemFromCache(string key, CacheItemRemovedReason removalReason) {}
If expiration and scavenging policies are the same perhaps it might be better to create one CacheManager and then use some intelligent key names to represent the different "containers". E.g. the key name could be in the format "{container name}:{item key}" (assuming that a colon will not appear in a container or key name).
You can using UnityContainer:
IUnityContainer unityContainer = new UnityContainer();
IContainerConfigurator configurator = new UnityContainerConfigurator(unityContainer);
IContainerConfigurator configurator2 = new UnityContainerConfigurator(unityContainer);
// here you can access both MyCache1 and MyCache2:
var cache1 = unityContainer.Resolve<ICacheManager>("MyCache1");
var cache2 = unityContainer.Resolve<ICacheManager>("MyCache2");
And this is an extension class for IContainerConfigurator:
public static void ConfigureCache(this IContainerConfigurator configurator, string configKey)
ConfigurationSourceBuilder builder = new ConfigurationSourceBuilder();
DictionaryConfigurationSource configSource = new DictionaryConfigurationSource();
// simple inmemory cache configuration
EnterpriseLibraryContainer.ConfigureContainer(configurator, configSource);
Using this you should manage an static IUnityContainer object and can add new cache, as well as reconfigure existing caching setting anywhere you want.

Framework for generating BPEL in runtime?

I need to generate BPEL XML code in runtime. The only way I can do it now is to create XML document with "bare hands" using DOM API. But there must be a framework that could ease such work incorporating some kind of object model.
I guess it should look something like this:
Do you know any?
The Eclipse BPEL designer project provides an EMF model for BPEL 2.0. The generated code can be used to programmatically create BPEL code with a convenient API.
In case anyone stumbles upon this.
Yes this can be done using the BPEL Model.
Here is a sample piece of code which generates a quite trivial BPEL file:
public Process createBPEL()
Process process = null;
BPELFactory factory = BPELFactory.eINSTANCE;
ResourceSet rSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
.put("bpel", new BPELResourceFactoryImpl());
File file = new File("myfile.bpel");
String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
AdapterRegistry.INSTANCE.registerAdapterFactory( BPELPackage.eINSTANCE, BasicBPELAdapterFactory.INSTANCE );
Resource resource = rSet.createResource(URI.createFileURI(filePath));
process = factory.createProcess();
Sequence seq = factory.createSequence();
Receive recieve = factory.createReceive();
PortType portType = new PortTypeProxy(URI.createURI("http://baseuri"), new QName("qname"));
Operation operation = new OperationProxy(URI.createURI("http://localhost"), portType , "operation_name");
Invoke invoke = factory.createInvoke();
While whiles = factory.createWhile();
If if_st = factory.createIf();
List<Activity> activs = new ArrayList<Activity>();
Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("bpel", "");
map.put("xsd", "");;
catch(Exception e)
return process;
The dependencies require that you add the following jars to the project's build path from the plugins folder in eclipse installation directory:

Creation of Dynamic Entities in MS CRM 4.0

I am trying to create a new contact using Dynamic Entity. The sample i found in CRM SDK had this code.
// Set the properties of the contact using property objects.
StringProperty firstname = new StringProperty();
firstname.Name = "firstname";
firstname.Value = "Jesper";
StringProperty lastname = new StringProperty();
lastname.Name = "lastname";
lastname.Value = "Aaberg";
// Create the DynamicEntity object.
DynamicEntity contactEntity = new DynamicEntity();
// Set the name of the entity type.
contactEntity.Name =;
// Set the properties of the contact.
contactEntity.Properties = new Property[] {firstname, lastname};
In my code i have the following implementation.
StringProperty sp_Field1 = new StringProperty("Field1","Value1");
StringProperty sp_Field2 = new StringProperty("Field2","Value1");
CrmService service = new CrmService();
service.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
// Create the DynamicEntity object.
DynamicEntity contactEntity = new DynamicEntity();
// Set the name of the entity type.
contactEntity.Name =;
// Set the properties of the contact.
contactEntity.Properties = new Property[] {sp_Field1,sp_Field2};
I don't see much differences in the code. In the examples i found in the internet i have the same implementation as i found in SDK. But if i run the same i get the following error
CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.StringProperty' to 'Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.PropertyCollection'
I tried created a new variable of type PropertyCollection(one that belongs in mscrm namespace) and added the stringpropertys into that and passed it to the entity.
Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.PropertyCollection propTest = new Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.PropertyCollection();
contactEntity.Properties = new Property[] {propTest};
This gave me the following error
CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.PropertyCollection' to 'Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Property'
I am sure its a minor typecasting error but i am not able to figure out where the error is. And moreover, even if it was a typecasting error why is it working for all the samples given in the internet and not for me. I tried getting the code sample to run but i am encountering the same conversion error. Please let me know if you need more info on this, any help on this would be appreciated.
Here is an article from Microsoft that makes an attempt to discuss this topic:
This is not a bug that you are running into but more of a difference in design between the way the two assemblies work and what they are designed to do.
If you want to continue to use the Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.dll you should be able to accomplish your goal with the following...
StringProperty sp_Field1 = new StringProperty("Field1","Value1");
StringProperty sp_Field2 = new StringProperty("Field2","Value1");
CrmService service = new CrmService();
service.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
// Create the DynamicEntity object.
DynamicEntity contactEntity = new DynamicEntity();
// Set the name of the entity type.
contactEntity.Name =;
// Set the properties of the contact.
PropertyCollection properties = new PropertyCollection();
contactEntity.Properties = properties;
Thanks SaaS Developer, that code is working fine now. One more way of doing it would be to directly add the StringProperty to the entity property collection.
Thanks again for replying :)
I believe the issue is that you are referencing the dynamic entity class in the Microsoft.Crm.Sdk assembly. The sample in the SDK is using a reference to the CRM web service. This can get confusing as both assemblies contain many of the same types, however they are different.
