Prevent Visual Studio Code from opening up when Open in Terminal option is selected - macos

When I right click on a folder in the path bar and select the Open in Terminal option a VS Code window pops up instead of the classical terminal window. If I delete VS Code then the action is performed correctly and the terminal opens up. How do I disable this extremely annoying feature of VS Code?
My mac runs Ventura 13.1 and VS Code version is 1.74.3


Visual Studio Code: Text and cursor position are not correct

I'm experiencing a strange behavior from the integrated visual studio code console. The text is not well-formatted and the cursor is not well-positioned:
Software versions:
Windows 10 Pro;
Visual studio Code 1.55.2;
I already tried:
Close the visual studio code and open again;
closing all instances of integrated terminals and opened them again;
Use cmd instead of powershell.
After some tests, I finally found out the PowerShell was selected as the default terminal profile. After changing it to Command Prompt, the feel and look were back to normal.
Follow the steps to change the default terminal profile:
Open the select box on the top corner of the terminal;
Choose the options "Select Default Profile";
Then select Command Prompt.

How do I "open a new terminal" for the NODE and NPM tools to be on my PATH?

I am learning the basics of Visual Studio Code. I am reading the first node.js tutorial. Having successfully installed node.js already, I am stuck at the next sentence that says:
You'll need to open a new terminal (command prompt) for the node and npm command line tools to be on your PATH.
First open the project on Visual studio code then click on View link this will displayed on top left side on your visual code and select the Terminal it will open the power shell and this is on your same directory that you are using...
or if you are using a system terminal or power shell then click command+t it will open the multiple terminals
Click on the "View" menu and select "Integrated Terminal". That will open a powershell or terminal (based on what operating system you are on), that is located att the same folder as the project you have opened.

What is the shortcut to open the Visual Studio Code integrated terminal on macbook?

I have been searching for the shortcut to open visual studio code Integrated Terminal on my macbook. In the menu it say ^` (shift 6 backtick) but this is not working on my mac. I am not sure how to make a new shortcut to open the integrated terminal.
^ denotes the control key. So it's ctrl-backtick.

Visual Studio 2015 Community not responding to mouse clicks

I have installed Visual Studio recently but I can't use it. The program opens but I can't click on anything. It looks like the whole window is inactive (gray icon and text in top left corner). I have tried to reinstall it, however, that doesn't work. And if I click on the window, a sound appears (but it's not the error one, probably a warning one). Any suggestions?
edit: I have to close it through task manager. I can't even close it by clicking on the VS 2015 icon at Windows bar and selecting "close program" item in menu
edit2: If I click on the VS2015 window and then type on my keyboard, the weird "dong" sound appears. Same if I just click on the window. However, sometimes I can navigate using keyboard and therefore open window for starting new project. In this window I can use mouse absolutely normally, however, if I click on the OK button, the window quickly close and reopen again. It won't create a new project. So I'm still stuck on the welcome screen.
edit3: Another interesting thing I found. Now when I click on the OK button this error message appears. Should I reinstall it again (for 3rd time), and hope that this time it will be installed right?
PS: I'm sorry for my English - I'm not a native speaker
I had the same problem, it can't be solved by re-install VS2015. It was solved after I TRULY uninstall VS2015 by the tool:

Select code window after compiling

When I am working on a project and compiling all the time, it gets very annoying having to select the code window with the mouse each time after compiling, is there a keyboard shortcut in visual studio to select the code window?
Back when I used Visual Studio, the F4 key went to the next error location in the code and automatically selected the code window. Also try Esc. I think the "next error" keystroke is different in more current versions of VS, so use whatever your keyboard mapping offers.
If you press Alt+W, then Visual Studio opens a list with open windows. You can then select the number corresponding to the window you want to activate. For example, Alt+W,1 activates the first window in the list.
