Visual Studio 2015 Community not responding to mouse clicks - visual-studio

I have installed Visual Studio recently but I can't use it. The program opens but I can't click on anything. It looks like the whole window is inactive (gray icon and text in top left corner). I have tried to reinstall it, however, that doesn't work. And if I click on the window, a sound appears (but it's not the error one, probably a warning one). Any suggestions?
edit: I have to close it through task manager. I can't even close it by clicking on the VS 2015 icon at Windows bar and selecting "close program" item in menu
edit2: If I click on the VS2015 window and then type on my keyboard, the weird "dong" sound appears. Same if I just click on the window. However, sometimes I can navigate using keyboard and therefore open window for starting new project. In this window I can use mouse absolutely normally, however, if I click on the OK button, the window quickly close and reopen again. It won't create a new project. So I'm still stuck on the welcome screen.
edit3: Another interesting thing I found. Now when I click on the OK button this error message appears. Should I reinstall it again (for 3rd time), and hope that this time it will be installed right?
PS: I'm sorry for my English - I'm not a native speaker

I had the same problem, it can't be solved by re-install VS2015. It was solved after I TRULY uninstall VS2015 by the tool:


Web Publish Activity window is not maintained when closing and reopening Visual Studio 2022

I recently applied an update to Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit).
Current Version is 17.3.4
We still use Web Deploy for some legacy sites and the Web Publish Activity window is very useful for switching between dev and production environments.
After a recent Visual Studio upgrade I noticed that the Web Publish Activity window was not visible, so I reopened it via View -> Other Windows... and it appeared as expected in the lower window, as a new tab along with Output and Error List.
But after closing my project and reopening it, the Web Publish Activity window is missing again. I tested other windows like PowerShell and Bookmark Window and they ARE maintained after closing and reopening VS.
I also tried saving a new window layout with the Web Publish Activity window open and then reapplying that layout after a VS restart but that had no affect.
It is very annoying to have to go though multiple levels of the View menu to reopen this window every time I open this project.
Does anyone have any advice on how to keep this window locked/pinned?
Is Microsoft trying to "encourage" me to stop using this window?
If there is another way to quickly change between publish profiles that would be acceptable as well, but I cannot find one.
Thank you.
This may be a bug with this particular window (the fact that it doesn't stay pinned after closing Visual Studio that is).
Perhaps as a decent workaround you can at least assign a keyboard shortcut to open this window:
Go to Options → Environment → Keyboard
Filter down to "View.WebPublishAcitvity" or find it in the list
Create a keyboard shortcut of your liking by typing it in the circled red box and then click the Assign button:
After doing that, you should be able to use that shortcut to open the window much faster at least.

Visual studio 2013 pro peek definition hangs

Any idea why Visual Studio peek definition will not work for any project or solution? I have a web, WP and a couple other ones. I can click on a class or method or property and click alt+F12 or right click and select peek definition. The peek window pops up with a progress bar like it is working but just hangs there. Nothing ever shows up in the peek window. Half the time I get this and half the time VS just crashes on me when I try and launch it. I have done a VS repair but that changed nothing.
So I uninstalled a couple dev prod tools and then did another repair and this time it fixed the issue. Peek pops up right away. So something was getting in the way.

visual studio 2005 command window 'of' autocomplete opens on wrong side

Hi everyone, I have a weird problem I can't figure out how to solve. I inherited a co-worker's computer, and on his visual studio 2005 in the command window, when I use the 'of' command, the auto-complete window that opens appears to grow to the left rather than to the right. This makes it impossible to see the start of any of the strings, because I keep the command window on the left side of my screen. This never used to happen on my old machine. He also had all his context menus opening to the left, but I fixed that in control panel and it didn't do anything to this. Restarting the computer didn't help. Any thoughts?

Visual studio 2005 "Object Test Bench" popup when debugging

When debugging a project in Visual Studio 2005, I have recently noticed a brief appearance of the "Object Test Bench" window. This window appears and then disappears after less than a second and does not look like the normal "Object Test Bench" window one sees when not debugging, as it looks like this:
alt text
I would like to stop this window appearing and have tried the following:
Closing all Object Bench Test windows when not debugging
Resetting Visual Studio to default settings (devenv /ResetSettings)
Any other ideas?
Migrated? Hmm no code in this question. Anyway is the Object Test Bench perhaps open, but docked, so it pops up when the IDE state changes?
More info on the OTB on MSDN here :)
Edit: Here is what my VS 2005 OTB looks like.
alt text
I also have the same problem. I once had JetBrain's Resharper 4.5 installed. I uninstalled it after my trial expired, and I think that's when I noticed the Object Test Bench popping up when I debug.
Did either/both of you have Resharper or any other Visual Studio add-on installed/uninstalled before this problem?
Related link on stackoverflow
I had what may be a similar problem: not just the Oject Test Bench, but also Breakpoint, Call Stack, and other windows popped up all over whenever I ran in Debug mode. It started during a project with a single page containing several (probably incompatible) jQuery scripts.
What worked for me was to click on Window -> "Auto Hide All", then again on Window -> "Reset Window Layout". That seemed to resolve it.
Go to on Window -> "Auto Hide All", after go on Window -> "Reset Window Layout". That will resolve the problem it.

Visual Studio 2005 context menu launches server explorer: why?

For some reason, a variety of actions in Visual Studio 2005, actions that have nothing to do with SQL Server, are opening the "Connect to SQL Server" dialog. And it takes four (4) clicks on the CANCEL button to kill the dialog.
For example, if I right click on a class method in the Editor, hoping to find the Go To Definition option, the dialog opens.
Or if I run a project in Debug mode, and then close the app, the dialog opens.
I have to close VS and re-open it to get this to stop. But after a while, this behavior returns. What is causing it has eluded me.
Is this Microsoft's way to get me to upgrade to VS2008? OK, he's had VS2005 for too long. Time for him to upgrade. Invoke DriveCustomerMad.
Next time you see the dialog box, open a second copy of VS2005, attach its debugger to the first one, pause the process, and look at the call stack.
Do you have any addons installed?
