Toolbox overlaps Form Designer in visual studio - visual-studio

I'm having a problem trying to move the design form window in visual studio, Picture
The designing window is on the top left, The reason is the space, another picture is
As you see, When I open the toolbox, It doesn't let me view the window anymore, while there is a huge unused space, It'd be really great if I can move the designing form to use all of the space I have on my monitor
I have tried googling a lot for this problem, I haven't found any problems matching to mine, It might be a very stupid simple thing, But I have no idea, or at least I googled unmatching keywords to the other people that had the same problem

Click the fixed key to dock the toolbox pane so it doesn't overlap the form designer.
Or as #Jimi said, drag and drop the toolbox pane somewhere else.
If you accidentally close it, you can find it in view->toolbox


undock/move Component Tray in Windows Forms Designer

Working with 16:9 screens, I always have an empty space to my right in Forms Designer.
On the other hand, this Component Tray is always overlapping the forms.
Is there a way to undock or move it to fill that wasted space?
I haven't found any other questions regarding this.
Thank you in advance and please excuse my bad english.
Edited: obviously I know I can drag its edge to fold the thing down.
Finally I created my own Add-In to dock that ComponentTray to the right as well as sorting its components alphabetically.
If you, like me, want to use your wide screen in all its glory, please post a comment below and gladly I'll give you all details.
After the testing phase, I'll upload the thing to VS Gallery.
EDIT: Here's the link to the VS extension. Feel free to use and enjoy it.
Best wishes.

Visual Studio 2015 Taskbar Title and Taskbar Previews Vague

Visual Studio 2015 is nice and all, but it's very hard to use when having multiple instance open. I have my Taskbar on the right, and this is what it looks like:
Any ideas on how to clear this up and make it easy to select the project I want, without hunting around?! Extensions welcome.
What do you guys do? Or should I utilize my memory powers more and remember which is which heh.
In VS 2013, there was VS Commands which helped, but they are yet to update it for VS2015...
One suggestion was to have my taskbar at the bottom of the screen. To me this is not feasible on a wide screen because you're losing even more height, where as you generally have more width that you can afford to lose...
I then tried it at the bottom, and it's even worse, since you fit less items in, and they group sooner, so you'd have to hover over VS before you can pick which one to switch to.
As Sergey Vlasov mentioned, here is the window title change in action. Very nice solution, thanks!
You can create short abbreviations for your solutions using the Visual Studio Window Title Changer extension.

Moving graphical components with the mouse in Visual Studio

I have just installed Visual Studio.NET. In the Design area I have added some graphical components (button, textbox) but I can't move these within the specified area, as their position remains unchanged. I would like to move these graphical components with the mouse cursor, I know it's possible, does anyone know how?
It sounds like you have created a WPF project. WPF works a lot differently than WinForms which you are probably used to. So try creating a WinForms project, or get yourself acquainted with WPF.
I came here looking for the answer to the same question. OP is probably no longer interested and it was quite easy to Google it up, but in case somebody comes here as I did, here is the solution:
In WPF, place a Grid component on your form (or in your container, like Tab), and reset it (set both Height and Width to auto). Then you can place other controls and position them with your mouse normally.

Is there an easy way to recreate the WinForms layout experience at runtime for user positioning of controls

When laying out a WinForm in Visual Studio you get the ability to resize and align your controls very easily with drag handles and border alignment hints.
I'd like to do the same with a runtime control to enable the user to position an image on a page.
For example, if the user has a photo and they want to place it as a background on the desktop I'd like the control to help them move and size the photo thumbnail in a mini desktop visual.
I can do all of this, but my real question is, does anyone know of a way to inherit from the standard WinForms layout editor so that I can choose to use the nice docking, alignment hints and control resizing without coding it all again?
Thanks in advance
I don't know about easy, but you can host the actual winforms designer in your own applications without too many problems.. See here.

Visual Studio IDE layout tips

I've never found an "ideal" layout for coding in Visual Studio. I have a three-monitor setup, but it seems that the solution explorer/properties/output/errors/whatever panes are always getting in the way or hogging screen space. It's a bit open-ended, sure, but do you have an "ideal" layout with the myriad of floating/dockable/anchored setups for specific windows? For instance, I like to split vertical code panes between two screens, and typically the solution explorer is anchored to the right of the right-most code pane, but that chews up screen real estate that I'd rather have for the code. I was thinking of floating those sorts of things off to another screen.
Apparently VS 2010 will do a LOT more for multi monitor setups. ScottGu went over this at DevConnections 2008, and a few more times, usually wherever he goes.
I got the impression that the MDI or tabbed codefiles might be able to be detached from the IDE, and float/draggable onto another monitor.
As it stands today in VS 2008, Solution Explorer, Immediate Window, etc are detachable and be able to float onto another monitor, separate from the main IDE.
