View whole page in inspect/dev tools window - image

Is there a way so I can see my entire page while having the inspect/dev tools open in google chrome, as it is it is only displaying the far left two inches of the page which isnt particularly helpful when trying to view aspects on the other side?
I am trying to see the entire chart. I have tried to enlarge/shrink screen size and increase % and adjust to fit but it still only manipulates the two inch strip visible here instead of the entire chart.


How to change the size (resolution) of one pageview in Spotfire

I saw a viz in the company's repository, and I wish to replicate one of the feature.
The viz is consist of several pages with an introductory page. The introductory page contained a lot of information with a scrollable canvas, while other detail page had a fixed-to-window way of presenting data, showing each segment in one screen without the overall scroll bar.
What I want to know is how to only make one or part of the pages in the dxp file able to enable the scroll bar (larger canvas height), while the rest having the fit-to screen way of displaying the viz. Any approach will be appreciated.
The Document Property→General→Visualization area size→Custom size method changes the canvas size of all visualization table. Which is not able to fulfill this feature, as this property changes the canvas size of all pages in the dxp file, which is not what I expected.
sounds like they used a Text Area but it's hard to tell without seeing the document.
you can insert a Text Area the same way you do a visualization (via the toolbar or the main menu). you can then right click the Text Area to edit it either with the WYSIWYG editor or in raw HTML. Text Areas will show scrollbars to match the length of your content.

Oracle APEX Interactive grid overflows the region

I have a couple of interactive grids on my page and one of them is overflowing the region. I have tried resizing columns but no matter what I do, the grid bounces right back - overflowing the region. It almost seems as if there is a minimum width property set somewhere but I cannot figure it out.
Under Advanced settings for the interactive grid there is a column that says custom attributes. This field allows you to type in CSS that can override the default CSS. My recommendation would be to play with this column with commands such as
style="width: 90%;"
This would reduce the maximum width the interactive grid will take up (from 100% of screen to 90% of screen).
Additionally when looking at the page you can hit F12 to open a web inspect that could help show more details about the CSS of the grid. If this doesn't help could you provide a screenshot or demo so we can further assist.

Center image horizontally & vertically on page with % margins and be resizable with window

It seemed so simple just a day ago, but I can't figure it out:
How do I center an image on a page, giving it fixed % margins (10% on all sides) and still have it scale with the window on resize?
It's very important that the page and the image display well on all platforms, without scrollers (!).
The page itself is very simple and only contains the image (which on different versions of the page has different dimensions), and a bar on the top with a link to send it to another page.
The max size of the image would be 1500x1000px, no minimum size.
I wholeheartedly hope someone can help me out with this, thanks so much!
Best way to do that is using JavaScript. Get the window size, subscribe for window.onresize event and update the image size and position accordingly.
Using CSS only will NOT work, because any position properties depend on the container. In your case the container is the window, which will size itself based on the content. This creates a sort of circular dependency (window size depends on the image, the image size and position depend on the window size).
For information about getting the exact available window size in cross-browser way you could check this post: Get the size of the screen, current web page and browser window - haven't done that in a while to provide you with exact code.
Also note that you don't mention keeping the aspect ratio of the image. If it should not be maintained there is no way to do it HTML/CSS only, because all operations with them do maintain AR of images.

Inspecting elements within IFRAME in IE8 Developer tools works but has undesired offset effect

Suppose you have iframe elements in your page and you try to inspect its content. When you select a particular element within iframe content document, IE developer tools draws blue border around it, but with every nested iframe it adds additional 2 pixels offset.
You can see an example of this in this image below where I've manually added background to html and body elements making them visible in JSFiddle. I then selected body element within the iframe and as you can see indicator is offset by 2 pixels right and down.
If there was an additional iframe within this one, additional 2 pixels would be added getting to 4 pixels etc.
Is it possible to avoid this selected element indicator offset in Internet Explorer Developer Tools?
Note: Every time I have to use Internet Explorer a bit of me dies inside. If I have to use it along with developer tools a larger chunk of my life goes bananas.

CALayer flickering when adding a foreground layer to IKImageBrowserView items with garbage collection on

I'm trying to implement a technique similar to the one in the ImageBrowserViewAppearance sample code from Apple (located here: ), where CALayers are generated on top of the items in the IKImageBrowserView to customize the appearances of the objects in the image browser.
However, I'm getting a weird problem when I turn on garbage collection, and I can reproduce it in the Apple sample code. Simply turn on Garbage Collection in the target, and build and launch the ImageBrowserAppearance sample app. Then, add some photos to the image browser using the "Add Photos..." button.
Now, click on an empty portion of the IKImageBrowserView, and click and drag to start selecting multiple items in the browser view. As you drag the selection box around, you should notice that sometimes the pin and gloss overlay for some of the items flicker and briefly appear in the bottom-left corner of the IKImageBrowserView. All of the CALayers seem to do this occasionally, I've seen the white surrounding slide area flicker down into the bottom-left corner as well.
When I mimic the technique in my own code, I (not surprisingly) also can reproduce this badge flickering. However, this problem disappears when garbage collection is off.
Anybody have a clue what could be going wrong here? I'd like to use garbage collection in my app in conjunction with this technique, but the flickering is kind of annoying.
I bookmarked this a while back but Apple's changed the URL and the text. Fortunately I quoted it when I bookmarked it:
The Core Graphics APIs (Quartz 2D) see an approximately 25% reduction in drawing performance for applications compiled to use garbage collection.
That "25% reduction in drawing performance" text has been rewritten into a "slight overhead in code execution" and that was for 10.5. Perhaps Apple fixed it for 10.6. And you're talking Core Animation, not Core Graphics.
Still, Core Animation eventually has to talk to Core Graphics, and perhaps that performance issue hasn't gone away, and you're being bitten by it.
I fooled around with this a bit and can confirm I get the same behavior running the project with GC turned on. In fact, if you're patient enough and slowly change the selection one image at a time using the arrow keys, eventually it'll trigger the behavior and you can see the layers from one image in the view are displayed in the lower left corner instead of on top of the image. I haven't been able to find any sort of pattern as to when it happens, or any relation between which image is selected and which image has its layers missing. I'm assuming that for whatever reason, those layers are getting their frame origin set to {0, 0}, but heck if I know why.
