Oracle APEX Interactive grid overflows the region - oracle-apex-5.1

I have a couple of interactive grids on my page and one of them is overflowing the region. I have tried resizing columns but no matter what I do, the grid bounces right back - overflowing the region. It almost seems as if there is a minimum width property set somewhere but I cannot figure it out.

Under Advanced settings for the interactive grid there is a column that says custom attributes. This field allows you to type in CSS that can override the default CSS. My recommendation would be to play with this column with commands such as
style="width: 90%;"
This would reduce the maximum width the interactive grid will take up (from 100% of screen to 90% of screen).
Additionally when looking at the page you can hit F12 to open a web inspect that could help show more details about the CSS of the grid. If this doesn't help could you provide a screenshot or demo so we can further assist.


Tableau cannot horizontally scroll in worksheets

I am using Tableau for data visualization and generating lists that can be exported to Excel.
However, when the amount of columns get too big, I cannot see all my columns in the view (They are there though). The problem is that there doesn't seem to be a horizontal scrollbar. I can scroll vertically through my rows, but I haven't found a way to do this horizontally to look through my columns, the same way you would do at the data source tab.
If anyone could help me to figure out how to achieve this that would be awesome! I am using Tableau Desktop version 2018.3 on a Mac.
Edit: The problem also seems to be on Windows and is not related to the maximum amount of columns or the view mode.
Example image of the described problem
You are not getting scrollbar because you are viewing it on a worksheet. Try putting it on the dashboard and set dashboard size to fixed and increase width to accommodate all columns.
now you will get horizontal scrollbar for sure
Besides updating the horizontal row/column label limit #Bernardo mentioned here:
You'll need to make sure you've have selected "Standard" from the display option list at the top of the screen. That options prevent Tableau from fitting everything into the height, width or view of your current display.
Tableau shows a horizontal scroll bar for measures, but not for dimensions. When only dimensions are included on either the Columns or Rows shelf, the lower horizontal scroll bar will not display. Dimensions are treated as headers for measure aggregations and do not generate a horizontal scroll bar when they exceed the width of the view.
To change the Table Layout and increase the number of columns and rows in your table, go to:
Analysis > Table Layout > Advanced
Set each of the Maximum values to 16, which is the limit allowed.

How to change the size (resolution) of one pageview in Spotfire

I saw a viz in the company's repository, and I wish to replicate one of the feature.
The viz is consist of several pages with an introductory page. The introductory page contained a lot of information with a scrollable canvas, while other detail page had a fixed-to-window way of presenting data, showing each segment in one screen without the overall scroll bar.
What I want to know is how to only make one or part of the pages in the dxp file able to enable the scroll bar (larger canvas height), while the rest having the fit-to screen way of displaying the viz. Any approach will be appreciated.
The Document Property→General→Visualization area size→Custom size method changes the canvas size of all visualization table. Which is not able to fulfill this feature, as this property changes the canvas size of all pages in the dxp file, which is not what I expected.
sounds like they used a Text Area but it's hard to tell without seeing the document.
you can insert a Text Area the same way you do a visualization (via the toolbar or the main menu). you can then right click the Text Area to edit it either with the WYSIWYG editor or in raw HTML. Text Areas will show scrollbars to match the length of your content.

Probably Javascript conflicts

I am not pro developer and have small knowledge of html and css only. I am trying to work on a joomla website. I tried to add Google charts to my page. Actually it's a module that I am inserting to an article through load module function. But there seems to have a conflict and the chart is not displayed correctly. It seems that there are some conflicts with the issues but I am not sure how to figure.
if you go to above link and go to tabs and open trekking map tab you will see the bug. The width of chart is very small. I want to display 100% so that it can be responsive. I tried changing the width to px as well but no luck.
Please help me. ..
The width of elements that are hidden is zero. Therefore, the chart thinks your window has a width of zero and ends up using its smallest width.
Try triggering a resize event on the window when the tab is shown, this should cause the responsive code to run.
I never used Google charts, but what you are experiencing also happens on Google Maps.
You have two options, either you use opacity (or maybe visibility hidden) instead of display: none, this will make the chart to resize automatically when the page opens.
The other option is to trigger the resize event, something like this... Google chart redraw/scale with window resize
Hope it helps
Even though the outer wrapper div#ja-google-chart-wrapper-404 is set to 100% width, two child elements are fixed at 400px. Specifically, the <svg width="400"> element that sets the image at a fixed width, plus the div that wraps it has the width set to 400px. Even though you have their parent set to 100%, if the image itself has a fixed width it won't expand to fill the space.
Check to see if there's a setting in your module or in the Google Chart itself that lets you set a different width (or none at all) on the inserted image.
One solution would be to resize the SVG element when the a#tab1-trekking-map is clicked. I just tested this in the Chrome console and it worked to trigger the map to resize to the full width of the container:
jQuery("#ja-google-chart-wrapper-404 svg").resize();
Add this (or something like it) to your other scripts that are called when your tabs are clicked. If the ID of the chart wrapper is generated dynamically you may need to adjust a bit, but triggering resize() (as stated by Niet and miguelmpn) should do the trick nicely.

JqGrid add vertical scroll with horizontal scolling

jqGrid offers a bunch of fantastic features, but there is one feature missing that my customer keeps on complaining about (OK, he is never really satisfied with what he gets ) and that's proper vertical and horizontal scrolling. The grid I had to set up contains about 20 columns with some columns containing longer text so the grid won't even fit a 24″ screen. To properly layout the grid and the rest of the visual components (i.e. additional search and filter functions above the grid) I moved the grid to a scrolling div being about 95% of the screen width with a horizontal scrollbar to scroll the oversized grid, the problem with that workaround is that you won't see the vertical scrollbar of the grid itself, it only becomes visible if you first scroll to the right and that's not really comfortable.
Hope my explanation is comprehendible? If someone knows a good workaround, I would be eager to know it! Otherwise a "dual scrolling grid" would be a nice feature in 4.5
Thanks a lot!
Video example
jqGrid have many many options. It could be a problem with usage of jqGrid. The grid with many columns could be displayed in different ways.
One way is just to display full grid on the page and to use scrollbars of the browser windows. If you have simple page layout then the way could be really the best.
Another way could be to use shrinkToFit: false option. In the case you should specify the exact width values for columns in colModel. If you use shrinkToFit: false option you can set width option of jqGrid. In the case horizontal scrollbars will be placed in jqGrid.
In many cases the grid with many columns contains not always really interesting information for every user. So it can be helpful if you would provide columnCooser in the grid. Additionally you can save the users preferences in localStorage (see the answer and another one). It could improve user experience.
You don't wrote about the height of the grid, but the usage of height: "auto" produced typically good results.

aria role of scrollbar not announced by jaws

I am using FF with Jaws and I have set the role of "scrollbar" on a div but it is not getting picked up by Jaws:
The wai aria spec says aria-valuemax, min and now are compulsory attributes for the scrollbar role but am not really sure it makes sense in this case since all I have is a vertical scrollable area...thoughts?
FF 14.0.1
Jaws 13.0
Currently, JAWS does not support scrollbar role. So if you specify an element with an unsupported role it may result in unexpected results when using JAWS for example, it sometimes tries to announce some of the states and in other cases it just ignores them.
And regarding your second question about aria-valuemax, aria-valuemin and aria-valuenow, these attributes help in determining how much percentage of the scroll contents is being displayed in the viewing area with respect to the position of the thumb. It will help a blind user to know how much more the contents can be scrolled up or down.
And aria-valuenow can be calculated with respect to the thumb position and the height of the scrollbar as below:
Suppose if the viewing area has a height of 200px and thumb height is 30px. So initially when the thumb position is 0 from top then the contents currently displayed in the area is aria-valuemin=aria-valuenow and when the thumb is at 170px from top, the scroll contents is fully displayed aria-valuemax=100.
If you are interested you can take a look at this demo on calculating aria-valuenow. You can tab through the elements and JAWS does not announce any role but seems to announce the value initially and does not update the value in the same way it does for a slider
See also:
Official JAWS aria support list
