How to access custom schema using `createBrowserSupabaseClient`? - supabase

I want to create a supabase client for a schema called 'schooldata' using the createBrowserSupabaseClient and can't find any documentation on how to do it.


Graphql schema for add friends

Hi I want to create schema for friends functionality. Where logged in user can send friend request to registered users. I have 2 table users and relation and can be able to get own friends. Its working in redux and react with node mysql. But I don’t know how i can achieve the same in GraphQL. I am using GraphQL prisma now using GraphQL cli
I suggest you learn about GraphQL here: and then about Prisma here:
This will help you understand how to create a GraphQL Schema for your needs and how to use Prisma to abstract the database access

Apache NiFi : Users addition from backend?

I am aware of adding/managing users from GUI in NiFi i.e. a admin user and add user and groups/policies etc.
This is maintained in users.xml file.
I wanted to know, can we manually add records in users.xml instead of GUI?
If yes, how is identifier tag of user derived by NiFi. For e.g. I see a tag:
How is above identifier generated?
The reason for above is, we can maintain the users.xml file in our code base and whenever new users need to be added in NiFi, team can update its details in this file and release and we re-start NIFi. We do not have to rely on GUI to add new users.
Is it possible?
To be more clear, currently we have ldap authentication in place using ldap-provider. So that part is fine. I am not lookng for ldap authentication to NiFi.
Now for actual roles/permissions for "authorized users" i.e. who can see the processors/components, create new processors, query data provenance etc admin go to NiFi UI and add users/groups/policies etc. These details are then updated in users.xml.
I am specifically looking to achieve this activity via automating or from backend.
As per the response from Bryan, I think the feasible solution is using Nifi REST API for that.
The users.xml and authorizations.xml really shouldn't be manually edited/maintained, they are internals of the file-based authorizer that are not meant to be a public API.
It would be better to maintain a script that looped through a list of users and used NiFi's REST API to see if the user existed, and if it didn't then created the user using the REST API.
Another option would be to load your users from a Directory Server. This is detailed in the admin guide [1]. This implementation is configured with an interval for retrieving new users from the Directory Server.
users.xml doesn't intended to updated by users. This can be overcomed if you use external authentication providers ex. ldap-authentication provider

How to use permissions with Laravel API and Calling Application

I have setup an API in Laravel using Passport for authentication and spatie/laravel-permission to add permission functionality. I also have a calling application, again written in Laravel. I can authenticate from the calling app to the api but how do i ensure that the calling app knows the permissions available? What should the user/roles/permissions tables look like at the api and in the calling app?
Essentially i would like to use code like: $user->can('do something') in both applications.
My understanding of the Spatie package is that it allows you to make such code calls as $user->can('do something'), and reading the Github page it looks like it creates tables default named "role" and "permission" when you run the Migration after installing the package. In other words it's a matter of configuring the models and database connections in both of your apps correctly, specifically the User Model and the Permission table for both apps.
To clarify, I think you are asking these questions:
how can a second app know what permissions are available,
how would you be able to use something like "$user->can('do something')" in BOTH applications, touching the exact same data.
If the "permission" and "role" tables already exist, then if your API doesn't have some endpoint to ask for the roles or permissions already available, you'd define a new one. For instance, some API call that asks the Permission table "getPermissions" or something and that your second application can call -- it either has to ask the database itself (via the API), or it has to get that from the second application. Which depends on how your two applications interact with each other
you would have to make sure to configure the second application so that the "User" model refers to the same table as the table the first application uses for the User model. Essentially, the model is being used as an interface to the table, so if both applications have a defined User model that references the same table and both are configured to connect to the same database that table is in, Laravel's user model will "just know" the data in question (this is the basis of Laravel's Eloquent for Models).
Additionally, for what it's worth, I haven't used the spatie/laravel-permission package, but in relation to question #1 I did find a function in the docs that might also be used to grab currently made permissions in list form from a "permission table":
Permission Model, getPermissions
And for reference, about Laravel's Eloquent and Models (which may be something you already know, but I'll leave this link anyway):
Laravel Eloquent ORM

existing database using with web api 2 default test project

I have created database with following tables
I'm trying to use this table structure with default test project in web api 2.
Once I run this through POSTMAN rest client , I'm getting following exception
is this possible to do, can I use existing identity table structure that mapped relationships with other tables

MVC Multi Tennat Application how to add sub site

I have an intranet application for which the URL is as follows
I am adding another department/tenant/group of users which will utilize the same instance of the application and same database. Their data will be different from the existing users. I am planning to add new column foreign key in each table to identify the specific tenant. I authenticate users windows authentication. I am thinking that the access to the application will be as follows
So for the above URL, how could I go about achieving that in the Application? I know how to make the table changes in SQL server, Updating the Entities, Updating the linq code in the controllers to pull up respective tennant data. Any help to get me started would be appriciated.
Kindly note that as you have given in your post, it is possible to identify the tenant's based on their URL. The table that contains the tenant details will also contain their url. So you will identify the tenant based on the URL. After identifying the tenant, we can authenticate the user's using the found tenant id / tenant code, get the tenant's configuration or settings using the same tenant id / tenant code.
I hope that you could have all the other entities of the application with a column called as TenantId. This will help you to fetch the data based on tenant. Your only change will be in the data access layer where you will filter the data that you retrieve from the Database.
Let me know if you have any other clarifications regarding the other specifics of this implementation.
