MVC Multi Tennat Application how to add sub site - model-view-controller

I have an intranet application for which the URL is as follows
I am adding another department/tenant/group of users which will utilize the same instance of the application and same database. Their data will be different from the existing users. I am planning to add new column foreign key in each table to identify the specific tenant. I authenticate users windows authentication. I am thinking that the access to the application will be as follows
So for the above URL, how could I go about achieving that in the Application? I know how to make the table changes in SQL server, Updating the Entities, Updating the linq code in the controllers to pull up respective tennant data. Any help to get me started would be appriciated.

Kindly note that as you have given in your post, it is possible to identify the tenant's based on their URL. The table that contains the tenant details will also contain their url. So you will identify the tenant based on the URL. After identifying the tenant, we can authenticate the user's using the found tenant id / tenant code, get the tenant's configuration or settings using the same tenant id / tenant code.
I hope that you could have all the other entities of the application with a column called as TenantId. This will help you to fetch the data based on tenant. Your only change will be in the data access layer where you will filter the data that you retrieve from the Database.
Let me know if you have any other clarifications regarding the other specifics of this implementation.


Assign project-level user to multiple tenants

Cannot find anywhere on Google Identity Platform docs that clearly describe whether it's possible to assign a single user to multiple tenants. see
My project needs the capability to have a single user be able to login to multiple, separate tenants. Currently, I have to create a new user on every tenant I want to be able to login to. This is not good because each new user I create has a different uid and separate password management. For a single user, I want to be able to maintain the same uid across tenants so the associated user data can be consistent as well.
I was thinking there would be some way to create a user at the project level (not tenant level) and then assign that user to specific tenants?
Some random thoughts: The docs say some things about migrating users between tenants, perhaps that is one way. Also was thinking that creating a tenant user with my existing project-level uid would somehow merge them so the uid and password management is the same?
Edit: I found this conceptual discussion to be helpful:
what I gathered from that link is that SSO is separate from multi-tenancy. So I'm trying to figure out an SSO solution on top of multi-tenancy google idp. Any code solutions/suggestions for how to add SSO on top of multi-tenant google identity platform?
If you need the same user across tenants maybe you should instead rely on the user email, custom claims, federated ID (eg. user.providerData[0].uid). When you get an ID token for the user you have access to this same information regardless of the tenant or user.uid.

Multi-tenancy and custom features per tenant

I am building a web app (using Laravel but it's irrelevant), that will have multiple tenants with each tenant having its own database. The backend and frontend code end will be common.
We all know the benefits of multitenancy with a dedicated DB per tenant, so I will no go over it again. In my case, it fits my needs 100%.
My question:
If a tenant (client) comes to me for customization (ex. an additional feature, alteration of current feature, removal of feature, etc.) how do I execute this? Obviously I can't alter the code for all tenants, so I guess I will need some kind of filtering or settings where I can toggle features on and off per tenant.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
There are couple of ways to implement Multi-Tennancy.
Here I would like to suggest two ways which I implemented previously in my projects.
First Way :
Create the tenant table. Add tenant_id column in every DB table.
Pass the corresponding Tenant id in every request's header part. Backend will get tenant id from header.
Second Way :
Create tenant table with two columns namely tenant_name and tenant_uuid value.
front end send the tenant name in URL like Create one interceptor which intercept the front end request and get tenant name from the URL. Based on that tenant name you can get particular tenant info from DB.
Now store that tenant info in request context of your application.
you can use that info from wherever you want.
In first way you have to pass tenant id in all layer of application which is not advisable. But in second way you can get tenant id from context so no need to pass it in all the layer.
Now Answer for second question is :
For feature toggling of particular tenant. You can create feature table with columns feature_name, is_enabled and tenant_id.
Now suppose you have to show Dashboard feature to X tenant and do not want to show it Y tenant. Then you just have to do enabled and disabled in this table only.

Outsystems:Is it possible to have same user in different tenants in a Multi-tenant application

I created a multi-tenant application where each tenant have different set of users. I am trying to implement a functionality where same user might exist in different tenants. Does outsystems provide such functionality or I have to create my custom logic ?
Right now, I did create a user having same username in 2 different tenants and during login I am showing user to select tenants. But on changing tenants and logging to that tenant, the environment doesn't switch to that tenant that user has selected.
Below is the image of the logic of switching tenants and logging in the customer.
During debugging I saw that after executing TenantSwitch action it did change the Site.TenantID property but after User_Login action is reverted to the first tenant not the one user selected.
When you use User_Login(), the system will log you in the first Tenant it finds in the DB that has that username, thus ignoring your TenantSwitch().
So, if you want to login to a specific Tenant in your case, you need to be more explicit and instead use the Login() action - after the tenant switch.
For a thorough explanation of this, with example code, please check out the following deepdive Master Class on Multi-Tenancy starting around the 27:20 minute mark.
This isn't available out of the box as OutSystems assigns users (and all entities) to a specific tenant. Entities belonging to single tenanted modules are assigned to the default tenant.
OutSystems uses a hidden .Tenant_Id attribute on each entity to indicate which tenant that user belongs to. You can unhide this attribute for the users entity by selecting it, clicking More... and then ticking the relevant box in the Advanced tab. You can then access the attribute directly, but be aware this will hinder OutSystems' ability to do some of the stuff it does automatically to ensure that you access tenant specific data.
When you use the User_Login action OutSystems will deduce which tenant to use from the User.Tenant_Id attribute regardless of which tenant you've switched it to previously. The user would need an account for each tenant they need to use, but there's no reason this couldn't be done behind the scenes with OS fetching the correct username before logging in. You'd need to ensure they all stay in sync though, especially the passwords ofc.

Separate access in one app with keycloak

I have the following setup - the Spring SAAS REST service, which allows different companies to manage different events. And there is a rest client (a mobile app) also, shipped separately for each company.
I want to use keycloak for security stuff, and I have a question of how to separate one company from another.
I need companyA to not be able to access companyB event, and also need different roles within the company - some can create events, some can only read it.
First I thought each company will have own realm created in keycloak, but I learned that realm actually specified in the spring boot REST service parameters like
Which means it is only one realm per REST application. And I don't want to configure REST service instance per client. I only want one REST rule them all.
Am I trying to use something which really doesn't fit my use case?
Will it be right way to have a keycloack Group configured for each company, and make a logic in such a way that users of one group won't have access to what is created by other group. But then it actually feels wrong, since as I understand group are supposed to be used in a different way - to have admin group and user group, etc, segregating users "vertically" by "privileges", and not "horizontally".
Can you please suggest a right approach for this problem?
I would implement a custom protocol mapper which loads extra user permissions for your application and stores them in a token. This way, you use a single realm and if there are more companies in the future it scales well. Here you've got an example of how to implement it.
Basically, the otherClaims field of the access token is a JSON field that allows a map of properties to be set. You could add a field here such as:
userAccessibleCompanyIds: [1,3,4]
How to load the company ids for the concrete user? You can access your application database from the mapper or get them using the REST API.
Then in your application you need to have a control of what the user accesses. What I do is decode the token and see if the user request suits. If not, return a 403 response.

IdenityServer in an enterprise environment - Resolve user information across multiple databases

We use the IdentityServer3 as our central authentication provider. Now I have a general question about the IdenityServer in an enterprise environment. I try to explain it with the following example:
If a user was successfully authenticated, he get a token from the provider. The token includes the unique ID of the user.
The authenticated user send a request to a WebApi, to create a new item (e.g a new product).
The WebApi extract the unique ID from the token and creates the new product in the database. Additionally the new product was linked with the unique user ID (e.g as creationUserId).
An other user send a request to the WebApi to get all available products.
The WebApi create a database query to retrieve all products. Additionally the WebApi wants to convert the creationUserId of each product to the correlating username. But that is not possible, because username is stored in the identity database which is an other database one than the application database (e.g for the products). Are there some best practices to solve this requirement?
Many thanks for your help!
Thank you for your answers. I see only one way to realize my requirements:
--> I store the username with the userId in the application database, because a API for translating is to slow.
