command 'extension.smartBackspace' not found - visual-studio

i clone a new repo, i can't delete what I write with the "delete" key, only in this project.
When I press the key I get a message from vs telling me:
command 'extension.smartBackspace' not found

My solution is to remove this keyboard shortcut:
1/ Go to key shortcut settings
2/ search backspace
3/ Click to delete key combination linked to smart.backspace
I'm sorry my screenshots are in French 🇫🇷, I hope it helps you anyway 🙏


How to turn on Path Autofill in Visual Studio Code using the "Tab" key?

Previously, when I started typing "cd type-folder-name-partially-here" and clicked "Tab" on my keyboard, VS Code it would autofill the folder or file path, but now the "Tab" key navigates me around the code editor instead of doing that.
How can I make it so the "Tab" key autofills the folder or file path like it did before?
So the problem wasn't specific to my terminal alone. I discovered while coding that "Tab" also failed to insert 4 spaces into my code.
I found the answer that resolved my tab issue on StackOverflow:
Tab Key Issue - Answer on StackOverflow

PyCharm Delete Whole Line with cursor moving up

A very specific question, for use on Mac OS:
In VSCode, it's very easy to simply hold ⌘ Command and hit ⌫ Delete for however many whole lines I want to delete and the cursor will keep deleting upward.
However, running PyCharm, it's not available, and I'm having trouble mapping the exact feature.
Going to Preferences -> Keymap -> Editor Actions allows you to map "Delete Line," but using this will just delete downward. Is there a way to mimic the feature of being able to hold down ⌘ Command and just ⌫ Delete lines upward?
To find the shortcut on your setup open up the "Search Everywhere" box with one of the following:
Double ⇧ Shift
⌘ Command+P
⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+P (opens directly on Actions tab)
Then go to the "Actions" tab and search for the shortcut you are looking for, in this case "Delete Line":
Then it shows the shortcut (in my case ⌃ Control+⇧ Shift+K)
In the Jetbrains documentation it does not show up anything to remove a whole line (or at least, I am missing it out).
I know it is not the same, as what you do in VScode is much faster, but you can always shift+home(gets you the whole line if you are at the end of the line)+delete.
I do not think there is another way from jetbrain's doc.
I think I found it by cassualty: R shift+ del.
EDIT2: Just found out that R shift+ del actually cuts (like ctrl+ x).
I know that the post is a bit old but I think it worths to post the 'actual' solution to this issue.
Basically, when you try to delete line in PyCharm for Mac, the IDE is deleting the caret (according to the documentation). Although, IdeaVim plug-in is making your life even more difficult if you don't know how to use it. I don't have experience either.
Disabling IdeaVim plug-in will solve the problem. The IDE will ask you to restart it in order to apply the new settings. After that you can select whatever you want in your code and just hit the backspace button on your Mac to delete. And, yes, all these issues with the key shortcuts are caused by the IdeaVim.
The IdeaVim extension can be disabled from the PyCharm Preferences.

Jump to search result shortcut in XCode

After I've searched on something I want a keyboard shortcut to focus on the search results so I can step through them.
I've looked in XCode's key bindings with no luck.
Keybinding is called "Find next in Workspace"
Use Show Find Navigator shortcut (by default it's Cmd+3)
Preferences page screenshot

Unidentified Key Chord in VS2015

This morning I started working on VS2015 and I notice that the Shift+E key is associated to a Key chord.
I can't use it in the editor or any editing stuff (like rename a file in solution explorer)
I can't identify which command it is associated because it is the first part of a chord and I can find any combination that continues the chord.
I also can't locate any command associated to it in the Tools->Options->Environment->Keyboard dialog. The list is huge and I can't search by key.
Please I need help!!! I can't continue to edit the file without using the "E" (uppercase e)
I found the problem.
The shortcut reassign was done by the latest update of Powershell Tools for VS2015.
That is a nasty bug.
The command changed was: EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.PowerShell.ExecuteAsScript
It was assigned to "Shift+E, F5" instead of "Shift+Alt+E, F5"
To find out the problem I had to install the Keyboard Shortcut Explorer and export all the shortcuts to xml file an search for the key in Notepad++.
This problem was fixed in version 3.0.177.
Update your Visual Studio extensions or download it from

Delete a User Code Snippet in Xcode

How ??? I can not delete a custom code snippet in Xcode.
I did these steps :
Select needed code snippet and press Delete key.
A pop-up window will appear , and select Delete button.
Remember that : this action cannot be undone.
In the Library select the code snippet you want to delete and press Backspace. A confirm dialog will show up, click "Delete".
Good question, I haven't found a way to do it from within Xcode, but they can be deleted from the Finder. The snippets are stored at ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/CodeSnippets/. Each one is a separate file that you can delete. Unfortunately they're named with an ID and don't give an indication of which one is which. They're XML files though, so either use a text editor or QuickLook to see the contents and recognise them.
Also, I've had to restart Xcode in order to get the deleted snippets to no longer show up.
I was having trouble, and after messing around a bit it finally worked. You select the user snip and hit the delete key. I tried this multiple times but it didn't work initially. This may be due to me running a prerelease version of Xcode though.
In Xcode 10, select snippet from snippet pop-up dialog.
Then press Shift+⌘
After that just confirm your removal.
Note: This process cannot be undo at this moment.
I was trying forever to delete the useless (to me) C++ ones, but apparently you can only delete the user-created ones in Xcode 10. Bummer.
User-created code snippets are located in
If your XCode UI for deletings snippets doesn't work as in my Xcode 10.2.1, you can navigate to this folder and
either delete all user snippets with rm * or use some kind of cat/grep to find the ones you want to delete.
In xcode select the code snippet
Delete title and shortcut and save it after that select the same and press delete a confirmation box pops up asking you to delete or cancel the code snippet.
