Jump to search result shortcut in XCode - xcode

After I've searched on something I want a keyboard shortcut to focus on the search results so I can step through them.
I've looked in XCode's key bindings with no luck.

Keybinding is called "Find next in Workspace"

Use Show Find Navigator shortcut (by default it's Cmd+3)
Preferences page screenshot


Unable to use option key in some Xcode keyboard shortcuts

What I really like with a text editor (or IDE) is to be able to easily remap its keyboard shortcuts to what I want, and Xcode seems to do a bad job with this.
I want to be able to switch file tabs by using option + command + arrow (left and right arrows). However, when I try to change keyboard shortcuts for the Show Previous Tab and Show Next Tab actions, the option key is not applied.
In the screenshot, you can see—through KeyCastr—how I pressed the option + command + right arrow keys and end up with command + right arrow in Xcode, the option key is missing.
Is there any solution? Note that the option key can be used on some actions, for example I can use it with the About Xcode action, but this is obviously not what I want.
I'm using Xcode 13.4.1.
Okay so I've found a solution. Not a perfect one but it works!
There is no way to use the option key in some actions because they are constrained by the Navigation in Xcode preferences.
Instead you can change the system preferences to add a new shortcut to the Xcode app.
However, when you will use those keyboard shortcuts in Xcode, you will see a weird behavior where the tab you are switching to, gets opened in a new editor.
This is due to the default navigation preferences of Xcode, change the "Optional Navigation" preference from "Uses Next Editor" to "Uses Tab".

Visual Studio Code shortcut to display autocomplete list before typing on macOS

I am trying to display all possible words after putting the cursor in certain place in the code.
The autocomplete list appears when I start writing/typing:
However, I would like to see all suggested words even before typing.
I tried command + space, however it was a system shortcut for Search in macOS:
Any thoughts?
In case you are a CJK user using Mac, Ctrl+Space will not work, since it is used to switch IMEs.
There is another keyboard shortcut for triggering suggestions:
Option+Esc (Mac)
Alt+Esc (Windows)
Also see this post.
VS code version: 1.41.1
I solved this problem using fn+control+space.
Hope it helps you.
"change input source" keyboard shortcut should be disabled
To disable it->
Go to system preferences -> keyboard -> input sources
add a new input source (choose ABC)
Go to shortcuts tab (inside of keyboard settings)
Click on input sources on the left
disable the "select previous input source" shortcut
restart your vs code and now ctrl+space will show quick suggestions.
You can use the following alternative keyboard shortcuts:
⌘+I (mentioned in the official VS Code documentation for "Trigger suggestion")
The shortcut for the "Trigger Suggest" command is ⌃Space (ctrl+space) — as mentioned in the comments.
Most default shortcuts can be found in the documentation, which will automatically show the correct keybindings for the system you're on. In other words, if you visit the page on a Mac, you'll see Mac keybindings.
Additionally, you can:
go to Code > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts (on a Mac) and search for keybindings based on the command you want to execute
open up "show all commands" (⇧⌘P on a Mac) and search for the command there, allowing you to either view the keybinding for that command, or simply navigate to it directly from the search
Of course you'd have to have some idea of what the command's name might be. And in this case, a search for "suggest" would suffice.
If you use too many keyboard layouts, maybe the MacOS shortcut might be active. You can disabled ^(Ctrl)+Space shortcuts for MacOS.
System Preferences>Keyboard>Shorcuts>Input Sources> Disable Select the previous input source.
You can use next shortcut for change input sources.Ctrl+Alt+Space
when I was set up 2 keyboards with different layouts, and it turn out it overrides the ^+Space behavior, so this is how fix it:
Go to system preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard shortcuts
Click on input sources
and disable the "select previous input source" shortcut

disable command-delete osx shortcut

I can't seem to find a way to disable command-delete shortcut in OSX.
This shortcut deletes files without warning also from save-as and load finder pages (e.g. when you save a page on disk from chrome, you can still accidentally remove a folder!)
Any suggestion is appreciated
It is possible, although not recommended.
Go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts. Then click the + button. Choose 'Finder' as your application, Menu title has to be exactly "Move to Trash" and enter a new shortcut. Click add, and you're all set.
If you have any more questions, please shoot :)
screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/VygU7Om.png

Is there a button or keyboard shortcut to “Find Next In Project” in Xcode?

In Xcode, you can use Find → Find Next or CommandG to find the next result matching the current search, but only in the current document. Is there a similar command that will find the next search result in a project-wide search? This would be similar to how Navigate → Jump to Next Issue (Command') works, except for Find results instead of compiler issues. It should jump to the text itself in the editor, not the listing of the find result in the sidebar.
Xcode 8 has this, use ctrl-cmd-G.
Go to Xcode Menu --> Preferences --> Key Binding -->Find Menu, then you can see what are all options available and you can cofigure those.
If you can't see the desired option here, then you can't.

Where did the "Search in Project" context menu item go in Xcode 4?

When you selected text in the code window and right-clicked on it, you would get a context menu with an option to "Search in Project" for the selected text. (Xcode 3.x)
Anyone knows how I can achieve the same in Xcode 4? Or a keyboard shortcut?
Now I select the text and wrestle my fingers in the following combination CMD-C, CMD-CTRL-F, CMD-V, RETURN. Feels a bit like playing the Playstation...
Niels R.
There doesn't seem to be a single keyboard shortcut, but one you might find useful is "Use Selection for Find" (Command+E). That is, you can select some text, and press Command+E, Command+Shift+F, Return.
It's no longer in a menu option but is accessible by an icon. Look directly beneath the "Schemes" at the sequence of 7 small icons. The 3rd one over is a "search" icon. Click that icon and type in your project search text and press return.
Just think it might be handy to see it at a glance:
