R Studio Won't Install on MacOs HighSierra - installation

I just downloaded RStudio and I am not able to start the application. I've tried moving it into applications and redownloading but I am getting the same error message. Here is the error message I received "[No error available]. It is also saying [No output emitted] and [No logs available]. I also tried downloading on another mac and it gave me the same error. I am using version RStudio 2022.12.0+353 "Elisbeth Gernaium" (7d165dcf,2022-12-03)(Rstudio version) and my mac is running High Sierra 10.13.6. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I tried moving it into applications, deleting and then re downloading, and restarting my computer. I was hoping this would allow me to use R Studio but I am still getting the same message.


Oracle SQL Developer (4.1.1) Mac OSX install issues (El Capitan)

I am attempting to install Oracle SQL Developer Version 4.1.1. onto my MacBook Pro after installing OS X El Capitan. After I download the application and attempt to click on the icon to install it, the application's loading prompt appears and the "loading" bar moves about 5% to the part where it says "registering extensions" right above the loading bar. The application then crashes (no crash report, or anything appears afterwards).
After searching online I cannot find anyone else having this issue.
On a possibly related note - I attempted to install Oracle SQL Developer 4.1.1 on my Parallels Windows 8.1 Virtual Machine and had the same issue. Not sure if this stems from the same reason that my OS X install fails.
Help? suggestions? Im running out of ideas.
Run in terminal:
to view errors.
My error was
mkdir: /Users/gs/.sqldeveloper/4.1.0: Permission denied"
sudo mv ~/.sqldeveloper ~/sqldeveloper.old
Open the contents of your /Applications/SQLDeveloper.app
Edit /Contents/MacOS/sqldeveloper.sh
Add export JAVA_HOME pointing to your latest Java 1.8 version.
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home
This helped me.
Full sqldeveloper.sh file for SQL Developer 4.1.1.
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home
cd "${here}"
cd ../Resources/sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper/bin
bash ./sqldeveloper >>/dev/null
I had a similar problem, I had to download the JDK for the install to work. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
In my case it was an issue related to attached external monitor. I had moved my primary display to an external monitor and then disconnecting external displays allows me to start the app. Plugging the external display in and the application moves to the primary external monitor.
Got info after googling and read that posts from oracle community

Xcode does not open on Mac yosemite 10.10.3

My Xcode got crash and it does not open when I try to reopen. I've tried to open other versions of Xcode from applications too. None of the Xcode app responding.
I've tried restarting the Machine too. No luck. When I try to open from terminal (using sudo open --new /Applications/Xcode.app).
I'm getting this error
LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -10810 for the file
I've got wasted lot of time on this. Please help me out.
Your Xcode installation seems corrupted. Delete and reinstall Xcode from the app store.

Visual Studio Code Debug Nodejs Launch vs Attach

On Windows 8 I can debug a Nodejs app using launch.json without issue. However, on OSX I am forced to attach to a process instead. If I try to Launch a debugging session on OSX I get the error message:
"cannot launch 'node' in debug mode."
What am I doing wrong?
In early versions of VSCode we've seen a timing issue on OS X that would result in the error message. Please upgrade to the latest VSCode (0.5.0) and try again.

Accurev Install OSX

I am getting the following error message when I try to install Accurev on my Mac OS X:
AccurevClientInstall us damaged and can't be opened.
This happens no matter what version I try to install.
Anyone know why?
OSX Gatekeeper is attempting to protect you from malware and is set to report an error for third party software. Please see the following for a full explanation on this feature:

XCode 4.6.3 showing link error ibtool failed with exit code 10

I installed XCode 4.6.3. Initially I was able to successfully able to build and run my code on it. However, all of a sudden when trying to configure my build on my iOS device, the build failed and showed the following error message - Command/Applications/Xcode 4.6.3.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/ibtool failed with exit code 10
I tried various methods. I cleaned the App. I reinstalled Xcode. I deleted keys and certificates from Keychain Access. Its of no use. The Xcode is always showing this same error message. I created a fresh new sample project in this Xcode, it is still showing the same error message.
My Mac machine previously was Snow Leopard. I recently upgraded it to Lion OS X version 10.7.5
Please tell me what I should do to solve this issue. Thanks in advance.
Try making a clean new project, and see if the error persists.
And make sure you don't delete any important files like the
main storyboard or any xib-files.
