I want to download some audio files from SIM808 to my PC - esp32

need your help
I am using SIM808 in a garage door monitoring system. We use the sim808 to answer calls and play audio messages when someone calls the Sim card installed on the SIM808 (the audio files that we play were recorded during a call using AT commands "AT+CREC"). Now We want to download the recorded audio files from the sim808 to a PC and then upload them later to another one (SIM808), I have read the PDF "SIM800_Series_AT_Command_Manual_V1.09" but I was not able to find any AT commands to use for downloading AMR audio files from the SIM808
If any one have done this before: what are the AT commands that I can use to download those files, Can you please help me with this or is there another method to download and upload audio files to the SIM808
Thank you in advance
I am using the ESP32 to communicate to the SIM808 (using Rx,Tx ports)
I have tested some AT commands like 'AT+FSCREATE' and 'AT+FSREAD'and others (in the PDF: 'SIM800Series_FS_Application Note_V1.03'), but it is not working

i want to share this answer is case someone needs help with this.
I was able to upload the audio files from the sim808 to my PC using FTP (file Transfer Protocol). Here are the list of AT commands that i have used :
AT+SAPBR=3,1,"APN","YOUR_Network_APN" ===> The APN of your network
AT+FTPSERV="" ===> FTP Server IP address (use the ip address not the link)
AT+FTPUN="dlpuser" ===>server user name
AT+FTPPW="rNrKYTX9g7z3RgJRmxWuGHbeu" ===>server password
AT+FTPPORT=21 ===>port number (21 default)
AT+FTPTYPE="A" ===> 'A' for ASCII, 'I' for Binary
AT+FTPPUTNAME="2.AMR" ===> the name of the file saved to be uploaded to the server
AT+FTPPUTPATH="/" ===> uploading path in the server
AT+FTPFILEPUT=1,"C:\REC\2.AMR" ===> load the files from the given path to the RAM before uploading it
AT+FTPPUT=1 ===> Start uploading
AT+FTPFILEPUT=0 ===> Finish the session


TFTP larger files fails to be sent

I am sending a set of .bin files via TFTP from Windows server to Linux client. When I send files < 50KB, the file is being sent successfully but any larger files is not being sent.
I use Python socket.py module to send and receive files and acknowledgments respectively.
I am thinking in the following directions :
(1) MTU - buffer size - (currently changed to 9000)
(2) Firewall preventing larger files ?
(3) Duplex settings mismatch - (currently set to 100 Mbps FULL Duplex - does not work under autonegotiation)
(4) Any configurations specific to Windows (the same file is sent successfully from Linux machine tftp server)
What could be the possible problems? Please help me narrow down the scope of the issue.

AS400 FTP to windows server

I want to write a CLLE Program to transfer Files from the IFS to a Webserver.
The Webserver is registered in the Hosttable from the Iseries.
(commandline: CFGTCP -> Option 10 -> Scroll to the Webserver IP)
Current CLLE Program: (only the ftp-access)
After i call my Program i get some results in a PF-File.
The Results are in German but i translated shortly for you.
The Connection is unavalable to on Port 21. Try it again later.
My Question at the end.
Do you have some solutions for me to transfer xml files to my Webserver from the iseries?
You're writing about a web server and you want to transfer files by ftp. Perhaps you're mixing up protocols here. I'll concentrate to resolve your apparent ftp connection problem.
Seems that the destination host doesn't accept connections on Port 21.
Please make sure, there's no firewall or other stuff blocking your request to the destination host. Moreover, on the host try telnet ftp or ftp in a command window, depending on OS and installed components.
Before automating, just test manually if you can successfully connect and log in via standard command line: ftp
Transferring data by FTP is just fine in a local LAN. Beware that any data including username and password will be transferred in clear text and thus can be possibly read by others as the intended hosts.
Following up to your comment: Actually there are many possibilities to copy files. If you're running a recent version of IBM i, I'd opt for using scp. It's encrypted and thus safe for running outside of local LANs. Great to automate by utilizing Key-Authentication instead of passwords. And many web hosting companies offer scp/sftp access.

OSX NFS Monitor file copy progress

In our particular scenario we have an OSX NFS server which accepts incoming video clips from an encoding device.
The encoding device starts "stream-writing" the clip to the NFS share and the server picks up the newly copied file and starts polling the file as it grows, waiting for it to finish uploading from the NFS client.
What I need to know is the exact time the NFS client has finished uploading the file, our current method of polling for the file size has a safety threshold of 10 seconds before it considers the file uploaded. This happens because the NFS copy can have delays in transmission due to network or other reasons.
lsof will not work for the NFS mount, neither will nfsstat or any other command line tool i've looked at...
So is there a way to reliably and timely know that the client has finished copying a file to the OSX NFS Server mount?

RTSP Proxy for local accessed content archive

I have local access from one computer to RTSP server by my ISP which is delivering IPTV content archive (timeshift). RTSP is avilable only from this computer because it has correctly configured internet access to the server. Because I would like to watch the content of this RTSP server on every device at home, I'd like to create local server which would accept connections and just transfer data from the end server (by ISP) to client.
I already tried to configure Live555 RTSP Proxy, but it's not really the right software which would enable me what I need. Another thing I tried out is Darwin Streaming Server, but I think it wouldn't support the format of IPTV content archive. What do I actually need?
Link to ISP's content archive looks like: rtsp://archive.my-isp.tld:554/programme_id_channel.ts.
I would like to access to the same stream via rtsp://IP-of-my-computer:port/programme_id_channel.ts.
Is there any software which is acting like proxy and it would be possible to set it to my needs? I would really appreciate any answer and help.
P.S.: Type of ISP's stream is MPEG TS.
EDIT: I already tried out node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy and it works good for approximately 10 seconds, then I got some error from avconv about RTSP packet loss and stream stops. I would also need an option to seek video to wanted destination and with current setup (default options of avconv) of node-ffmpeg-mpegts-proxy. For the start I need something that will successfully stream video from source to destination.

Photo From Device to FTP

I'm making an application in which a device will send a photo to my ftp server and I shall display that photo in a webpage. Now, I have configured the Windows FTP Server(2008 R2) and Everything Works fine. i.e. when i copy and paste files into ftp via my windows explorer it shows up. But however I'm unable to receive files from the remote device. I called up the other team, they say that the device is sending photo and showing success message. Any idea how to cure this?
Actually, the device was sending data via GSM connection, which had a slow speed. I had to set higher timeouts in FTP to made it work.
