Photo From Device to FTP - ftp

I'm making an application in which a device will send a photo to my ftp server and I shall display that photo in a webpage. Now, I have configured the Windows FTP Server(2008 R2) and Everything Works fine. i.e. when i copy and paste files into ftp via my windows explorer it shows up. But however I'm unable to receive files from the remote device. I called up the other team, they say that the device is sending photo and showing success message. Any idea how to cure this?

Actually, the device was sending data via GSM connection, which had a slow speed. I had to set higher timeouts in FTP to made it work.


ESP32 AsyncWebServer combined with WifiClient communicating with same IP address

My setup is as follows. An ESP32 devkit and a Sonos music player. The idea is to control the Sonos box, using a WiFiClient. With the ESP32 and its connected buttons, I send commands to the Sonos, to play a certain music file, set the volume and many other things. Works well.
The music files are just urls that direct the Sonos to fetch the music file from.
The next step was to add an SD card to my ESP32 and store musicfiles on the SD. I used ESPAsyncWebser, and I can retrieve the music files from my ESP32. Sonos plays them perfectly.
It's the combination that fails sometimes. While the asyncwebserver does it's job and sends out the music data, and the ESP talking to the same Sonos to change volume or add a song to the playlist/queue, it sometimes hangs just there, and the WifiClient is not able to connect or reconnect anymore, and no more music data is sent out. The ESP32 does not really crash, it still functions, the buttons keep working etcetera.
My WifiClient only connects to port 1400 on the Sonos. The Sonos gets the music from the webserver at port 80.
The bare question is, is it even possible to use WiFiClient objects together with the ESPAsyncWebServer when both are connected to the same IP address (the Sonos box) ?
Thanks in advance for any pointers ;-)

Download or Upload term?

I am developing an PC interface that connect to an embedded device. From this interface I can modify some parameters, and I can both load data and dump data. Also I can upgrade the firmware.
How should I call the buttons on my interface?
Download data or Upload data when the goal is to send data from my PC where the interface is running, to the embedded device on which the interface is connected.
The exact same question about the button "Download firmware" or "Upload firmware"
Of course during the transfer, a message should display "Downloading" or "Uploading".
I am confused between the choice of Download/Upload which is perfectly clear between a PC and Internet.
Where there is also the notion of the interface which is running on the PC, but which remote control the embedded target by sending commands to it. So should I see the problem from the target remote controlled through the interface running on the PC or from the PC?
This is confusing....
This is confusing....
It is; so whatever you call it how would you expect your users to know what it means!? The solution is to use less ambiguous terms that do not depend on the point-of-view. Just be clear:
Update firmware.
Write device parameters.
Read device parameters.

Tizen WebSockets: can access Internet WebSocket server but cannot acces LAN WebSocket server

last week I started to develop apps for a Samsung Smartwatch with the Tizen SDK 2.4.0. My sample web application connects to a remote Websocket server (a simple echo server) and sends some random requests and prints the received messages (Server is This works fine on an emulated devices as well as on the real Gear S2 Smartwatch (Example was taken from
But as soon as I start a Websocket server in my home LAN I run into problems. The server is launched via a simple Python example I found on Github ( The emulator device from the SDK connects to this server without any problems using the local IPv4. But the real device, which is logged in to the same WiFi access point, doesn't.
Note that the connection between my PC and my watch device works fine, since the SDK flashes the developed apps via WiFi to the device.
In my config.xml all connections are allowed
<access origin="*" subdomains="true"></access>
and the privilege for "Internet" is available.
The logs show that the watch tries to open a connection, but is then stuck. No error message is printed - the watch just does not go beyond the initial creation of the websocket.
Do you have any hints or thoughts about how I could debug this issue?
Thanks in advance!
I found the solution - my virus scanner has an integrated software firewall that blocked incoming connections...
Try with higher ports maybe ? I got WS working fine on SamsungZ1 on Tizen:2.3:Mobile
Maybe I could try your code on Tizen:2.4:Mobile too ?

Compress and copy same time to another server - slow

i have a big problem. I need tranfer a lot of files by a server to another server, but the second server isnt a local server. If i tranfer by a local server i cant 100mbs but if i send for another server out the speed is 2mbs. my network is 1gbs. I use a command line 7z.
If your servers are (as you wrote) on the same network and connected through the same line you are most likely to have a network connection problem.
I've often seen that the duplex settings of network cards are not set up correctly which leads to a lot of collisions.
Check your network card settings and try to force for example 100mbps full duplex.
I work for a company where this happens daily when trying to connect IBM network cards with Cisco switches. Have a look here how to set up duplex settings:
If this doesn´t help you might be better off asking at

Biztalk Ftp adapter issue

I recently faced a problem with FTP adapter in BizTalk 2013.
I configured send adapter to send files to ftp server, files are picked up from folder (file transfer) and "passthroutransmit" to send port ftp adapter.
My problem is that file never end in send location (folder on ftp server) however I do not get any error in Biztalk.
I try to unenlist send port and then i get error no subscriber.
I ran out of options, I do not know where to look for error.
Have you guys any idea what it could be?
(as per comments/responses above)
If there are no errors reported and nothing is showing as suspended, it might well be that the files made it to their destination...and were perhaps moved/deleted by something on the target machine (e.g. an automated task or virus checking software).
