I need the code coverage for a specific Group(Folder) in my Xcode project with slather.
Already tried config file .slather.yml with property ignore. The generated html has files listed in third libraries (Swift PM). I am just interested in a specific Group.
just add this to your .slather.yml file.
I need to analyse my project using sonar qube. It contains files with .sah extension but basically those .sah files contains javascript code.
I can analyse those files if i change files extensions from .sah to .js but its not a good way .
Is there a way with which I can analyse my code without changing extension from *.sah to *.js
.sah uses the standard JS syntax. You should be able to analyse sah files with the JavaScript plugin.
Add the following line in your sonar-project.properties:
You can also set sonar.javascript.file.suffixes in the SonarQube UI, either globally or for a specific project.
The screenshot below shows the global setting.
You can either navigate through the UI to find the page, or use following URLs:
global: http://your_SQServer/admin/settings?category=javascript
project level: http://your_SQServer/project/settings?category=javascript&id=your_project_id
I am creating a library for Mac using XCode5 which is using some code (c++) that is being developed and maintained by other developer and is at a different path than my library project.
e.g. my project is at /svntrunk/../../mylibraryproject/
The code I want to compile(use) in my library is at
/svntrunk/../../../utils/networkutils/src/source files here
I have tried following approaches
Refer the source files into my project but don't copy them into my project, that way when the other developer updates his code that is automatically reflected since I am pointing to his location. But in this case the linker fails to find the symbols from networkutils code.
Here while adding the file to the project I don't select 'Copy items ..' option
Second approach I took is to select 'Copy items..' option while adding the source files from networkutils to my project. This way the files is copied to my project and the compiler is able to find the symbols. But now if the other developer updates networkutils code I have to manually copy the updated code files which doesn't seem to be right thing to do.
It seems that to move forward I will have to go with option 2. Please let me know if there is a better way to approach this problem.
If he's developing using Xcode as well and has a project, you could link to the project, build that as a lib and include it in the build dependencies in your project.
I do this for Cocos2d.
Failing that, I would pursue option 1 and try to figure out why it's not finding the symbols. Are you sure you have the correct headers included? One reason the compiler fails to find symbols is that you're using functions whose headers are not included.
Extra info here:
I am part of a project with multiple developers. The project contains multiple targets. VERY often, files are committed to the Xcode project repository with some targets not-included (careless programmers). So whenever i do a 'svn up', and run the app, my program crashes. I then have to look through all those files and see which one was committed with the missing target, then add the target, and recommit the file to the repository (for that careless programmer)
Is there some way through a script to either automatically add all .m to a particular target?
list all the files that are missing for a particular target?
I have looked at Add files to an XCode project from a script for reference already.
My answer on this other thread shows you how to see all files that are not part of a target:
I did as Paul suggested and wrote a python script that inspects the .pbxproj and lists all the files and the targets they are included in.
You could easily modify that script so that it highlights the files that are not included in specific targets.
This question has been asked before, but neither did that question got an answer.
As far as I know, XCode does not have any build in support for comparing targets. However, the project is nothing more than an set of XML files... very detailed XML files though.. but still XML.
What you could do (this is not something I recommend though) is read through the XML files of the project and try to understand how they are build.
I know this is not the answer you are looking for, but it might be a workaround.
I read though project.pbxproj of a test project with two targets, and it seems as if the project is build up into references. Which is smart since one wouldn't have a huge file if you have many targets. However, it does mean that its really hard to read.
ToDo: compile the files from a directory that is outside of my Xcode project.
How to tell Xcode the path to look for source codes to compile (like the VPATH in a makefile)?
Note1: Right-click the target and it is easy to add the search path for header files or lib, but there I havent found any option to add a new source code directory.
Note2: I havnt found an answer in the xcode build documentation for this issue.
P.S.: I hope that I can do it without copying all the files to the xcode explicitly.
Thank you!
Drag the directory containing the files into your Xcode project. The only way Xcode knows it needs to compile the files is if they are contained in the project and a part of the target.
You indicated that you wanted to use at least some of the source files in a project and intend on using some set of the same source files for other future projects.
Create a new static or dynamic library using the external collection of source files and then just link this project to it and future projects to it
The design of most build environments encourages the use of code in reusable libraries.
By the way (for those who are still searching and have problems with this issue), i have Xcode 4.5.2 and when i drag the items they are not linked! It seems that xcode's getting worse with each new version.
In case of xcode 4.5.2 if i copied class files into the separate folder i had to do right click to the group and choose 'add files to ""'
If I add sources and headers in my .pro file that arn't in the same directory, the resulting xcode project groups the files by it's default Sources, Headers, etc. but then puts the files in a subdir of those folders indicating the subdirectory where the files are. This make non-flat projects look exceedingly ugly when generated for xcode (notice all the Qt examples are flat).
How do I prevent it from doing that? Or am I stuck with either an ugly xcode layout, or a flat project?
You can create your own configuration features for qmake by adding a new CONFIG argument variable in a .prf file.
Check out this Qt wiki.
Also it looks like you can use different variable names to generate different group names in xcode.
I'm going to figure out both these methods and generate a nice report.