.NET Core 7 - Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Scaffolding.Internal - asp.net-core-scaffolding

Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Scaffolding.Internal doesn't exist in .NET 7.
I try to rewrite a class to execute command scaffold-dbcontext. I try some example but it's not working on .NET 7. The method doesn't exit.
Any ideas for an alternative?


.Net core check AD for existing group and create it

How do I check in .net core (console app) if a given AD-group already exists ?
And how to create it, if not existing ?
If you're running your code on Windows as specified in the tags, quite easy. Install Windows Compatibility Pack nuget package and among others you'll get System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory namespace with the classes that are available in classic .NET.
See this article for many code samples.

Upgrade from identity server 3 to identity server4

We are planning to upgrade our current implementation of identity server 3 to identity server 4. Is this easily achievable?
IdentityServer is compiled against both netstandard 1.4 and .NET 4.5.2 or above.
Our current project is in MVC and using .net framework 4.5.2. I have downloaded latest code of IS4 and added to my project. And there are separate library created for views/controllers.
For reference I am attaching screen shot of current code structure.
Do we have any step by step procedure available that need to be followed in this up-gradation process?
If I missed to share any information about project .. sorry in advance.
Please help!
They are completely different and there's no direct migration path unfortunately.

Trouble with DeviceNetworkInformation class

Good morning,
I have to use the properties from DeviceNetworkInformation in my application.
I've already add the following line to my code
using Microsoft.Phone.Net.NetworkInformation;
but when I try to use DeviceNetworkInformation, I got the following error:
The name "DeviceNetworkInformation" doesn't exist in current context.
I just don't know what to do.
Thank you all.
It's only available for the Windows Phone 7.1 SDK (or newer). You probably made a 7.0 application.

Error while checking out project from source control in Visual Studio

A coworker checked in an asp.net MVC project she was working on into subversioning and when I try to access it, it gives me an error. I looked at her PC and it looks to me like everything's checked in.
When she runs it on her pc it runs fine. When she publishes the site to our development server it also works.
If it means anything I'm using team foundation server as my subversioning, i'm running VS2010 and the project is in asp.net 4.0 and MVC 2.
The error I'm getting is..
Error 1 Extension method must be defined in a non-generic static class C:\websites\sandbox-workspace\admin\MVC\Models\JobRepository.cs 9 18 career-mvc
Line 9 looks like..
This isn't a TFS issue. You are missing something on your development stack. If I had to take a guess, it's probably either a missing class or you are missing the MVC DLLs.
If you would post what JobRepository.cs line 9 looks like, we might have a better capability to hep.

System.IO.Pipes on Windows 2000

Is there any way to get .NET 3.5 working on Windows 2000? Specifically, the only part I need is the System.Core.dll to use the System.IO.Pipes namespace.
Hackish workaround methods are fine, if necessary.
Workaround found - I started pulling the code out of System.Core.dll using Red Gate's .NET Reflector and adapting it to my project, but halfway through found that someone has already done the same thing here http://hall.org.ua:800/syberia1/browser/Syberia2/src/Syberia2/Microsoft/IO/Pipes so used that instead.
