System.IO.Pipes on Windows 2000 - windows

Is there any way to get .NET 3.5 working on Windows 2000? Specifically, the only part I need is the System.Core.dll to use the System.IO.Pipes namespace.
Hackish workaround methods are fine, if necessary.

Workaround found - I started pulling the code out of System.Core.dll using Red Gate's .NET Reflector and adapting it to my project, but halfway through found that someone has already done the same thing here so used that instead.


How to I solve a Visual Studio Fatal Error during debugging involving Desktop CLR, CoreCLR and recommending Managed Debugger

I'm afraid the error is so baffling to me I didn't even know how to word the question! I'm writing a plugin that's a class library for a Third Party Application (call it 'ApplicationX'). I had this successfully set up in a debug environment where it would build to ApplicationX's Plugin folder with the .pdb file and then the VS debug would start ApplicationX, thus enabling me to debug the plugin/class library code. This was working fine until I had a System Drive crash >.< (my first ever + ouch!).
Here's the debug setup:
I've just come back to it. I couldn't tell you all the changes, but I'm on VS2022 now as opposed to 2019. Now when I run it (the source code and ApplicationX is still much the same), I get this really weird error:
I've read through all the SO articles I could find and tried the suggesitons therein, but nothings worked. Firstly, I just can't understand the error. Secondly, Are there any suggestions on what to do. Here's what I've tried:
Installing .net Core 3.1 and 6 (full + desktop versions)
In options>debugging>general, checked "automatically close the console when debugging stops"
Some other stuff that I can't remember right now!
Be grateful of any help as this has brought my dev to a grinding halt!
Solution: I got in touch with the author of 'ApplicationX' He confirmed that he'd migrated it to .net Core. So that was the issue. I haven't got the solution in terms of solving it from that perspective, as I switched to the .net Framework version of ApplicationX instead! Non-the-less, the error's a bit clearer.

How to use SignalR in aspnetcore 2.0, with c# and html/js for front end

Am trying to install SIGNALR to my project, but when adding the Nugets, it keeps pushing an error that the "Package xxx was restored using .NETFramework, Version=v4.6.1 instead of the project framework .NETCoreApp, Version=v2.0". I get this error on several Nugets. I tried to re-install all Nuget one by one but same result when I arrive at some particular one like SIGNALR.
I believe I might have something wrong in the setup, but as am new to, would love a pointer. Read the literature but could not find the answer to this issue.
It also looks like SignalR might only be available for netcore 2.1 later this year but am looking for a way to use it, in a simple app.
So a couple of things.
For the latest SignalR Core bits you need to be targeting netcoreapp2.1. Preview1 and later depend on that.
If you want to just experiment with SignalR targeting netcoreapp2.0 the alpha 2 bits use netcoreapp2.0. But just to be clear the alpha bits are just a public preview and should not be used for production applications.
The main thing here though is that you are using the Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR packages. Those will not work on Core.

cannot open visual basic 6.0 project due to component 'msconctl.ocx' not registered error

I have a project in visual basic 6.0 with an error message that,
'msconctl.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered:
a file is missing or invalid.
Can't figure out what is the problem,
i am also getting an error:- object or with block variable.
please help?
First, I'm pretty sure that you are talking about mscomctl.ocx (not msconctl.ocx), the Microsoft Common Control library, which is where you get all the common controls (text box, label, etc.) used in VB6. If you don't have this registered properly, VB6 won't run.
You haven't told us if you're using a 64-bit version of Windows or not. This makes a difference. In any case, you should be able to work out a solution by reading This.
MSComCtl.OCX was in 2012 modified in such a way that it became in-compatibable with legacy VB6 applications. MSComCtl.OCX prior to that was working fine. I ran into this and the only alternative left to me was to remove the control from the project ( in my case a Status Bar ) and use a Label field to cover the duties of the Status Bar. Once I was upgraded to a .Net Codebase I re-introduced the .Net Status Bar and things were back to normal. You probably didn't do anything wrong...its just a change to MSCOMCTL.OCX that once applied to your machine will break old VB6 projects that use that control. If you run or attempt to compile the app, VB6 should point you to the line(s) of code encountering the error. That will tell you which control is being victimized. Consider removing the control, and also the reference to MSComCtl, and creating workarounds. Sorry...just another nail in the VB6 coffin. I hate it but can't prevent it. Hope this helps.

Using Web.Caching on XP Running IIS 5.1 Not available?

Environment: I am working on a site in ASP.Net 2.0 running on IIS6; I am developing locally on WinXP which runs IIS 5.1, using VS2005 and VB.
Issue: I am trying to create caching for some business layer objects (actually creating a caching layer) using System.web.caching.cache. This should be available under System.Web namespace but all that I seem to have access to are: AspNetHostingPermission, AspNetHostingPermissionAttribute and AspNetHostingPermissionLevel (I have a reference to System.Web in the project and imports in the class). There are quite a few other classes (e.g., HTTPRuntime) which also do not appear (this is per the "Using SQL Cache Dependencies" tutorial
I'm at the end of my rope and can't seem to find anything out there to explain this. Has anyone been in this situation and seen this before? Any help getting this solved is MUCH appreciated!
OK, so not sure why I didn't think of this before but I checked the references tab under the project properties. In the list for System.web, the additional namespaces were unchecked; checking System.Web.Caching and recompiling fixed the issue.
Sometimes you're just toooooo close to something to realize the easy answer.

strange problem with referenced log4net assembly

I'm not sure if this problem is connected specifically with log4net or this is some problem with VS.
Everytime I'm trying, I have the same result. But let's start from the beginning.
I'm creating a simply console application (.net 4) and using nuget to install the log4net library.
Now, when I want to add some code from it, intellisense works ok:
But when I try to compile it, I have an error
This is the only one assembly I found to this moment, I have this problem with. I have absolutly no idea what (and why) is going on. I have checked with two other solutions and problem is the same. I have not checked manually downloaded version yet.
Most likely there is an underlying dependency that is missing. One very common reason is the project is using the Client Profile instead of the full .NET 4.0. (Not sure about log4Net, but I run into this a lot when including third party libraries, esp. those with ties to the web). If I am correct, simply going into properties and changing the framework version to full .NET 4.0 will solve the issue.
