Spring security is interfering with actuator endpoint - spring

I am using spring security in my microservice application, I also have actuator endpoint in place. Whenever I try to deploy my microservice and access the /actuator/prometheus URL it shows me the dialog box to enter Username and password. I want this to remove .

As described in the documentation (section named "Security")
If you deploy applications behind a firewall, you may prefer that all
your actuator endpoints can be accessed without requiring
authentication. You can do so by changing the
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include property, as follows:


Spring Keycloak authentication - serves both web application and web service

Our stack includes the following services, each service runs in a docker container:
Front-end in React
Backend service based on Spring boot "resource-service"
Other backend service (consumer)
Both the front-end and the consumer services communicate with the backend using REST API.
We use Keycloak as our user management and authentication service.
We would like to integrate our Spring based service "resource-service" with Keycloak by serving both web application and a service flows:
Web application - React based front-send that should get a redirect 302 from the "resource-service" and send the user / browser to login in the Keycloak site and then return to get the requested resource.
Server 2 Server coomunication - A server that need to use the "resource-service" API's should get 401 in case of authentication issues and not a redirection / login page.
There are few options to integrate Spring with Keycloak:
Keycloak Spring Boot Adapter
Keycloak Spring Security Adapter
Spring Security and OAuth2
I noticed that there is a "autodetect-bearer-only" in Keycloak documentation, that seems to support exactly that case. But -
There are a lot of integration options and I'm not sure what is the best way to go, for a new Spring boot service.
In addition, I didn't find where to configure that property.
I've used approaches one and two and in my opinion, if you are using Spring Boot, use the corresponding adapter, use the Spring Security adapter if you're still using plain Spring MVC. I've never seen the necessity for the third approach as you basically have to do everything on your own, why would anyone not use the first two methods?
As for using the Spring Bood adapter, the only configuration necessary is the following:
bearer-only: true
auth-server-url: your-url
realm: your-realm
resource: your-resource
And you're done. The bearer-only is so that you return 401 if a client arrives without a bearer token and isn't redirected to a login page, as you wanted. At least that's what's working for us :-)
After that, you can either use the configuration for securing endpoints but it's a bit more flexible to either use httpSecurity or #EnableGlobalMethodSecurity which we're doing with e. g. #Secured({"ROLE_whatever_role"}).
If you're using the newest Spring Boot version combined with Spring Cloud, you might run into this issue.
I configure my resource-servers to always return 401 when Authorization header is missing or invalid (and never 302), whatever the client.
The client handles authentication when it is required, token refreshing, etc.: Some of certified OpenID client libs even propose features to ensure user has a valid access-token before issuing requests to protected resources. My favorite for Angular is angular-auth-oidc-client, but I don't know which React lib has same features.
Keycloak adapters for Spring are now deprecated. You can refer to this tutorials for various resource-server security configuration options. It covers uses cases from most simple RBAC to building DSL like: #PreAuthorize("is(#username) or isNice() or onBehalfOf(#username).can('greet')")

Disable unneeded OAuth endpoints spring boot

I have an authorization server and resource server contained under one single spring boot application. I only want to enable the password flow.
I believe that would mean I only need the /oauth/token endpoint, however my swagger UI is configured to autofind all endpoints and shows:
check-token-endpoint (/oauth/check_token)
token-endpoint (/oauth/token)
whitelabel-approval-endpoint (/oauth/confirm_access)
whitelabel-error-endpoint (/oauth/error)
As per the spring-security-oauth2-boot src code:
Spring Security access rule for the check token endpoint (e.g. a SpEL expression like "isAuthenticated()") . Default is empty, which is interpreted as "denyAll()" (no access).
This is the same for the token key endpoint.
If all access is denied to this endpoint by default and I am not changing them, should I turn them off completely/is there a way. Also, if i cannot disable them, can i disable them in the swagger docs auto configure to reduce clutter?

Client Application using Basic Auth with Spring Security and Keycloak

I have an architecture where my user application wants to use a basic authentication when accessing a spring service. This service has to use a Keycloak instance to verify the user/pass of the user application. I don't succeed to configure it (and don't know if its possible).
Yes, it is possible. Keycloak has Spring Security adapter that can be configured for Client and/or Resource Server.
And also a working example here:

Access sensitive Spring boot actuator endpoints via tokens in browser

We are using Spring Boot Actuator Endpoints with our services.
We want to secure certain endpoints which are to be accessed only by the admin/support team for troubleshooting issues.
For example, /logfile,/env,/shutdown,/restart.
As per Spring Boot Actuator documentation, sensitive endpoints are secured by ACTUATOR role. We can also enable basic authentication and provide username and password in application.yml by adding Spring Security as a dependency.
My query is this works fine for basic authentication, but we want to use Token Based authentication.
We want the Admin Support team to first obtain a Token from a custom Token Service and then pass the token while the sensitive endpoints like /logfile and so on.
I am not sure how I can securely access these endpoint because they will be accessed via browser and not using a REST client. With REST client I see there are options supported for securing the same.
If someone has secured these endpoints with tokens and accessed them via browser can you please help me on the same.

How to integrate keycloak in Spring Boot with a different context root and reverse proxy

We are currently developing a microservice application using Spring Boot 1.4 and Keycloak 2.5.0 (configured as openid-connect service) using the Keycloak Spring Adapter (not the Spring Boot adapter).
All of our microservices are put behind a load balancer and an additional reverse proxy as the application will be hosted on an existing domain behind a context root (so the root of our application is http://foo.bar/foobar/ and the rest services are http://foo.bar/foobar/rest/).
We are facing a couple of problems with Keycloak in this given scenario:
Keycloak forward to /sso/login if a sign-in is needed. This is in our case unwanted behaviour because http://foo.bar/sso/login will not exist. I have found a way to change the forward but there is no way to make Keycloak listen to the same url; we end up with a 404 in this case.
After signing in, Keycloak redirects back to the /sso/login url with the correct tokens, but if this is not the same server, the request fails and it redirects us to http://foo.bar/. Since every microservice exposes /sso/login, this can be in fact a completely different server.
If keycloak is hosted on the same domain, we end up in a redirect loop. We would also like to have Keycloak hosted on the same domain and on the context root http://foo.bar/foobar/auth/ .
We've already tried using the "token-store": "cookie" but this did not resolve the problem.
Is there a way to resolve these problems or is Keycloak maybe not the correct solution for our use-case ?
Update 05/05/2017:
Move my answer from here to an answer
We are now up and running with Keycloak so I'll briefly explain what we did. The front-end of our application runs Angular2 and we created a custom login page in the Angular application itself (so it's not a theme for Keycloak) which will directly query the Keycloak API for an OAuth2 Bearer token. The front-end will send this token on each request in the Authorization header (as per the OAuth standards).
On the service side we have configured keycloak as a bearer-only solution (bearer-only: true in the keycloak.json), this way the application just returns a 401 or a 403 instead of forwarding to the login page.
Using this configuration the user will never see anything from the /sso/login page and there is also no redirect issue anymore.
TLDR; the use-case I described was also not realistic, calling a REST URL and then forwarding to a login page is kind of bad stuff :)
