Quarkus reactive and JDBC datasource connection pooling - quarkus

I'm using Quarkus and have a project with two default datasources connecting to the same database, one uses JDBC (Agroal) for a postgres copy operation, the other uses reactive (PgPool) for all other sql operations.
There's an option in quarkus QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_JDBC_POOLING_ENABLED that can be set to false to disable connection pooling for JDBC datasource. So my question is:
Does reactive and JDBC datasources share the same connection pool? If I disable the JDBC pooling, will it affect the reactive connection pool?
Is there a way to verify such behavior?
Thank you all.
Trying to figure out the behavior between reactive and JDBC datasource regarding connection pooling. Expecting that turning off the pooling for JDBC via the config QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_JDBC_POOLING_ENABLED will not impact reactive connection pool.


How to use Spring transactions with plain old jdbc connection without Spring jdbc template?

We have an old EJB based web application which we are supposed to migrate into Spring boot. For database connectivity, it is a plain old jdbc connection approach as of now.
We want to use Spring transactions and remove EJB transactions but willing to keep plain old jdbc connectivity same. In short we don't want to make changes in our DAO layer to convert plain old jdbc to Spring JdbcTemplate.
Please note that we have our own connection pooling algorithm and we create connection object and close it in the pool.
Along with this we want our application to be multi-tenant that can work with multiple databases on the basis of 'tenantID' that we will provide.
I actually tried to implement this but it is not working. I had to manually do con.commit(); and con.rollback();
Is there any way to use Spring transactions with plain old jdbc connectivity with above scenario?

How to configure auto reconnection with hikari in SpringBoot application?

We are using SpringBoot 2.1.x version so Hikari is the default DataSource implementation. However, I am not sure how to configure Hikari settings to auto reconnect to our Oracle database after database maintenance/restart or network connection issue.
We have the following hikari settings but it does not seem to help.
account.datasource.url: jdbc:oracle:thin:#myserver:1521:DEV
account.datasource.username: user
account.datasource.password: xxxx
account.datasource.driverClassName: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
account.datasource.hikari.connection-timeout: 30000
account.datasource.hikari.maximum-pool-size: 3
account.datasource.hikari.idle-timeout: 60000
account.datasource.hikari.max-lifetime: 1800000
account.datasource.hikari.minimum-idle: 2
It failed to reconnect after network connection to the database got restored.
Failed to obtain JDBC Connection; nested exception is java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 30033ms.
Any other account.datasource.hikari.xxxxx will help to auto reconnect to the database ?
From the HikariCP docs:
If your driver supports JDBC4 we strongly
recommend not setting this property. This is for "legacy" drivers that
do not support the JDBC4 Connection.isValid() API. This is the query
that will be executed just before a connection is given to you from
the pool to validate that the connection to the database is still
alive. Again, try running the pool without this property, HikariCP
will log an error if your driver is not JDBC4 compliant to let you
know. Default: none
So I'd suggest verifying that your JDBC Driver is actually JDBC4 compliant. If it's not - set the above property.

Hive connection pooling mechanism

I am using hive 2.1.0 version.
I have a jdbc connection from java side to connect to hive server2. But now i need to create a jdbc connection once and create a datasource pool so that the multiple queries do not create a new connection everytime and use the pooling mechanism instead. Is there any way to implement the pooling mechanism in hive?
Thanks in advance...

Apache Ignite JDBC driver - JDBC Connection Pool options

I'm currently trying to set-up Apache Ignite with C3P0 as my JDBC Connection pool, but I noticed that since the Ignite driver doesn't support transactions, C3P0's not usable.
Has anyone had any luck getting a JDBC connection pool going with the Ignite driver? Suggestions?
Updating with exactly why C3P0 doesn't work with Ignite's JDBC Driver
So take a look at this line of code
To create a new pooled connection, C3P0 attempts to set transaction isolation through the connection/driver.
That eventually leads us to this line of code in the Ignite driver, which basically tells us that the Ignite driver doesn't support SQL transactions.
Ignite itself DOES support transactions as specified here but it appears the JDBC implementation does not.
So I need an alternative to C3P0 if I want to set up a JDBC connection pool; any suggestions?
It turns out the JDBC driver for Apache Ignite isn't currently JDBC compliant. Specifically the part that breaks it is that it doesn't have transaction support. As a result, your typical JDBC-pool implementation won't work with the Ignite Driver
There's now a ticket for this here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-4191
BasicDataSource ds = new BasicDataSource();
Try BasicDataSource http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-dbcp/configuration.html

MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource or c3p0 like library?

What's the difference between MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource and C3p0, BoneCP or dbcp library for connection pooling? I don't understand why use a library if mysql connector give connection pooling.
A ConnectionPoolDataSource is not a connection pool (or at least: it shouldn't be), it is intended to be used by a DataSource that provides pooling (eg from an application server). A ConnectionPoolDataSource provides the physical connections that will be held in the connection pool. Besides creating those physical connections a ConnectionPoolDataSource shouldn't do anything else.
So if you are working in an application server, use the pooling provided by the DataSources of the application server. If you are in a standalone application or a server that doesn't provide datasources on its own, use third party connection pools like BoneCP, c3p0 or Apache DBCP. If MySQL also provides a normal DataSource that provides pooling, then you could use that.
