With MAGE there is a lot of graph algorithms I can implement and run within Memgraph. Why and when would that not be sufficient? If I would need to create my own function which programing languages are supported?
Answer for title:
Writing procedures for use by (any) database engine is recommended in 2 cases:
When using it will significantly speed up the operation.
When you have several clients (especially in different languages) and you need to ensure that the operations are the same.
Writing code in your favorite language is faster - it's a fact. This is usually not the most optimal development solution, but the most economically viable.
Answer for body
Write your procedure when the developers of MAGE have not come up with an idea to solve your specific problem.
All languages that can be compiled to ELF are supported.
Memgraph has the ability to load custom functions written in C/C++ or Python. This custom functions then can be called from any Cypher expressions. Semantically spekaing, functions should be a small fragment of functionality that con't require long computations and large memory consumption. There is one limitation in place: the only requirement for functions is not to modify the graph.
Memgraph MAGE has many pre-defined functions as a part of the MAGE project. In addition to MAGE off-the-shelf functions, you also can optimize performance because, e.g., precompiled C++ functions can massively increase filter expression speed. This will be very useful if you are working with large filter expressions where filtering takes most of the time.
in many distributed computing applications, you maintain a distributed array of objects. Each process manages a set of objects that it may read and write exclusively and furthermore a set of objects that may only read (the content of which is authored by and frequently recerived from other processes).
This is very basic and is likely to have been done a zillion times until times until now - for example, with MPI. Hence I suppose there is something like an open source extension for MPI, which provides the basic capabilities of a distributed array for computing.
Ideally, it would be written in C(++) and mimic the official MPI standard interface style. Does anybody know anything like that? Thank you.
From what I gather from your question, you're looking for a mechanism for allowing a global view (read-only) of the problem space, but each process has ownership (read-write) of a segment of the data.
MPI is simply an API specification for inter-process communication for parallel applications and any implementation of it will work at a level lower than what you are looking for.
It is quite common in HPC applications to perform data decomposition in a way that you mentioned, with MPI used to synchronise shared data to other processes. However each application have different sharing patterns and requirements (some may wish to only exchange halo regions with neighbouring nodes, and perhaps using non-blocking calls to overlap communication other computation) so as to improve performance by making use of knowledge of the problem domain.
The thing is, using MPI to sync data across processes is simple but implementing a layer above it to handle general purpose distribute array synchronisation that is easy to use yet flexible enough to handle different use cases can be rather trickly.
Apologies for taking so long to get to the point, but to answer your question, AFAIK there isn't be an extension to MPI or a library that can efficiently handle all use cases while still being easier to use than simply using MPI. However, it is possible to to work above the level of MPI which maintaining distributed data. For example:
Use the PGAS model to work with your data. You can then use libraries such as Global Arrays (interfaces for C, C++, Fortran, Python) or languages that support PGAS such as UPC or Co-Array Fortran (soon to be included into the Fortran standards). There are also languages designed specifically for this form of parallelism, i,e. Fortress, Chapel, X10
Roll your own. For example, I've worked on a library that uses MPI to do all the dirty work but hides the complexity by providing creating custom data types for the application domain, and exposing APIs such as:
X_Create(MODE, t_X) : instantiate the array, called by all processes with the MODE indicating if the current process will require READ-WRITE or READ-ONLY access
X_Sync_start(t_X) : non-blocking call to initiate synchronisation in the background.
X_Sync_complete(t_X) : data is required. Block if synchronisation has not completed.
... and other calls to delete data as well as perform domain specific tasks that may require MPI calls.
To be honest, in most cases it is often simpler to stick with basic MPI or OpenMP, or if one exists, using a parallel solver written for the application domain. This of course depends on your requirements.
For dense arrays, see Global Arrays and Elemental (Google will find them for you).
For sparse arrays, see PETSc.
I know this is a really short answer, but there is too much documentation of these elsewhere to bother repeating it.
Does anyone have any suggestions for assembly file analysis tools? I'm attempting to analyze ARM/Thumb-2 ASM files generated by LLVM (or alternatively GCC) when passed the -S option. I'm particularly interested in instruction statistics at the basic block level, e.g. memory operation counts, etc. I may wind up rolling my own tool in Python, but was curious to see if there were any existing tools before I started.
Update: I've done a little searching, and found a good resource for disassembly tools / hex editors / etc here, but unfortunately it is mainly focused on x86 assembly, and also doesn't include any actual assembly file analyzers.
What you need is a tool for which you can define an assembly language syntax, and then build custom analyzers. You analyzers might be simple ("how much space does an instruction take?") or complex ("How many cycles will this isntruction take to execute?" [which depends on the preceding sequence of instructions and possibly a sophisticated model of the processor you care about]).
One designed specifically to do that is the New Jersey Machine Toolkit. It is really designed to build code generators and debuggers. I suspect it would be good at "instruction byte count". It isn't clear it is good at more sophisticated analyses. And I believe it insists you follow its syntax style, rather than yours.
One not designed specifically to do that, but good at parsing/analyzing langauges in general is our
DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit.
DMS can be given a grammar description for virtually any context free language (that covers most assembly language syntax) and can then parse a specific instance of that grammar (assembly code) into ASTs for further processing. We've done with with several assembly langauges, including the IBM 370, Motorola's 8 bit CPU line, and a rather peculiar DSP, without trouble.
You can specify an attribute grammar (computation over an AST) to DMS easily. These are great way to encode analyses that need just local information, such as "How big is this instruction?". For more complex analysese, you'll need a processor model that is driven from a series of instructions; passing such a machine model the ASTs for individual instructions would be an easy way to apply a machine model to compute more complex things as "How long does this instruction take?".
Other analyses such as control flow and data flow, are provided in generic form by DMS. You can use an attribute evaluator to collect local facts ("control-next for this instruction is...", "data from this instruction flows to,...") and feed them to the flow analyzers to compute global flow facts ("if I execute this instruction, what other instructions might be executed downstream?"..)
You do have to configure DMS for your particular (assembly) language. It is designed to be configured for tasks like these.
Yes, you can likely code all this in Python; after all, its a Turing machine. But likely not nearly as easily.
An additional benefit: DMS is willing to apply transformations to your code, based on your analyses. So you could implement your optimizer with it, too. After all, you need to connect the analysis indication the optimization is safe, to the actual optimization steps.
I have written many disassemblers, including arm and thumb. Not production quality but for the purposes of learning the assembler. For both the ARM and Thumb the ARM ARM (ARM Architectural Reference Manual) has a nice chart from which you can easily count up data operations from load/store, etc. maybe an hours worth of work, maybe two. At least up front, you would end up with data values being counted though.
The other poster may be right, as with the chart I am talking about it should be very simple to write a program to examine the ASCII looking for ldr, str, add, etc. No need to parse everything if you are interested in memory operations counts, etc. Of course the downside is that you are likely not going to be able to examine loops. One function may have a load and store, another may have a load and store but have it wrapped by a loop, causing many more memory operations once executed.
Not knowing what you really are interested in, my guess is you might want to simulate the code and count these sorts of things. I wrote a thumb simulator (thumbulator) that attempts to do just that. (and I have used it to compare llvm execution vs gcc execution when it comes to number of instructions executed, fetches, memory operations, etc) The problem may be that it is thumb only, no ARM no Thumb2. Thumb2 could be added easier than ARM. There exists an armulator from arm, which is in the gdb sources among other places. I cant remember now if it executes thumb2. My understanding is that when arm was using it would accurately tell you these sorts of statistics.
You can plug your statistics into LLVM code generator, it's quite flexible and it is already collecting some stats, which could be used as an example.
The topic of algorithms class today was reimplementing data structures, specifically ArrayList in Java. The fact that you can customize a structure for in various ways definitely got me interested, particularly with variations of add() & iterator.remove() methods.
But is reimplementing and customizing a data structure something that is of more interest to the academics vs the real-world programmers? Has anyone reimplemented their own version of a data structure in a commercial application/program, and why did you pick that route over your particular language's implementation?
Knowing how data structures are implemented and can be implemented is definitely of interest to everyone, not just academics. While you will most likely not reimplement a datastructure if the language already provides an implementation with suitable functions and performance characteristics, it is very possible that you will have to create your own data structure by composing other data structures... or you may need to implement a data structure with slightly different behavior than a well-known data structure. In that case, you certainly will need to know how the original data structure is implemented. Alternatively, you may end up needing a data structure that does not exist or which provides similar behavior to an existing data structure, but the way in which it is used requires that it be optimized for a different set of functions. Again, such a situation would require you to know how to implement (and alter) the data structure, so yes it is of interest.
I am not advocating that you reimplement existing datastructures! Don't do that. What I'm saying is that the knowledge does have practical application. For example, you may need to create a bidirectional map data structure (which you can implement by composing two unidirectional map data structures), or you may need to create a stack that keeps track of a variety of statistics (such as min, max, mean) by using an existing stack data structure with an element type that contains the value as well as these various statistics. These are some trivial examples of things that you might need to implement in the real world.
I have re-implemented some of a language's built-in data structures, functions, and classes on a number of occasions. As an embedded developer, the main reason I would do that is for speed or efficiency. The standard libraries and types were designed to be useful in a variety of situations, but there are many instances where I can create a more specialized version that is custom-tailored to take advantage of the features and limitations of my current platform. If the language doesn't provide a way to open up and modify existing classes (like you can in Ruby, for instance), then re-implementing the class/function/structure can be the only way to go.
For example, one system I worked on used a MIPS CPU that was speedy when working with 32-bit numbers but slower when working with smaller ones. I re-wrote several data structures and functions to use 32-bit integers instead of 16-bit integers, and also specified that the fields be aligned to 32-bit boundaries. The result was a noticable speed boost in a section of code that was bottlenecking other parts of the software.
That being said, it was not a trivial process. I ended up having to modify every function that used that structure and I ended up having to re-write several standard library functions as well. In this particular instance, the benefits outweighed the work. In the general case, however, it's usually not worth the trouble. There's a big potential for hard-to-debug problems, and it's almost always more work than it looks like. Unless you have specific requirements or restrictions that the existing structures/classes don't meet, I would recommend against re-implementing them.
As Michael mentions, it is indeed useful to know how to re-implement structures even if you never do so. You may find a problem in the future that can be solved by applying the principles and techniques used in existing data structures.
I want to answer questions about data in Erlang: count things, correlate messages, provide arbitrary statistics. I had thought about resorting to Hadoop for this but is it possible to build a solution in raw Erlang to do rather arbitrary data analysis not necessarily via map/reduce but somehow? I have seen some hints of people doing this but no explicit blog posts or examples of this being done. I know that Powerset's natural language capabilities are written in Erlang. I also know about CouchDB but was looking for some other solutions.
For general-purpose computation and statistics, Erlang works just fine. It isn't optimized heavily for such work, so it will have trouble keeping up with similar numeric code in, say MatLab, ForTran, or any of the major C package for this work -- but for most uses it will do just fine. And of course if your code parallelizes neatly and you have multiple CPUs available, Erlang will catch up more easily.
(You also mentioned the map/reduce pattern; it is relatively trivial given the Erlang/OTP runtime and libraries.)
I and my colleagues have written plenty of "raw" Erlang to do counting, statistics, and so on. We have found it to be more than sufficient for most tasks.
I'd like to do some work with the nitty-gritties of computer imaging. I'm looking for a way to read single pixels of data, analyze them programatically, and change them. What is the best language to use for this (Python, c++, Java...)? What is the best fileformat?
I don't want any super fancy software/APIs... I'm looking for the bare basics.
If you need speed (you'll probably always want speed with image processing) you definitely have to work with raw pixel data.
Java has some real disadvantages as you cannot access memory directly which makes pixel access quite slow compared to accessing the memory directly.
C++ is definitely the language of choice for production use image processing. But you can, for example, also use C# as it allows for unsafe code in specific areas. (Take a look at the scan0 pointer property of the bitmapdata class.)
I've used C# successfully for image processing applications and they are definitely much faster than their java counterparts.
I would not use any scripting language or java for such a purpose.
It's very east to manipulate the large multi-dimensional or complex arrays of pixel information that are pictures using high-level languages such as Python. There's a library called PIL (the Python Imaging Library) that is quite useful and will let you do general filters and transformations (change the brightness, soften, desaturate, crop, etc) as well as manipulate the raw pixel data.
It is the easiest and simplest image library I've used to date and can be extended to do whatever it is you're interested in (edge detection in very little code, for example).
I studied Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision, thus I know pretty well the kind of tools that are used in this field.
Basically: you can use whatever you want as long as you know how it works behind the scene.
Now depending on what you want to achieve, you can either use:
C language, but you will lose a lot of time in bugs checking and memory management when implementing your algorithms. So theoretically, this is the fastest language to do that kind of job, but if your algorithms are not computationnally efficient (in terms of complexity) or if you lose too much time in bugs checking, this is clearly not worth it. So I would advise to first implement your application in another language, and then later you can always optimize small parts of your code with C bindings.
Octave/MatLab: very efficient language, almost as much as C, and you can make very elegant and succinct algorithms. If you are into vectorization, matrix and linear operations, you should go with that. However, you won't be able to develop a whole application with this language, it's more focused on algorithms, but then you can always develop an interface using another language later.
Python: all-in-one elegant and accessible language, used in gigantically large scale applications such as Google and Facebook. You can do pretty much everything you want with Python, any kind of application. It will be perfectly adapted if you want to make a full application (with client interaction and all, not only algorithms), or if you want to quickly draft a prototype using existent libraries since Python has a very large set of high quality libraries, like OpenCV. However if you only want to make algorithms, you should better use Octave/MatLab.
The answer that was selected as a solution is very biaised, and you should be careful about this kind of archaic comment.
Nowadays, hardware is cheaper than wetware (humans), and thus, you should use languages where you will be able to produce results faster, even if it's at the cost of a few CPU cycles or memory space.
Also, a lot of people tends to think that as long as you implement your software in C/C++, you are making the Saint Graal of speedness: this is just not true. First, because algorithms complexity matters a lot more than the language you are using (a bad algorithm will never beat a better algorithm, even if implemented in the slowest language in the universe), and secondly because high-level languages are nowadays doing a lot of caching and speed optimization for you, and this can make your program run even faster than in C/C++.
Of course, you can always do everything of the above in C/C++, but how much of your time are you willing to waste to reinvent the wheel?
Not only will C/C++ be faster, but most of the image processing sample code you find out there will be in C as well, so it will be easier to incorporate things you find.
if you are looking to numerical work on your images (think matrix) and you into Python check out http://www.scipy.org/PyLab - this is basically the ability to do matlab in python, buddy of mine swears by it.
(This might not apply for the OP who only wanted the bare basics -- but now that the speed issue was brought up, I do need to write this, just for the record.)
If you really need speed, it's better to forget about working on the pixel-by-pixel level, and rather see whether the operations that you need to perform could be vectorized. For example, for your C/C++ code you could use the excellent Intel IPP library (no, I don't work for Intel).
It depends a little on what you're trying to do.
If runtime speed is your issue then c++ is the best way to go.
If speed of development is an issue, though, I would suggest looking at java. You said that you wanted low level manipulation of pixels, which java will do for you. But the other thing that might be an issue is the handling of the various file formats. Java does have some very nice APIs to deal with the reading and writing of various image formats to file (in particular the java2d library. You choose to ignore the higher levels of the API)
If you do go for the c++ option (or python come to think of it) I would again suggest the use of a library to get you over the startup issues of reading and writing files. I've previously had success with libgd
What language do you know the best? To me, this is the real question.
If you're going to spend months and months learning one particular language, then there's no real advantage in using Python or Java just for their (to be proven) development speed.
I'm particularly proficient in C++ and I think that for this particular task I can be as speedy as a Java programmer, for example. With the aid of some good library (OpenCV comes to mind) you can create anything you need in a matter of a couple of lines of C++ code, really.
Short answer: C++ and OpenCV
Short answer? I'd say C++, you have far more flexibility in manipulating raw chunks of memory than Python or Java.