VS2013 Project Installer Incompatible with vs2022 - installation

I have several large systems developed in VS2013. I created an installer for each using the 2013 Install Shield install template that comes with VS2013.
I have now upgraded the code to VS2022 and it executes fine, but the 2013 Installer just gives errors when I try to Build it under VS2022. I tried to create the 2022 Installer with the rebuilt 2013-2022 code but it is "incompatible" with the 2013 Project.
How can I create an Installer for the 2022 code?


Visual studio upgrade

I have a Visual studio web forms project that is written in vb.net 4.8. It was originally built in VS 2012. At some point, I got a free version of VS 2019 to try and opened the project. After a few weeks, I scrapped VS 2019. Now when I open the project in VS 2012, it churns for a moment and VS crashes.
VS must have upgraded my project to work with 2019 and added some pieces that don't work in VS 2012.
How do I downgrade the project so it opens in VS 2012? or can I rebuild the project so it works in VS 2012?
I tried downloading VS 2019 and opening the project. The project kept crashing VS. I created a new project in VS 2019 and imported the files in. After adding them to the project, I had about 5 warning preventing the program from building. Once those were addressed, I could run the project. I will now have to upgrade to the latest version of VS.

How can I downgrade visual studio 2017 version?

I currently have installed Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise version 15.9.15 (the latest available in Visual Studio Installer). I want to downgrade to version 15.9.11 due to some issues in my project. I have the installer for 15.9.11 but every time I run the installer, Visual Studio Installer is trying to install the 15.9.15 version.
I've tried with different versions but Visual Studio Installer always switches to 15.9.15 regardless. Is there any other way to downgrade? I've searched online but with no luck.

Updated Visual Studio 2015 RTM from Update 1 to Update 2, now Cordova Project is "Incompatible"

I updated my Visual Studio 2015 RTM from Update 1 to Update 2 and now my Cordova project won't open. I get the following error message instead of my project files:
This project is incompatible with the current edition of Visual
I've installed the following hot fix and rebooted my machine and it made no difference:
The only option I get for that project is to edit my .jsproj file. But I haven't a clue what I'd have to change to make it work.
Here's my version info for Visual Studio:
How do I get my project to work with the new update to Visual Studio 2015?
For what ever reason, Visual Studio seemed to remove the Tools for Apache Cordova and I had to reinstall them from scratch. Once I'd reapplied version 8.1 of the tools, the project loaded up just fine.

How to install Xamarin for Visual Studio 2015 when Visual Studio 2013 is installed too?

I install both Visual Studio 2013 and 2015. I need install Xamarin for VS 2015. But I can't do it because by default it's installing for VS 2013.
I think the link below may assist you:
first, uninstall everything related to xamarin.
second, open vs2015 and create new andriod project
third, when project is created you'll see instructions to downloading xamarin.
Download the xamarin installer for vs2015, install it, after installation - open vs2015 and see the newly added projects.

WebSharper VSIX does not install on Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate?

I have Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate installed on my machine and I tried to install WebSharper project templates using provided VSIX. However I see nothing, the VSIX just starts and exits, nothing happens.
I tried installing other VSIX, both directly and from Extension manager and they all worked without any problem.
Could you please advise what might be a problem in my case? I have Visual F# 3.1 installed via VSIX and working.
