How can I downgrade visual studio 2017 version? - visual-studio

I currently have installed Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise version 15.9.15 (the latest available in Visual Studio Installer). I want to downgrade to version 15.9.11 due to some issues in my project. I have the installer for 15.9.11 but every time I run the installer, Visual Studio Installer is trying to install the 15.9.15 version.
I've tried with different versions but Visual Studio Installer always switches to 15.9.15 regardless. Is there any other way to downgrade? I've searched online but with no luck.


How to install regular version (not preview) of Visual Studio?

I'm trying to install regular version (not preview) of Visual Studio Community by using Visual Studio Intaller. In it, I can see list of versions that are installed and available, but all of these versions are preview. My installed versions are Visual Studio Community 2017 Preview and Visual Studio Community 2019 Preview. Versions that are available to be installed are Visual Studio Enterprise and Professional 2017 and 2019 Preview.
How can I install Visual Studio Community 2017 (or 2019) that is not preview version?
Please download the VS community 2017 installer and run this installer as administrator, then check the available version again.

cant find windows driver option under visual c++ in visual studio (WDK is installed)

i have already installed WDK. Any help?
enter image description here
Install Visual Studio 2015 or Visual Studio 2017.
Install Windows 10 SDK.
Install Windows Driver Kit (WDK) for your version of Visual Studio (there's a new version recently released for VS17).
Then you should be good to go. I've done this over and over repeatedly for a number of systems/new environments before, never ever encountered an issue when following this pattern.
I do not recommend having both Visual Studio 2015 and 2017 installed at the same time, or multiple SDK versions though. I've seen way too many conflicts due to this in the past.

Can you upgrade Visual Studio 2015/2017 from Professional to Enterprise?

If Visual Studio 2015 (and 2017) are installed from MSDN using a Visual Studio Professional ISO, can it later be upgraded to Enterprise using a new license key? ...or does it require a complete uninstall/reinstall of Visual Studio?
You need to install the enterprise version to obtain it, and VS cannot change the version through the type of your license key and the VS version depends on your installation.
For VS 2015, we can only keep one version on the computer. If you already installed the VS professional 2015, as far as I know, you can directly install run the VS enterprise 2015 installer to install it. After the installation is complete and successful, the professional is auto removed or replaced by the higher enterprise version. You can also try to use the forcibly uninstall command like: vs_professional.exe /uninstall /force to uninstall the professional version.
For VS 2017, please check the VS 2017 Release Notes and it describes Visual Studio Enterprise and Community (among other products) can now be installed side-by-side on the same computer. To make identifying these installations simpler, you can specify a short name or "nickname".
Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise installer should tell you whether you need to uninstall Professional.
Visual Studio 2017 no longer has that restriction, and you can install both Professional and Enterprise side by side.
If you have VS Installer you can easily change versions. Although you need to uninstall the version you have, you can use the same Installer you ran for uninstallation (i.e. VSPro) to Download & install new version (i.e. Enterprise).

Is it ok to install visual studio 2008 over visual studio 2015?

My system is having VS 2015 and windows 7 Enterprise.
I have some solution file, which was created in vs 2008.
After opening in vs 2008, there are some upgraded log from vs 2015.
a lot of errors needs to be resolved to make build successed.
Is it ok to install visual studio 2008 over visual studio 2015 ?
this link Can I install two different versions of Visual Studio on the same computer? does not tell if it is ok to install lower version over higher version.
It's possible, but with a bit of risk that some features of the newer VS will break. I have no experience with these two combined, but in the past things got broken for me after installing vs2005 after vs2008 or vs2010. A re-install of the newer version would be needed if this happens.
Generally, it is ok. You can have many different visual studios installed on your machine.

Visual Studio 2013 and Windows Phone

I have installed Visual Studio 2013 Pro and then I wanted to install Windows Phone 8 SDK. But it installed Express Edition of VS 2012. Now if I delete VS 2013, what happens with my VS 2012? Can I delete it, because I don't have enough memory for it? Can you help me, please!
They are independent, you can uninstal one without influencing the other.
You can install this version of Visual Studio on a computer that already has an earlier version installed.
If you uninstall a version of Visual Studio on a computer that has more than one version installed, the file associations for Visual Studio are removed for all versions.
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