how to join two tables using non primary key and remove duplicates in the result set - ms-access-2013

I am using MS Access 2013 DB
I have two tables
StartDate,EndDate, ID1, ID2,ProgramName, LanguageID,Language, Gender,CenterName,ZoneName
StartDate,EndDate, ID3,ProgramName, LanguageID,Language, Gender,CenterName,ZoneName
I want to join these two tables and remove duplicates by comparing the following columns from both tables
StartDate,EndDate,ProgramName, LanguageID,Language, Gender,CenterName,ZoneName
some data in the columns StartDate, EndDate have null values also. The resultant table should contain the following columns with no duplicate data
StartDate,EndDate, ID1, ID2,ID3,ProgramName, LanguageID,Language, Gender,CenterName,ZoneName

First you want create new table (other structer)
Second insert every record to new table all record where value from table1 and table2 are diffrent (without duplicate). Remember about check


Deleting data from one table using data from a second table

I have a table table1, where there is a million data and a completely identical table table2, only there are only 106 data. How it is possible to delete these 106 data from table1?
In these two tables i have fields like id, date, param0, param1, param2.
Presuming that uniqueness is enforced through the ID column in both tables, then:
delete from table1 a
where exists (select null
from table2 b
where =
Otherwise, add some more columns (into the where clause) which will help you delete only rows you really want.

How to get distinct single column value while fetching data by joining two tables

$data['establishments2'] = Establishments::Join("establishment_categories",'establishment_categories.establishment_id','=','')->where('','LIKE',$location)->where('establishments.status',0)->whereIn('establishment_id',array($est_data))->get(array('establishments.*'));
this is controller condition.
I have two tables, in table1 i am matching id with table2 and then fetching data from table1, and in table2 i have multiple values of same id in table 1. i want to get data of table1 values only one time, but as i am hvg multiple data of same id in table2 , data is repeating multiple times, can anyone please tell me how to get data only one time wheater table2 having single value or multiple value of same id... thank you
you can do it by selecting the field name you desired
instead get all field from table establishments
$data['establishments2'] = Establishments::Join("establishment_categories",'establishment_categories.establishment_id','=','')->where('','LIKE',$location)->where('establishments.status',0)->whereIn('establishment_id',array($est_data))->get(array('establishments.*'));
you can select specific field from table establishments like
$data['establishments2'] = Establishments::Join("establishment_categories",'establishment_categories.establishment_id','=','')->where('','LIKE',$location)->where('establishments.status',0)->whereIn('establishment_id',array($est_data))->get('establishments.fieldName');
or you can also do
$data['establishments2'] = `Establishments::Join("establishment_categories",'establishment_categories.establishment_id','=','')->where('','LIKE',$location)->where('establishments.status',0)->whereIn('establishment_id',array($est_data))->select('establishments.fieldName')->get();`

Updating unique id column for newly added records in table in hive

I have a table in which I want unique identifier to be added automatically as a new record is inserted into it. Considering I have column for unique identifier already created.
hive can't update the table but you can create a temporary table or overwrite your first table.
you can also use concat function to join the two diferent column or string.
here is the examples
function :concat(string A, string B…)
return: string
hive> select concat(‘abc’,'def’,'gh’) from dual;
HQL &result
insert overwrite table stock select tradedate,concat('aa',tradetime),stockid ,buyprice,buysize ,sellprice,sellsize from stock;
20130726 aa094251 204001 6.6 152000 6.605 100
20130726 aa094106 204001 6.45 13400 6.46 100

Using "contains" as a way to join tables?

The Primary key in table one is used as in table 2 but it is modified as so:
Primary key Column in table 1: 123abc
Column in table 2: 123abc_1
I.e. the key is used but then _1 is added to create a unique value in the column of Table 2.
Is there any way that I can join the two tables, the data in the 2 columns is not identical but it very similar. Could I do something like:
I.e. checking that the value in Table 1 is within the value in Table 2?
You can check only the first part of column2; for example
However, keeping foreign key in such a way can be really dangerous, not to think about performance on large DBs.
You'd better use a different column in Table2 to store the key of Table 1, even adding a constraint.

sql statement to select and insert one value from one table rest from outside the tables

I have two db2 tables, table one contains rows of constant data with id as one of the columns. second table contains id column which is foreign key to id column in first table and has 3 more varchar columns.
I am trying to insert rows into second table, where entry into id col is based on a where clause and the remaining columns get values from outside.
table1 has columns id, t1c1, t1c2, t1c3
table2 has columns id, t2c1, t2c2, t2c3
to insert into table2, I am trying this query:
insert into table2 values
(select id from table1 where t1c2 like 'xxx', 'abc1','abc2');
I know it is something basic I am missing here.
Please help correcting this query.
