Fail when migrating Luis Model to CLU Model - azure-language-understanding

Is there anyone of you faced error when migrating Luis Model to CLU Model ?
The error is :
"You have 110 entities in your project. Maximum allowed is 100 entities."
The migration fails because of the number of entities per project, it should be 100.
But when i check the documentation , the data limitation is 500 per projects.
Does anyone of you faced this issue or have some documentaion to read/to learn more about it.
I read this one but not really found an answer :
Thanks for any suggestion or help
Expection if someone already faced this issue and how to fix it


Luis 409 on Training model

I encounter the 409 - conflict error when I try to "Train" the luis model. When I click on train, the system remains stationary with the following message:
Training app ... (4/37) completed
From the web console I read that the error encountered is 409.
Thanks everyone for the support.
The problem was solved by Microsoft, it was their configuration problem.

OVER_QUERY_LIMIT using google places

I'm trying to use the google api for auto-complete.
I created a key and did some testing, due to an error in my code, that sent many requests in a short time I had the error: OVER_QUERY_LIMIT
I made the correction of my code, deleted the used key and created a new one. Now I get the following message:
"error_message" : "The provided API key is expired.",
"predictions" : [],
"status" : "REQUEST_DENIED"
Does anyone have any idea how to solve it?
The Message you are getting seems to be very clear.
You could have a licence an this license seems to be exceeded.
Please read the documentation.
The clarity of the message is quite obvious.
The problem is that google warns you that you have a 100k limit available.
The detail is in: these 100k is only available when billing is activated, without activating billing the limit drops to 1.
I would never imagine that.
But it's settled!
The tip is for anyone to go through the same problem

getEventArgs().getSaveMode() returns Undefined for Disqualify the Lead

I have been working with dynamics 365 v9.0 and facing the issue to get the required saveMode on Lead disqualification.
Please refer below link:
As per the above link getEventArgs().getSaveMode() should returns 15 for disqualify. In version 8.2 I'm getting the 15 for disqualify as I should but in V9.0 It returns Undefined. Please refer below screenshot:
Does anybody help me on this problem?
Your suggestions would be much appreciated
This worked for me.
I checked off "Pass execution context as first parameter" in Handler Properties window, then pass 'executionContextObj' as the first parameter in handler such as onLoad(executionContextObj), onChange(executionContextObj), onSave(executionContextObj).

how to get bug count from every file of the project in sonarqube

if anybody knows please give me sql query or idea, I am not able to find common thing for getting bug count from projects_measures and projects table.
You can use this curl request:
curl <SONARQUBE_URL>/api/issues/search?ps=1&projectKey=<PROJECT_KEY>&facets=types
by using facets=types you will get the number of issues by type (bugs, code smells and vulnerabilities).

Glimpse.MiniProfiler plugin not showing duration

When I use MiniProfiler plugin for Glimpse, the duration column is not showing anything.
What could be missing? Anyone experienced the same?
I'm the developer behind this plugin.
The problem is that the plugin is collecting data before the request ends. The thing is that it's not obvious how to collect data in that situation and I'm working on that.
I'll update this answer when I fix the problem.
Ths ticket can be found here:
