Trouble creating TAR files using 7-zip (VBScript+CMD) - vbscript

I am trying to make a VBScript for Altap Salamander that would take files from current selection and separately archive them as TAR.
Most of the code below works, but the shell command on line 27 returns Shell error 1 and no TAR files get created.
Dim FSO, WshShell
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim Items, Item, result
' Pick the collection of items to make the list from.
If Salamander.SourcePanel.SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then
If Salamander.MsgBox("No items are selected. Do you want to make list from all items in the panel?", 4, "Question") = 6 Then
Set Items = Salamander.SourcePanel.Items
End If
Set Items = Salamander.SourcePanel.SelectedItems
End If
ReDim args(Items.Count - 1)
For i = 0 To Items.Count - 1
args(i) = Items.Item(i).Path
tarFilePath = FSO.GetParentFolderName(args(0))
For i = 0 To UBound(args)
objFile = args(i)
tarFileName = FSO.GetFile(objFile).Name & ".tar"
tarFile = tarFilePath & "\" & tarFileName
result = WshShell.Run("cmd.exe /c ""C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7zFM.exe"" a -ttar -r """ & tarFile & """ """ & FSO.GetFile(objFile).Path & """", 0, True)
If result = 0 Then
result = "Shell ran successfully"
result = "Shell error " & result
End If
MsgBox result, vbInformation, "Archiving Complete"
I've tried changing 7z.exe to both 7zG.exe and 7zFM.exe, adding and removing quotation marks and debugging.
I've also tried the CMD methods from here, but they didn't make much sense to me and I didn't get any to work.
What should I do to make this work?

Update & Solution:
I did a clean up on the code as advised and everything seems to be working just fine!
The for loop now looks like this:
For i = 0 To UBound(args)
objFile = args(i)
FilePath = FSO.GetFile(objFile).Path
tarFileName = FSO.GetFile(objFile).Name
tarFileName = Split(tarFileName, ".")(0) & ".tar"
tarFilePath = tarFileFold & "\" & tarFileName
strRun = """C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"" a -ttar -r " & tarFilePath & " " & FilePath & ""
On Error Resume Next
result = WshShell.Run(strRun, 0, True)
If Err Then
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
End If
On Error Goto 0
For anyone curious, the strRun command looks like this:
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -ttar -r C:\Users\ondre\img123.tar C:\Users\ondre\img123.jpg
This will work with any archiving extensions 7zip has to offer. Just remember to change the file extension and the -txxx switch. You can also add the mx9 switch to ensure highest level of compression.
Example here:
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip -mx9 -r C:\Users\ondre\ C:\Users\ondre\img123.jpg
WshShell.Run returns a 1 now. I didn't manage to find any documentation from which I would tell if this is ok or not, so I guess I'll just disable the 'result' check completely and will be on my way.
Also, since this is a script for Altap Salamander, I found out an easier way of getting the files from one location to another, for example:
tarFileFold = Salamander.TargetPanel.Path
'will output the archived files to the oposing panel of Salamander, both left -> right & right -> left
tarFileFold = Salamander.SourcePanel.Path
'will output the files to the same folder as the source files. Similar to the first version, but without the use of FSO
Thanks everyone!


Waiting while files are zipped in VBScript [duplicate]

I am using VBscript to scan folders, create zip files and add files to them (compress), but as I run my script on folders with a lot of files, I get the following error: "Compressed (zip) Cannot create output file"
my zip handling code is as follows:
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
Function PreformZip(objFile,target,zip_name, number_of_file)
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
zip_target = target + "\" + zip_name +".zip"
If Not objFSO.FileExists(zip_target) Then
If number_of_file=0 Then
End if
End If
Set zipApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
aSourceName = Split(objFile, "\")
sSourceName = (aSourceName(Ubound(aSourceName)))
zip_file_count = zipApp.NameSpace(zip_target).items.Count
zipApp.NameSpace(zip_target).Copyhere objFile, 16
On Error Resume Next
sLoop = 0
Do Until zip_file_count < zipApp.NameSpace(zip_target).Items.Count
sLoop = sLoop + 1
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Sub NewZip(zip)
Set new_zip = objFSO.CreateTextFile(zip)
new_zip.Write Chr(80) & Chr(75) & Chr(5) & Chr(6) & String(18, 0)
Set new_zip = Nothing
End Sub
Function MakePathIfNotExist(DirPath)
Dim FSO, aDirectories, sCreateDirectory, iDirectory
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If FSO.FolderExists(DirPath) Then
Exit Function
End If
aDirectories = Split(DirPath, "\")
sCreateDirectory = aDirectories(0)
For iDirectory = 1 To UBound(aDirectories)
sCreateDirectory = sCreateDirectory & "\" & aDirectories(iDirectory)
If Not FSO.FolderExists(sCreateDirectory) Then
End If
End Function
Function Recursion(DirectoryPath)
Dim FSO : Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If FSO.FolderExists(DirectoryPath) Then Exit Function
Call Recursion(FSO.GetParentFolderName(DirectoryPath))
End Function
I first thought I'm not waiting long enough after creating the zip, but I even tried it with 10 seconds wait after each zip and I still get the same error.
How can I solve it?
If there is no solution, is there an alternative way to make a zip? The script is not only for my own use so I don't want ro relay on a software which needs to be installed?
Although Folder.CopyHere method does not return a value and no notification is given to the calling program to indicate that the copy has completed, you could wait with next code snippet and I hope you can see proper (re)placement in your script:
On Error GoTo 0
zipApp.NameSpace(zip_target).Copyhere objFile _
, 4 +8 +16 +256 +512 +1024
Wscript.Sleep( 100)
On Error GoTo 0
Notice: no waiting Do..Loop, this Wscript.Sleep( 100) is sufficient to zip small files or start progress dialog box in case of huge files - and your script will wait for it...
Notice: no 'On Error Resume Next. Avoid invoking On Error Resume Next if you do not handle errors...
Flags used as follows.
Const FOF_SILENT = &h0004 'ineffective?
Const FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION = &h0008 'ineffective?
Const FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS = &h0100 'ineffective?
Const FOF_NOERRORUI = &h0400 '
Unfortunately, in some cases, such as compressed (.zip) files, some option flags may be ignored by design (sic!) by MSDN!
If FOF_SILENT flag ineffective, then user could Cancel zipping process...
If FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION flag ineffective, then newer file of the same name is not zipped, existing zip file keeps previous version without caution against; only existing folder brings on an extra error message...
Those could be fixed up as well, but it's subject of another question...
Well, after a great amount of research I found out that there is no possible way to fix this problem when using shell to perform zip.
I solved this issue by using za7.exe (7-zip) in the following way:
Dim zipParams
zipParams = "a -tzip"
Dim objShell: Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
command = zip_exe_location + " " + zipParams + " " + zip_target + " " + SourceFile
objShell.Run Command, 0 ,true
the "a" in the zip parameters means "add to file" and -tzip sets the type of the file as zip.

VBScript OpenTextFile File Not Found error when Windows Explorer shows the file

I am writing a program in VBScript to automate the process of file encryption, and am struggling with a problem.
I want to test which code the script will execute based on whether a file comparison returns an errorlevel of 0 or 1. (For simplicity, I cut out that code from this post.) Google searches have pointed me to the following to start the process of modifying one of the comparison files for this purpose.
Set testFile = fso.OpenTextFile(testDestFile, 8, False, 0)
However, VBScript always throws a "File not found" error for that line unless I put
WScript.Echo "testDestFile is '" & testDestFile & "'..."
right before it.
I don't want that, because the script's actions should be invisible to the user unless necessary. When I run this script, I can see in Windows Explorer that it creates the file represented by testDestFile. What am I doing wrong?
Option Explicit
Dim baseDirLen, compareOpts, decryptOpts, destDataPath, destFolder, _
destFolderPath, encDestFile, encryptorPath, encryptOpts, file, fileName, _
folder, folderEnd, fso, keyPath, oShell, srcDataPath, srcDirEndLen, _
srcFolder, strErrorCode, testDestFile, testDiff, testFile, t
Set oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
srcDataPath = "e:\EZcrypt\TargetData"
keyPath = "e:\EZcrypt\Key\Demo010719.key.bin"
destDataPath = "E:\EZcrypt\EncryptedData"
encryptorPath = "E:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin\openssl"
Set srcFolder = fso.GetFolder(srcDataPath)
baseDirLen = Len(srcDataPath)
Sub recurseFolders(srcFolder)
For Each folder In srcFolder.subfolders
srcDirEndLen = (Len(folder) - baseDirLen - 1)
folderEnd = Right(folder, srcDirEndLen)
destFolderPath = destDataPath & "\" & folderEnd & "\"
If Not fso.FolderExists(destFolderPath) Then
End If
For Each file In folder.Files
fileName = fso.GetFileName(file)
testDestFile = destFolderPath & "test." & fileName
encDestFile = destFolderPath & fileName & ".enc"
If Not fso.FileExists(encDestFile) Then
strErrorCode = ""
encryptOpts = encryptorPath & " enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in """ & _
file & """ -out """ & encDestFile & _
""" -pass file:""" & keyPath & """ -pbkdf2"
oShell.Run (encryptOpts)
decryptOpts = encryptorPath & " enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in """ & _
encDestFile & """ -out """ & testDestFile & _
""" -pass file:""" & keyPath & """ -pbkdf2"
oShell.Run (decryptOpts)
WEcript.Echo "testDestFile is '" & testDestFile & "'..."
Set testFile = fso.OpenTextFile(testDestFile, 8, False, 0)
WScript.Echo "'" & encDestFile & "' exists. Skipping..."
End If
End Sub
The most likely reason for the behavior you observed is that the openssl commands you run right before trying to open that file (specifically the encryption command, which appears to be creating the file) haven't finished yet. You don't tell the Run method to wait for the commands to return, so they're running asynchronously in the background. Presumably the WScript.Echo adds just enough delay for the encryption to finish before the code proceeds to opening the file. Using WScript.Sleep instead of echoing something would probably have had the same effect.
To fix the issue, wait for the external commands to return.
Replace these lines:
encryptOpts = encryptorPath & ...
oShell.Run (encryptOpts)
decryptOpts = encryptorPath & ...
oShell.Run (decryptOpts)
with this:
encryptOpts = encryptorPath & ...
oShell.Run encryptOpts, 0, True
decryptOpts = encryptorPath & ...
oShell.Run decryptOpts, 0, True
It's also good practice to check the exit status of external commands, so you can see if something went wrong:
rc = oShell.Run(encryptOpts, 0, True)
If rc <> 0 Then
'an error occurred
End If

Unable to find file in VBScript

The VBE encoder section works (from prior experience but this time around it cannot find the required file. The file is in the %temp% folder so there are spaces in the path but I have used the "" as can be seen in the code. The MsgBox shows the correct file and I can confirm its existence but the code fails when fso.GetFile.
This is part of a larger script that is called with the target file (full path) as the argument. The target file is previously created by the calling script.
Main script (gets called with target file):
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set wshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
textFile = WScript.Arguments(0)
GetExtension = fso.GetExtensionName(fso.GetFileName(textFile))
If LCase(GetExtension) = "vbs" Then
Set oFilesToEncode = WScript.Arguments
Set oEncoder = CreateObject("Scripting.Encoder")
For i = 0 To oFilesToEncode.Count - 1
file = """" & Trim(oFilesToEncode(i)) & """"
MsgBox file
If fso.FileExists(Left(file, Len(file) - 3) & "vbe") Then fso.DeleteFile(Left(file, Len(file) - 3) & "vbe")
Set oFile = fso.GetFile(file)
Set oStream = oFile.OpenAsTextStream(1)
sSourceFile = oStream.ReadAll
sDest = oEncoder.EncodeScriptFile(".vbs", sSourceFile, 0, "")
sFileOut = Left(file, Len(file) - 3) & "vbe"
Set oEncFile = fso.CreateTextFile(sFileOut)
oEncFile.Write sDest
End If
Section of calling script:
Do While fso.FileExists(strTempVBS) = False
strKey = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Engineers-Toolbox\Multi-Tool\Installed\Path\"
value = wshShell.RegRead( strKey )
arg = " " & strTempVBS
running = "C:\Custom\Multi-Tool\Multi-Tool.exe " & """" & arg & """"
wshShell.Run running, True
I have tried using hard coding the path to the exe to get it going, 'value' contains the path to the main script.
Do not prematurely add quotes around paths. I'm always confused why people keep doing this, because it creates more problems than it solves. Add double quotes when they're actually required, but not before.
FileSystemObject methods can handle paths with spaces without the additional double quotes. In fact, they will interpret double quotes in a path string as part of the path and throw an error, because they can't find a file with a double quote in its name (which would be invalid anyway).
Your check for the existence of a file also doesn't work, because you don't account for the quotes you added to the path string:
file = """C:\some\folder\file.vbs"""
WScript.Echo file
WScript.Echo Left(file, Len(file) - 3) & "vbe"
The output of the above code snippet is
Change this:
file = """" & Trim(oFilesToEncode(i)) & """"
into this:
file = Trim(oFilesToEncode(i))
and the problem will disappear.
Ok, the solution is to (predictably) add the quotes in the calling script, that way the VBS to VBE encoder section can remain standard.
strTEMP = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%UserProfile%" ) & "\AppData\Local\Multi-Tool\"
strTempVBS = strTEMP & "observe.vbs"
strKey = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Engineers-Toolbox\Multi-Tool\Installed\Path\"
value = wshShell.RegRead( strKey ) & " "
running = value & "" & chr(34) & strTempVBS & chr(34) & ""
wshShell.Run running ,True
Interesting was how the quotes are added. This made the called script find the required file even tho the full path contained spaces.

Trying to use Shell object and FileSystemObject in VBScript for file manipulation

I am trying to recursively loop through hundreds of directories, and thousands of JPG files to gather sort the files in new folders by date. So far, I am able to individually GetDetailsOf the files using the Shell NameSpace object, and I am also able to recursively loop through directories using the FileSystemObject. However, when I try to put them together in functions, etc, I am getting nothing back when I try to get the DateTaken attribute from the photo.
Here is my code so far:
sFolderPathspec = "C:\LocationOfFiles"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objDir = objFSO.GetFolder(sFolderPathspec)
Dim arrFiles()
Sub getInfo(pCurrentDir)
fileCount = 0
For Each strFileName In pCurrentDir.Files
fileCount = fileCount + 1
ReDim arrFiles(fileCount,2)
For Each aItem In pCurrentDir.Files
wscript.Echo aItem.Name
arrFiles(i,0) = aItem.Name
strFileName = aItem.Name
strDir = pCurrentDir.Path
wscript.echo strDir
dateVar = GetDatePictureTaken(strFileName, strDir)
'dateVar = Temp2 & "_" & Temp3 & "_" & Temp1
arrFiles(i,1) = dateVar
WScript.echo i & "." & "M:" & monthVar & " Y:" & yearVar
WScript.echo i & "." & strFileName & " : " & arrFiles(i,1) & " : " & dateVar
For Each aItem In pCurrentDir.SubFolders
'wscript.Echo aItem.Name & " passing recursively"
End Sub
Function GetDatePictureTaken(strFileName, strDir)
Set objShell = CreateObject ("Shell.Application")
Set objCurrFolder = objShell.Namespace(strDir)
'wscript.Echo cstr(objCurrFolder.GetDetailsOf(strFileName, 12))
strFileNameDate = cstr(objCurrFolder.GetDetailsOf(strFileName, 12))
strFileNameDate = CleanNonDisplayableCharacters(strFileNameDate)
arrDate = split(strFileNameDate, "/")
monthVar = arrDate(0)
yearVar = arrDate(1)
dayVar = arrDate(2)
GetDatePictureTaken = monthVar & "\" & dayVar & "\" & yearVar
End Function
Function CleanNonDisplayableCharacters(strInput)
strTemp = ""
For i = 1 to len(strInput)
strChar = Mid(strInput,i,1)
If Asc(strChar) < 126 and not Asc(strChar) = 63 Then
strTemp = strTemp & strChar
End If
CleanNonDisplayableCharacters = strTemp
End Function
The "Subscript out of range" error when accessing arrDate(0) is caused by arrDate being empty (UBound(arrDate) == -1). As a Split on a non-empty string will return an array, even if the separator is not found, and an attempt to Split Null will raise an "Invalid use of Null" error, we can be sure that strFileNameDate is "".
Possible reason for that:
The index of "Date Picture Taken" is 25 (XP) and not 12 (Win 7) - or whatever came to Mr. Gates' mind for Win 8.
The DPT property is not filled in.
Your cleaning function messed it up.
You have to test for strFileNameDate containing a valid date and decide where to put the files without a valid DPT.
P.S. Instead of doing the recursive loopings, you should consider to use
dir /s/b path\*.jpg > pictures.txt
and to process that file.

Extract files from ZIP file with VBScript

When extracting files from a ZIP file I was using the following.
Sub Unzip(strFile)
' This routine unzips a file. NOTE: The files are extracted to a folder '
' in the same location using the name of the file minus the extension. '
' EX. C:\ will be extracted to C:\Test '
'strFile (String) = Full path and filename of the file to be unzipped. '
Dim arrFile
arrFile = Split(strFile, ".")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fso.CreateFolder(arrFile(0) & "\ ")
pathToZipFile= arrFile(0) & ".zip"
extractTo= arrFile(0) & "\ "
set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
set filesInzip=objShell.NameSpace(pathToZipFile).items
fso.DeleteFile pathToZipFile, True
Set fso = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing
End Sub 'Unzip
This was working, but now I get a "The File Exists" Error.
What is the reason for this? Are there any alternatives?
All above solutions are accurate, but they are not definitive.
If you are trying to extract a zipped file into a temporary folder, a folder that displays "Temporary Folder For" will immediately be created (in C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Temp) for EACH FILE contained within your ZIP file, which you are trying to extract.
That's right, if you have 50 files, it will create 50 folders within your temp directory.
But if you have 200 files, it will stop at 99 and crash stating - The File Exists.
Apparently, this does not occur on Windows 7 with the contributions I view above. But regardless, we can still have checks. Alright, so this is how you fix it:
'Sub: UnzipFiles
'Language: vbscript
'Usage: UnzipFiles("C:\dir", "")
'Definition: UnzipFiles([Directory where zip is located & where files will be extracted], [zip file name])
Sub UnzipFiles(folder, file)
Dim sa, filesInzip, zfile, fso, i : i = 1
Set sa = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set filesInzip=sa.NameSpace(folder&file).items
For Each zfile In filesInzip
If Not fso.FileExists(folder & zfile) Then
sa.NameSpace(folder).CopyHere(zfile), &H100
i = i + 1
End If
If i = 99 Then
zCleanup(file, i)
i = 1
End If
If i > 1 Then
zCleanup(file, i)
End If
End Sub
'Sub: zCleanup
'Language: vbscript
'Usage: zCleanup("", 4)
'Definition: zCleanup([Filename of Zip previously extracted], [Number of files within zip container])
Sub zCleanUp(file, count)
'Clean up
Dim i, fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For i = 1 To count
If fso.FolderExists(fso.GetSpecialFolder(2) & "\Temporary Directory " & i & " for " & file) = True Then
text = fso.DeleteFolder(fso.GetSpecialFolder(2) & "\Temporary Directory " & i & " for " & file, True)
Exit For
End If
End Sub
And that's it, copy and paste those two functions into your VBScript hosted program and you should be good to go, on Windows XP & Windows 7.
You can use DotNetZip from VBScript.
To unpack an existing zipfile, overwriting any files that may exist:
WScript.echo("Instantiating a ZipFile object...")
Dim zip
Set zip = CreateObject("Ionic.Zip.ZipFile")
WScript.echo("Initialize (Read)...")
WScript.echo("setting the password for extraction...")
zip.Password = "This is the Password."
' set the default action for extracting an existing file
' 0 = throw exception
' 1 = overwrite silently
' 2 = don't overwrite (silently)
' 3 = invoke the ExtractProgress event
zip.ExtractExistingFile = 1
WScript.echo("extracting all files...")
Call zip.ExtractAll("extract")
To create a new zipfile:
dim filename
filename = "C:\temp\"
WScript.echo("Instantiating a ZipFile object...")
dim zip2
set zip2 = CreateObject("Ionic.Zip.ZipFile")
WScript.echo("using AES256 encryption...")
zip2.Encryption = 3
WScript.echo("setting the password...")
zip2.Password = "This is the Password."
WScript.echo("adding a selection of files...")
WScript.echo("setting the save name...")
zip2.Name = filename
There's answers above which are perfectly correct, but I thought I'd wrap everything up into a full solution that I'm using:
strZipFile = "" 'name of zip file
outFolder = "." 'destination folder of unzipped files (must exist)
'If using full paths rather than relative to the script, comment the next line
pwd = Replace(WScript.ScriptFullName, WScript.ScriptName, "")
Set objShell = CreateObject( "Shell.Application" )
Set objSource = objShell.NameSpace(pwd+strZipFile).Items()
Set objTarget = objShell.NameSpace(pwd+outFolder)
intOptions = 256
objTarget.CopyHere objSource, intOptions
'Clean up
Set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
tempfolder = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Call fso.DeleteFolder(tempfolder + "\Temporary Directory 1 for " + strZipFile, True )
Check your temp directory. If you have 99 folders associated with this unzipping process, try deleting them.
I added the following code to the beginning of my unzip procedure to delete these directories before I unzip:
For i = 1 To 99
If aqFileSystem.Exists(GetAppPath("Local Settings", "") & "\Temp\Temporary Directory " & i & " for") = True Then
result = aqFileSystem.ChangeAttributes(GetAppPath("Local Settings", "") & "\Temp\Temporary Directory " & i & " for", 1 OR 2, aqFileSystem.fattrFree)
Call DelFolder(GetAppPath("Local Settings", "") & "\Temp\Temporary Directory " & i & " for")
Exit For
End If
