Waiting while files are zipped in VBScript [duplicate] - windows

I am using VBscript to scan folders, create zip files and add files to them (compress), but as I run my script on folders with a lot of files, I get the following error: "Compressed (zip) Cannot create output file"
my zip handling code is as follows:
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
Function PreformZip(objFile,target,zip_name, number_of_file)
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
zip_target = target + "\" + zip_name +".zip"
If Not objFSO.FileExists(zip_target) Then
If number_of_file=0 Then
End if
End If
Set zipApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
aSourceName = Split(objFile, "\")
sSourceName = (aSourceName(Ubound(aSourceName)))
zip_file_count = zipApp.NameSpace(zip_target).items.Count
zipApp.NameSpace(zip_target).Copyhere objFile, 16
On Error Resume Next
sLoop = 0
Do Until zip_file_count < zipApp.NameSpace(zip_target).Items.Count
sLoop = sLoop + 1
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Sub NewZip(zip)
Set new_zip = objFSO.CreateTextFile(zip)
new_zip.Write Chr(80) & Chr(75) & Chr(5) & Chr(6) & String(18, 0)
Set new_zip = Nothing
End Sub
Function MakePathIfNotExist(DirPath)
Dim FSO, aDirectories, sCreateDirectory, iDirectory
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If FSO.FolderExists(DirPath) Then
Exit Function
End If
aDirectories = Split(DirPath, "\")
sCreateDirectory = aDirectories(0)
For iDirectory = 1 To UBound(aDirectories)
sCreateDirectory = sCreateDirectory & "\" & aDirectories(iDirectory)
If Not FSO.FolderExists(sCreateDirectory) Then
End If
End Function
Function Recursion(DirectoryPath)
Dim FSO : Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If FSO.FolderExists(DirectoryPath) Then Exit Function
Call Recursion(FSO.GetParentFolderName(DirectoryPath))
End Function
I first thought I'm not waiting long enough after creating the zip, but I even tried it with 10 seconds wait after each zip and I still get the same error.
How can I solve it?
If there is no solution, is there an alternative way to make a zip? The script is not only for my own use so I don't want ro relay on a software which needs to be installed?

Although Folder.CopyHere method does not return a value and no notification is given to the calling program to indicate that the copy has completed, you could wait with next code snippet and I hope you can see proper (re)placement in your script:
On Error GoTo 0
zipApp.NameSpace(zip_target).Copyhere objFile _
, 4 +8 +16 +256 +512 +1024
Wscript.Sleep( 100)
On Error GoTo 0
Notice: no waiting Do..Loop, this Wscript.Sleep( 100) is sufficient to zip small files or start progress dialog box in case of huge files - and your script will wait for it...
Notice: no 'On Error Resume Next. Avoid invoking On Error Resume Next if you do not handle errors...
Flags used as follows.
Const FOF_SILENT = &h0004 'ineffective?
Const FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION = &h0008 'ineffective?
Const FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS = &h0100 'ineffective?
Const FOF_NOERRORUI = &h0400 '
Unfortunately, in some cases, such as compressed (.zip) files, some option flags may be ignored by design (sic!) by MSDN!
If FOF_SILENT flag ineffective, then user could Cancel zipping process...
If FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION flag ineffective, then newer file of the same name is not zipped, existing zip file keeps previous version without caution against; only existing folder brings on an extra error message...
Those could be fixed up as well, but it's subject of another question...

Well, after a great amount of research I found out that there is no possible way to fix this problem when using shell to perform zip.
I solved this issue by using za7.exe (7-zip) in the following way:
Dim zipParams
zipParams = "a -tzip"
Dim objShell: Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
command = zip_exe_location + " " + zipParams + " " + zip_target + " " + SourceFile
objShell.Run Command, 0 ,true
the "a" in the zip parameters means "add to file" and -tzip sets the type of the file as zip.


VBS script to rename files using the pathname

i am new to VBS scripting and I have done few stuff with Excel VBA before. Now I have a script which renames single files with the pathname of the files (truncated to 4 letter each))see below. It is some script which I modified a bit to fit my purpose. However, I would like to automatize the file rename process and rename all files in a folder and its subfolders in the same way the scipt works for single files. Can anybody help me with this question?
Set Shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set Parameter = WScript.Arguments
For i = 0 To Parameter.Count - 1
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
findFolder = fso.GetParentFolderName(Parameter(i))
PathName = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(Parameter(i))
FileExt = fso.GetExtensionName(Parameter(i))
Search = ":"
findFolder2= Right(PathName, Len(PathName) - InStrRev(PathName, Search))
arr = Split(findFolder2, "\")
For j=0 To UBound(arr)-1
arr(j) = ucase(Left(arr(j), 4))
joined = Join(arr, "%")
prefix = right(joined, len(joined)-1)
fso.MoveFile Parameter(i), findFolder + "\" + prefix
Hoping that I can get some useful ideas.
Walking a tree requires recursion, a function calling itself for each level.
On Error Resume Next
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dirname = InputBox("Enter Dir name")
ProcessFolder DirName
Sub ProcessFolder(FolderPath)
On Error Resume Next
Set fldr = fso.GetFolder(FolderPath)
Set Fls = fldr.files
For Each thing in Fls
msgbox Thing.Name & " " & Thing.DateLastModified
Set fldrs = fldr.subfolders
For Each thing in fldrs
ProcessFolder thing.path
End Sub
From Help on how to run another file.
Set Shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
shell.Run(strCommand, [intWindowStyle], [bWaitOnReturn])
So outside the loop,
Set Shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
And in the loop
shell.Run("wscript Yourscript.vbs thing.name, 1, True)
Also the VBS help file has recently been taken down at MS web site. It is available on my skydrive at https://1drv.ms/f/s!AvqkaKIXzvDieQFjUcKneSZhDjw It's called script56.chm.

Set package code of MSI using vbscript

I am changing product code, upgrade code and product name of MSI by editing MSI database.
With reference :- http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/383481/Editing-an-MSI-Database
I am able to change all parameters above but unable to change Package Code.
Suggest a way to change package code.
Found a way to do it with vbscript, just out of curiosity:
The "property #9" is the package code (revision number).
Set wi = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Set summary = wi.SummaryInformation("your.msi", 2)
summary.Property(9) = "{PUT-NEW-GUID-HERE}"
I'm guessing that the requirement here is to install the same MSI multiple times, which means they need to change that set of guids. However the more normal way to solve that problem is with MSINEWINSTANCE.
so that you are not changing the base MSI file every time.
Why do you even have the need to set the package code?
Its auto generated during each build.
Take a look at the documentation of the Package element:
"The package code GUID for a product or merge module. When compiling a product, this attribute should not be set in order to allow the package code to be generated for each build. When compiling a merge module, this attribute must be set to the modularization guid."
I needed it because MSI created cache in respective package code which restricts us to make another instance of application using MSI so I did this by
using (var database = new Database(#"D:\\Nirvana\\WorkingCopy\\trunk\\proj1\\installer.msi", DatabaseOpenMode.Direct))
database.SummaryInfo.RevisionNumber = "{" + Guid.NewGuid() + "}";
I extended the Nikolay script for generating a random GUID automatically. The script also support drag and drop and be called through arguments (so you can easily automate it through cscript) and it checks if the file is writable before creating Windows Installer object (if the file is locked by some application, like InstEd, it will throw an error).
Set objArgs = Wscript.Arguments
Set objFso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
'iterate through all the arguments passed
' https://community.spiceworks.com/scripts/show/1653-drag-drop-vbscript-framework
For i = 0 to objArgs.count
on error resume next
'try and treat the argument like a folder
Set folder = objFso.GetFolder(objArgs(i))
'if we get an error, we know it is a file
If err.number <> 0 then
'this is not a folder, treat as file
'No error? This is a folder, process accordingly
For Each file In folder.Files
End if
On Error Goto 0
Function ProcessFile(sFilePath)
' http://www.wisesoft.co.uk/scripts/vbscript_file_modified_date.aspx
' Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(sFilePath)
' MsgBox "Now processing file: " & CDATE( objFile.DateLastModified)
If Not IsWriteAccessible(sFilePath) Then WScript.Echo "Error persisting summary property stream" : Wscript.Quit 2
'Do something with the file here...
' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31536349/set-package-code-of-msi-using-vbscript
Set installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Set summary = installer.SummaryInformation(sFilePath, 2)
summary.Property(9) = CreateGuid()
End Function
' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/968756/how-to-generate-a-guid-in-vbscript
Function CreateGuid()
CreateGuid = Left(CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib").Guid,38)
End Function
' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12300678/how-can-i-determine-if-a-file-is-locked-using-vbs
Function IsWriteAccessible(sFilePath)
' Strategy: Attempt to open the specified file in 'append' mode.
' Does not appear to change the 'modified' date on the file.
' Works with binary files as well as text files.
' Only 'ForAppending' is needed here. Define these constants
' outside of this function if you need them elsewhere in
' your source file.
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
IsWriteAccessible = False
Dim oFso : Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
On Error Resume Next
Dim nErr : nErr = 0
Dim sDesc : sDesc = ""
Dim oFile : Set oFile = oFso.OpenTextFile(sFilePath, ForAppending)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
If Err Then
nErr = Err.Number
sDesc = Err.Description
IsWriteAccessible = True
End if
Select Case Err.Number
Case 70
' Permission denied because:
' - file is open by another process
' - read-only bit is set on file, *or*
' - NTFS Access Control List settings (ACLs) on file
' prevents access
Case Else
' 52 - Bad file name or number
' 53 - File not found
' 76 - Path not found
nErr = Err.Number
sDesc = Err.Description
End Select
End If
' The following two statements are superfluous. The VB6 garbage
' collector will free 'oFile' and 'oFso' when this function completes
' and they go out of scope. See Eric Lippert's article for more:
' http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ericlippert/archive/2004/04/28/when-are-you-required-to-set-objects-to-nothing.aspx
'Set oFile = Nothing
'Set oFso = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
If nErr Then
Err.Raise nErr, , sDesc
End If
End Function

How to run windows executable and delete files from sub folders

I need a quick script do two parts.
Run a windows executable
Delete files within a folder and subfolders (*.jpg, *.img).
The first part of the below script works (running the executable) but I am getting stuck on part 2. I get
Cannot use parentheses when calling a sub
The error is on the line with the RecursiveDelete call. I actually cut and pasted that code from another SO question. I have googled the error but still don't understand.
Can anybody know how to get this script working?
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\Users\acer\Desktop\CT\process.exe" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing
Dim PicArray(2)
Dim p
PicArray(1) = "*.jpg"
PicArray(2) = "*.img"
For p = 1 To 2
RecursiveDelete ("D:\pictures", PicArray(p))
Next p
Private Sub RecursiveDelete(ByVal Path As String, ByVal Filter As String)
Dim s
For Each s In System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(Path)
RecursiveDelete(s, Filter)
catch dirEx as exception
debug.writeline("Cannot Access " & s & " : " & dirEx.message
end try
For Each s In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Path, Filter)
catch ex as exception
debug.writeline("Cannot delete " & s & " : " & ex.message)
end try
End Sub
Update: Revised answer from Hackoo that works great.
Option Explicit
Dim fso,RootFolder, wshShell
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
RootFolder = "D:\pictures"
Set RootFolder = fso.GetFolder(RootFolder)
Call RecursiveDelete(RootFolder)
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\process.exe" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing
Function RecursiveDelete(Folder)
Dim File,MyFile,Ext,i,SubFolder
Set Folder = fso.GetFolder(Folder)
For each File in Folder.Files
Set MyFile = fso.GetFile(File)
Ext = Array("iMG","JPG")
For i = LBound(Ext) To UBound(Ext)
If LCase(fso.GetExtensionName(File.name)) = LCase(Ext(i)) Then
Exit For
end if
For each SubFolder in Folder.SubFolders
Call RecursiveDelete(SubFolder)
End Function
Try like this way :
Option Explicit
Dim fso,RootFolder
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
RootFolder = "D:\pictures"
Set RootFolder = fso.GetFolder(RootFolder)
Call RecursiveDelete(RootFolder)
Msgbox "Pictures Cleaned !",vbInformation,"Pictures Cleaned !"
Function RecursiveDelete(Folder)
Dim File,MyFile,Ext,i,SubFolder
Set Folder = fso.GetFolder(Folder)
For each File in Folder.Files
Set MyFile = fso.GetFile(File)
Ext = Array("jpg","img")
For i = LBound(Ext) To UBound(Ext)
If LCase(fso.GetExtensionName(File.name)) = LCase(Ext(i)) Then
Exit For
end if
For each SubFolder in Folder.SubFolders
Call RecursiveDelete(SubFolder)
End Function
Instead of passing the array item into RecursiveDelete, obtain the contents of the array item into a variable within the loop, and pass that variable instead.
Code would be similar to this- did not have a chance to test syntax.
For p = 1 To 2
Dim PicItem
PicItem = PicArray(p)
RecursiveDelete ("D:\pictures", PicItem )
Next p

How can I determine if a file is locked using VBS?

I am writing a VB Script to update some files on the network. Before beginning, I want to know if any of the files are locked. I'd like to do this before I actually do any updates.
I am aware that I can handle the error if the file is locked when I try to replace it, but I really want to know if any files are locked before I start updating any files.
Is there any way to see that a file is locked using VBS (apart from trying to replace it)?
This function determines whether a file of interest can be accessed in 'write' mode. This is not exactly the same as determining whether a file is locked by a process. Still, you may find that it works for your situation. (At least until something better comes along.)
This function will indicate that 'write' access is not possible when a file is locked by another process. However, it cannot distinguish that condition from other conditions that prevent 'write' access. For instance, 'write' access is also not possible if a file has its read-only bit set or possesses restrictive NTFS permissions. All of these conditions will result in 'permission denied' when a 'write' access attempt is made.
Also note that if a file is locked by another process, the answer returned by this function is reliable only at the moment the function is executed. So, concurrency problems are possible.
An exception is thrown if any of these conditions are found: 'file not found', 'path not found', or 'illegal file name' ('bad file name or number').
Function IsWriteAccessible(sFilePath)
' Strategy: Attempt to open the specified file in 'append' mode.
' Does not appear to change the 'modified' date on the file.
' Works with binary files as well as text files.
' Only 'ForAppending' is needed here. Define these constants
' outside of this function if you need them elsewhere in
' your source file.
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
IsWriteAccessible = False
Dim oFso : Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
On Error Resume Next
Dim nErr : nErr = 0
Dim sDesc : sDesc = ""
Dim oFile : Set oFile = oFso.OpenTextFile(sFilePath, ForAppending)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
If Err Then
nErr = Err.Number
sDesc = Err.Description
IsWriteAccessible = True
End if
Select Case Err.Number
Case 70
' Permission denied because:
' - file is open by another process
' - read-only bit is set on file, *or*
' - NTFS Access Control List settings (ACLs) on file
' prevents access
Case Else
' 52 - Bad file name or number
' 53 - File not found
' 76 - Path not found
nErr = Err.Number
sDesc = Err.Description
End Select
End If
' The following two statements are superfluous. The VB6 garbage
' collector will free 'oFile' and 'oFso' when this function completes
' and they go out of scope. See Eric Lippert's article for more:
' http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ericlippert/archive/2004/04/28/when-are-you-required-to-set-objects-to-nothing.aspx
'Set oFile = Nothing
'Set oFso = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
If nErr Then
Err.Raise nErr, , sDesc
End If
End Function
The script below tries to write to a file for 30 seconds and gives up after that. I needed this when all our users had to click on a script. Chances are that multiple users try to write at the same time. OpenCSV() tries to open the file 30 times with a delay of 1 second in between.
Const ForAppending = 8
currentDate = Year(Now) & "-" & Month(Now) & "-" & Day(Now) & " " & Hour(Now) & ":" & Minute(Now) & ":" & Second(Now)
filepath = "\\network\path\file.csv"
Set oCSV = OpenCSV( filepath )
oCSV.WriteLine( currentDate )
Function OpenCSV( path )
Set oFS = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
For i = 0 To 30
On Error Resume Next
Set oFile = oFS.OpenTextFile( path, ForAppending, True )
If Not Err.Number = 70 Then
Set OpenCSV = oFile
Exit For
End If
On Error Goto 0
Wscript.Sleep 1000
Set oFS = Nothing
Set oFile = Nothing
If Err.Number = 70 Then
MsgBox "File " & filepath & " is locked and timeout was exceeded.", vbCritical
End If
End Function
Or, more simply:
Assuming you already have a variable in your VBS named FileName, which contains the full filepath you want to test:
Dim oFso, oFile
Set oFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFile = oFso.OpenTextFile(FileName, 8, True)
If Err.Number = 0 Then oFile.Close
Line 3 tries to open the file you want to test with append permissions enabled. e.g. it attempts to open the file with a write lock.
If opening the file with a write lock generates an error, then your VBS will error on the third line and not continue. At that point your error handling from wherever you called the VBS should kick in. The error message will be "Permission Denied" if you couldn't get a write lock.
If opening the file with a lock doesn't result in an error, then line 4 closes it again. You can now open the file or do whatever you want with it, confident that it doesn't have a write lock on it.

Write to file using CopyHere without using WScript.Sleep

I've written a small VBScript to creates a .zip file and then copies the contents of a specified folder into that .zip file.
I copy the files over one by one for a reason (I know I can do the whole lot at once). However my problem is when I try to copy them one by one without a WScript.Sleep between each loop iteration I get a "File not found or no read permission." error; if I place a WScript.Sleep 200 after each write it works but not 100% of the time.
Pretty much I'd like to get rid of the Sleep function and not rely on that because depending on the file size it may take longer to write therefore 200 milliseconds may not be enough etc.
As you can see with the small piece of code below, I loop through the files, then if they match the extension I place them into the .zip (zipFile)
For Each file In folderToZip.Items
For Each extension In fileExtensions
if (InStr(file, extension)) Then
WScript.Sleep 200
Exit For
End If
Any suggestions on how I can stop relying on the Sleep function?
This is how we do it in VB6. After calling CopyHere on the zip we wait for async compression to complete like this
Call Sleep(100)
Do While Not pvCanOpenExclusive(sZipFile)
Call Sleep(100)
Call Sleep(100)
Loop While Not pvCanOpenExclusive(sZipFile)
where the helper function looks like this
Private Function pvCanOpenExclusive(sFile As String) As Boolean
Dim nFile As Integer
nFile = FreeFile
On Error GoTo QH
Open sFile For Binary Access Read Lock Write As nFile
Close nFile
pvCanOpenExclusive = True
End Function
Nice side-effect is that even if zipping fails this will not end up in infinite loop.
The trouble comes when accessing the zip-file when it's closed by zipfldr.dll, that is when pvCanOpenExclusive returns true.
You are correct, CopyHere is asynchronous.
When I do this in a vbscript, I sleep until the count of files in the zip, is greater than or equal to the count of files copied in.
Sub NewZip(pathToZipFile)
WScript.Echo "Newing up a zip file (" & pathToZipFile & ") "
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim file
Set file = fso.CreateTextFile(pathToZipFile)
file.Write Chr(80) & Chr(75) & Chr(5) & Chr(6) & String(18, 0)
Set fso = Nothing
Set file = Nothing
WScript.Sleep 500
End Sub
Sub CreateZip(pathToZipFile, dirToZip)
WScript.Echo "Creating zip (" & pathToZipFile & ") from (" & dirToZip & ")"
Dim fso
Set fso= Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists(pathToZipFile) Then
WScript.Echo "That zip file already exists - deleting it."
fso.DeleteFile pathToZipFile
End If
If Not fso.FolderExists(dirToZip) Then
WScript.Echo "The directory to zip does not exist."
Exit Sub
End If
NewZip pathToZipFile
dim sa
set sa = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Dim zip
Set zip = sa.NameSpace(pathToZipFile)
WScript.Echo "opening dir (" & dirToZip & ")"
Dim d
Set d = sa.NameSpace(dirToZip)
' for diagnostic purposes only
For Each s In d.items
WScript.Echo s
' http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb787866(VS.85).aspx
' ===============================================================
' 4 = do not display a progress box
' 16 = Respond with "Yes to All" for any dialog box that is displayed.
' 128 = Perform the operation on files only if a wildcard file name (*.*) is specified.
' 256 = Display a progress dialog box but do not show the file names.
' 2048 = Version 4.71. Do not copy the security attributes of the file.
' 4096 = Only operate in the local directory. Don't operate recursively into subdirectories.
WScript.Echo "copying files..."
zip.CopyHere d.items, 4
Do Until d.Items.Count <= zip.Items.Count
End Sub
You can try accessing the file you've just copied, for example with an "exists" check:
For Each file In folderToZip.Items
For Each extension In fileExtensions
If LCase(oFSo.GetExtensionName(file)) = LCase(extension) Then
Dim i: i = 0
Dim target: target = oFSO.BuildPath(zipFile, oFSO.GetFileName(file))
While i < 100 And Not oFSO.FileExists(target)
i = i + 1
WScript.Sleep 10
Exit For
End If
I'm not sure if target is calculated correctly for this use context, but you get the idea. I'm a bit surprised that this error occurs in the first place... FileSystemObject should be strictly synchronous.
If all else fails, do this:
For Each file In folderToZip.Items
For Each extension In fileExtensions
If LCase(oFSo.GetExtensionName(file)) = LCase(extension) Then
CompressFailsafe zipFile, file
Exit For
End If
Sub CompressFailsafe(zipFile, file)
Dim i: i = 0
Const MAX = 100
On Error Resume Next
While i < MAX
If Err.Number = 0 Then
i = MAX
ElseIf Err.Number = xxx ''# use the actual error number!
WScript.Sleep 100
i = i + 1
''# react to unexpected error
End Of
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
The solution we used after much debugging and QA on various windows flavours, including fast and slow machines and machines under heavy CPU load was the following snippet.
Critique and improvements welcome.
We were not able to find a way of doing this without a loop, that is, if you wanted to do some validation or post zipping work.
The goal was to build something that ran reliably on as many windows flavours as possible. Ideally as natively as possible too.
Be advised that this code is still is NOT 100% reliable but its seems to be ~99%. As stable as we could get it with the dev and QA time available.
Its possible that increasing iSleepTime could make it 100%
Points of note:
The unconditional sleep seems to be the most reliable and compatible approach we found
The iSleepTime should not be reduced, it seems the more frequently the loop runs, the higher the probability of an error, seemingly related to the internal operations of the zip/copy process
iFiles is the source file count
The more simplistic the loop was, the better, for example outputting oZippp.Items().Count in the loop caused inexplicable errors that looked like they could be related to file access/sharing/locking violations. We didn't spend time tracing to find out.
It seems on Windows 7 anyway, that the internals of the zipping process use a temp file located in the cwd of the compressed zip folder, you can see this during long running zips by refreshing your explorer window or listing dir with cmd
We had success with this code on Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7
You'd probably want to add a timeout in the loop, to avoid infinite loops
'Copy the files to the compressed folder
oZippp.CopyHere oFolder.Items()
iSleeps = 0
iSleepTime = 5
On Error Resume Next
iSleeps = iSleeps + 1
wScript.Sleep (iSleepTime * 1000)
Loop Until oZippp.Items().Count = iFiles
On Error GoTo 0
If iFiles <> oZippp.Items().Count Then
' some action to handle this error case
' some action to handle success
End If
Here is a trick I used in VB; get the length of the zip file before the change and wait for it to change - then wait another second or two. I only needed two specific files but you could make a loop out of this.
Dim s As String
Dim F As Object 'Shell32.Folder
Dim h As Object 'Shell32.Folder
Dim g As Object 'Shell32.Folder
Dim Flen As Long, cntr As Long, TimerInt As Long
s = "F:\.zip"
NewZipFolder s
Flen = FileLen(s)
Set F = CreateObject("Shell.Application").namespace(CVar(s))
TimerInt = FileLen("F:\MyBigFile.txt") / 100000000 'set the loop longer for bigger files
F.CopyHere "F:\DataSk\DemoData2010\Test.mdf"
cntr = Timer + TimerInt
DoEvents: DoEvents
Loop While cntr > Timer
Debug.Print Flen
Loop While Flen = FileLen(s)
cntr = Timer + (TimerInt / 2)
DoEvents: DoEvents
Loop While cntr > Timer
Set F = Nothing
Set F = CreateObject("Shell.Application").namespace(CVar(s))
F.CopyHere "F:\MynextFile.txt"
MsgBox "Done!"
