Question for GCC for building the using static - gcc

I like windows gcc because it like ran natively just like windows compiler. However :
I will need some dll's that not included on distributed package. if i compiled a windows gfortran program like using Openblas, it will need libgcc_s_seh-1.dll libgfortran-5.dll libquadmath-0.dll libwinpthread-1.dll.
I could find it on web. But how to make it statically linked, i saw libgcc.a libgfortran.a libquadmath.a libpthread.a so i dont have to copy the dll from other. It is possible ?
For several c source code it need include <sys/resource.h> that not included. It's compatible with resource.h from where. After just copied from others, and recompile.
I got error :
c:\gcc\x86_64-w64-mingw32\include\sys\resource.h:74:29: error: unknown type name 'id_t'; did you mean 'pid_t'?
Is there any forum for this type gcc? Is there any debugger for windows gcc that friendly like VisualStudio Community for Intel Fortran.


How do I cross compile a static library built on the target with static linkage using c++11 utilities

**Edit: Found my problem. As explained by the following answer, I was not actually doing any linking when making the static library. Instead, I made a shared library and linked libstdc++ statically.
Compile a static library link with standard library (static)**
I am trying to create a method to use c++11 on an ancient arm platform running kernel (2.6.37). Unfortunately the latest cross compile our BSP contains is GCC 4.5.3, which does not support all the c++11 utilites we need.
Initially I tried to use old versions of crosstool-ng to build a cross compiler, but the older versions were too broken. The newer versions did not support the 2.6.37 kernel. I was able to complete one build, however the g++ binary was not built, making the whole endeavor useless (I did check that c++ was enabled in the menuconfig).
Thus my last option was to build gcc natively at version 4.9.4 and create a statically linked library to have my gcc 4.5.3 cross compiler link against. This seems to work for the most part. I create my library on the target with the following:
g++ -std=c++11 --static -c main2.cpp
ar -cvq libmain2.a main2.o
I then copy over the files and try build on the host machine with gcc 4.5.3 and get the following:
arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-g++ simple.cpp -lmain2 -L.
(I cleaned up some of the output)
undefined reference to `std::_Hash_bytes(void const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
undefined reference to
However, when I use nm, I get the following:
$ arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-nm libmain2.a | grep Hash_bytes
U _ZSt11_Hash_bytesPKvjj
U _ZSt11_Hash_bytesPKvjj
$ arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-nm libmain2.a | grep throw_regex
U _ZSt19__throw_regex_errorNSt15regex_constants10error_typeE
U _ZSt19__throw_regex_errorNSt15regex_constants10error_typeE
Does anyone know what the heck is going on? Unfortunately we need to be able to use our cross compiler on the host system for most work, but we are also needing to integrate this specific library which uses c++11.
Also note that if I take out the regex and hash functionality from my code but leave other c++11 concepts like nullptr, type inference, delegation etc, the code compiles and runs on the target fine.
Edit: Okay, so after a little more investigation, it looks like the functions _Hash_bytes and __throw_regex_error are not being statically linked into the static library. I guess I need to know why this is the case in order to fix the issue.

Error: multiple definition of `fprint' - while using SDL_ttf

I have a custom library that utilises this code (
The linked code was written for Visual Studio; I am using CodeLite on Windows.
Its has a SpriteFont.cpp that uses fprintf.
The static library that has SpriteFont as part of it compiles fine on its own and produces a *.a quite happily.
However when I use SpriteFont via other code, I get a linker error (if I am not mistaken):
D:/Coding/TDM-GCC-32/bin/g++.exe -o ./Debug/tmp #"tmp.txt" -L. -L../deps/lib/ -L../bengine/lib/ -lbengine -lSDL2_ttf -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lopengl32 -lglew32
D:/Coding/TDM-GCC-32/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/5.1.0/../../../libmsvcrt.a(dsnos00619.o):(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `fprintf'
../bengine/lib//libbengine.a(SpriteFont.cpp.o):D:/Coding/TDM-GCC-32/include/stdio.h:243: first defined here
I have read all over and found some similar situations but nothing that I have managed to use to resolve this.
It sounds like there is an issue with the way TDM-GCC redefines fprint in its' stdio.h, but I can't see how. Upon further examination, I believe the problem may lie with SDL_ttf, which is used by SpriteFont.
Also, I have tried using other functions from stdio.h and they compile fine; problem only seems to be fprintf
I have tried to create a barebones program to illustrate the problem. Hope it helps. Hopefully the fact it is a CodeLite project won't be a source of irritation.
If I can provide more info or code please ask.
This usually happens in MinGW when linking against a dll file that also has file in the form of <NAME>.dll.a
To fix this, just link against the dll directly (I recently encountered the same problem when build LLDB debugger on Windows /w MinGW, the solution was to link directly against the dll file and delete the dll.a file

compiling static library for windows in cygwin

I'm trying to compile a library (dxflib) for use in windows using cygwin.
I'm loosely following the instructions found here:
I can get it to compile to make a .a library (ie a unix static library), using 'make' but obviously I'm using cygwin because I want to compile a .lib for use in windows.
When I try to use 'MinGW32-make' (or any other derivative I can think of) cygwin claims that it doesn't exist. I've reinstalled all options with mingw or gcc or g++ remotely in their name in cygwin.
Does anybody know how to get it to compile from the makefile to produce a .lib? Thanks.

Another GSL linking error in Windows

I've done everything, and it's payed off.
Trying to compile a mex file from MATLAB using the Windows 7.1 SDK.
~ I've created an compiled my C source code on GCC
~ I've created a MEX file that links and compiles fine via GCC on both Linux and OS X. Does not crash MATLAB, gateway function works fine
~ After much confusion, I switched my dev platform form 64-bit to x86 Win7
~ I've found .dll built files, but they do not link. Linking libs in MATLAB using MATLAB's linker flags will default to .lib, so...
~ I've found--after much googling--simple, pre-compiled x86 GSL .lib's and source files and linked them with MATLAB, eliminating any gsl_blas.h-and-it's-dependencies unrecognized external symbol errors
~ I've re-written every single variable declaration in my source code such that it is C89 standard compatible
~ I've set linker flags appropriately to avoid LIBCMT and any other LIB conflicts
~ I've installed the 2010 and 2012 VC C Runtime libraries
~ I've checked to make sure I have msvcrt.dll and msvcp60.dll in my System files
~ I've followed multiple tutorials online on how supposedly link everything together, most of which had nothing broken links or un-replicable results. I didn't find much to go off of for Cygwin or MinGW.
~ I've tried using the Lcc-win32 2.4.1 compiler
If I was doing basic matrix and vector operations, I'd be set, but unfortunately the various decomposition routines I'm utilizing require parts from the cblas library, which I linked as well, but I get ~30 errors all reporting the same thing...
cblas.lib(ctrsv.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __libm_sse2_sqrt_precise
Here's my MATLAB command.
mex -largeArrayDims -IC:\gsl\include -LC:\gsl\lib -lgsl -lcblas LINKFLAGS="$LINKFLAGS /NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt.lib" file1.c file2.c
So, out of options and frustrated out of my mind, I (naturally) come to stack overflow. Anyone have any idea how to solve this one? The only thing I've foudn on google points to wineHQ errors, not very helpful.
And, if possible, I'd rather not try to compile first on VS201X. I have access to whatever version I need, if necessary, but to me that just seems like a redundant step. Maybe I'm spoiled with Unix-based file system management and linking, though.
It's easy to compile the GSL library under MinGW, in fact the process of compiling from sources is exactly identical to that in Linux. Here are the steps I took:
Setup MinGW for Windows. I am using MinGW-w64 but there is also the popular TDM-GCC distribution which comes with a friendly web-installer.
Obtain GSL sources, and extract the tarball (gsl-1.16.tar.gz is the latest as of now)
Compile as usual, I've used the following commands:
$ ./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --prefix=/mingw/local --enable-shared --enable-static
$ make
$ make install
It should take several minutes to finish. Maybe you can enable parallel builds to speed up compilation (make -j)
You'll end up with the necessary files installed in /mingw/local with the usual structure underneath (bin, lib, include).
Finally you can compile an example program with:
$ export PATH=/mingw/local:$PATH
$ gcc `gsl-config --cflags` -o main main.c `gsl-config --libs`
Of course if you prefer using Visual C++ as compiler, people out there have prepared solutions to build GSL using Visual Studio (either manually created project files, or using a build system like CMake and the like). See this question for such projects.
A third option is using Cygwin.

Why does clang/llvm on windows require Visual Studio's Link.exe?

According to LLVM's Getting Started (Windows) site:
... Clang can be used to emit bitcode, directly emit object files or even linked executables using Visual Studio’s link.exe.
Why is the use of Link.exe on Windows necessary? And, for that matter, what is used on Mac/Linux? Further down it says:
Compile the program to object code using the LLC code generator:
C:\..> llc -filetype=obj hello.bc
Link to binary using Microsoft link:
C:\..> link hello.obj -defaultlib:libcmt
Why can't LLC perform that last step? LLI seems to work fine so I assume that it interoperates with link.exe somehow under the hood - why can't LLC?
Because no one has written a linker for LLVM.
There is a project to do so (called, unimaginatively lld) but it's not ready yet.
See for more details.
On the mac, people use Apple's linker, ld.
On Linux, most people use the gnu linker, usually (also) named ld
Try MinGW-W64's ld. I've been using it with llvm's clang instead of VS tools that I used for building clang in the first place.
