I have two nodes Node1 and Node2
Node1 has IP1 and Hostname is node-1.idm.com
Node2 had IP2 and Hostname is node-2.idm.com
In Node1 hdfs-site.xml looks like this
In Node2 hdfs-site.xml looks like
In Node1 NameNode and Datanode Both JVMs are runnning
In Node2 Only DataNode JVM is running
The Problem I have is Datanode on Node1 is connecting to Namenode in Node1 but Datanode on Node2 is not connecting to Namenode in Node1
Error Message i can see is as below
23/02/09 13:29:57 DEBUG ipc.Client: IPC Client (842579207) connection to hadoop-namenode.hadoop.com/ from dn/hadoop-datanode-2.hadoop.com#HADOOP.COM got value #-3
23/02/09 13:29:57 DEBUG ipc.Client: closing ipc connection to hadoop-namenode.hadoop.com/ User dn/hadoop-datanode-2.hadoop.com#HADOOP.COM (auth:KERBEROS) is not authorized for protocol interface org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.DatanodeProtocol: this service is only accessible by dn/hadoop-datanode-1.hadoop.com#HADOOP.COM
org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException(org.apache.hadoop.security.authorize.AuthorizationException): User dn/hadoop-datanode-2.hadoop.com#HADOOP.com (auth:KERBEROS) is not authorized for protocol interface org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.DatanodeProtocol: this service is only accessible by dn/hadoop-datanode-1.hadoop.com#HADOOP.COM
at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client$Connection.receiveRpcResponse(Client.java:1198)
at org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client$Connection.run(Client.java:1063)
23/02/09 13:29:57 DEBUG ipc.Client: IPC Client (842579207) connection to hadoop-namenode.hadoop.com/ from dn/hadoop-datanode-2.hadoop#HADOOP.COM: closed
23/02/09 13:29:57 DEBUG ipc.Client: IPC Client (842579207) connection to hadoop-namenode.hadoop.com/ from dn/hadoop-datanode-2.hadoop.com#HADOOP.COM: stopped, remaining connections 0
23/02/09 13:29:57 WARN datanode.DataNode: Problem connecting to server: prod-hadoop-namenode.hadoop.com/
I cant use _HOST for some reasons thats why I am trying to achieve this using generic FQDNs for node.
How to allow this principal or any other principal or disable this checking.
EDIT: I have looked at YARN Resourcemanager not connecting to nodemanager and the solution does not work for me. I have attached the section of the node-manager log where a connection to the resource manager is made:
[main] client.RMProxy (RMProxy.java:createRMProxy(98)) - Connecting to ResourceManager at /
2016-06-17 19:01:04,697 INFO [main] nodemanager.NodeStatusUpdaterImpl (NodeStatusUpdaterImpl.java:getNMContainerStatuses(429)) - Sending out 0 NM container statuses: []
2016-06-17 19:01:04,701 INFO [main] nodemanager.NodeStatusUpdaterImpl (NodeStatusUpdaterImpl.java:registerWithRM(268)) - Registering with RM using containers :[]
2016-06-17 19:01:05,815 INFO [main] ipc.Client (Client.java:handleConnectionFailure(867)) - Retrying connect to server: Already tried 0 time(s); retry policy is RetryUpToMaximumCountWithFixedSleep(maxRetries=10, sleepTime=1000 MILLISECONDS)
2016-06-17 19:01:06,816 INFO [main] ipc.Client (Client.java:handleConnectionFailure(867)) - Retrying connect to server: Already tried 1 time(s); retry policy is RetryUpToMaximumCountWithFixedSleep(maxRetries=10, sleepTime=1000 MILLISECONDS)
For some reason it says it is connecting to When I ssh into one of the data nodes and ping resource-manager I get a response so it is able to resolve the hostname.
This leads me to believe that an options is incorrect in my yarn-site.xml as my nodes are trying to connect to instead of the resource-manager:8031
I am running a Cloudera hadoop cluster on dockers and am having issues with the Yarn resource manager being able to see the other nodes. They way it is set up is as follows:
Node1 - Namenode (hadoop-hdfs-namenode)
Node 2 - Secondary Namenode (hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode)
Node 3 - Yarn Resource-Manager (hadoop-yarn-resourcemanager)
Node 4 - datanode and node manager (hadoop-hdfs-datanode, hadoop-yarn-nodemanager)
Node 5 - datanode and node manager (hadoop-hdfs-datanode, hadoop-yarn-nodemanager)
When I go to namenode:50070 I am able to see both nodes. However, when I go to the resource-manager:8088 it shows I have zero nodes. My yarn-site.xml file which is on every node is as follows:
<description>Classpath for typical applications.</description>
<description>Where to aggregate logs</description>
Number of seconds after an application finishes before the nodemanager's
DeletionService will delete the application's localized file directory
and log directory.
To diagnose Yarn application problems, set this property's value large
enough (for example, to 600 = 10 minutes) to permit examination of these
directories. After changing the property's value, you must restart the
nodemanager in order for it to have an effect.
The roots of Yarn applications' work directories is configurable with
the yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs property (see below), and the roots
of the Yarn applications' log directories is configurable with the
yarn.nodemanager.log-dirs property (see also below).
Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is the case?
Thanks for reading.
As indicated in the edit it appeared as if the yarn-site.xml was not being picked up and only defaults were happening. I solved this be copying the yarn-site.xml file into every directory on the machine as user root. I then ran the node-manager as to make it error reading the file as it does not run under user root. The log directed me to where it expected the file which was in a yarn specific directory instead of the general hadoop directory.
Environment : Ubuntu 14.04 , hadoop-2.2.0 , hbase-0.98.7
when i start hadoop and hbase(single node mode), both all success (I also check the website 8088 for hadoop, 60010 for hbase)
4507 SecondaryNameNode
5350 HRegionServer
4197 NameNode
4795 NodeManager
3948 QuorumPeerMain
5209 HMaster
4678 ResourceManager
5831 Jps
4310 DataNode
but when i check hbase-hadoop-master-localhost.log, i found a information following
2014-10-23 14:16:11,392 INFO [main-SendThread(localhost:2181)] zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
2014-10-23 14:16:11,426 INFO [main-SendThread(localhost:2181)] zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
i have google lot of website for that unknown error problem, but i can't solve this problem...
Following is my hadoop and hbase configuration
Hadoop :
salves content : localhost
<description>host is the hostname of the resource manager and
port is the port on which the NodeManagers contact the Resource Manager.
<description>host is the hostname of the resourcemanager and port is the port
on which the Applications in the cluster talk to the Resource Manager.
<description>In case you do not want to use the default scheduler</description>
<description>the host is the hostname of the ResourceManager and the port is the port on
which the clients can talk to the Resource Manager. </description>
<description>the local directories used by the nodemanager</description>
<description>the nodemanagers bind to this port</description>
<description>the amount of memory on the NodeManager in GB</description>
<description>directory on hdfs where the application logs are moved to </description>
<description>the directories used by Nodemanagers as log directories</description>
<description>shuffle service that needs to be set for Map Reduce to run </description>
hbase-env.sh :
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle"
export HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=true
regionserver content : localhost
my /etc/hosts content: localhost
# localhost
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
I try lots of methods to solve it, but all fail, please help me to solve it, i really need to know how to solve.
Originally, i run a mapreuce program and when map 67% reduce 0%, it print out some INFO and some of INFO is following:
14/10/23 15:50:41 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:2181 sessionTimeout=60000 watcher=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HConnectionManager$ClientZKWatcher#ce1472
14/10/23 15:50:41 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
14/10/23 15:50:41 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
14/10/23 15:50:41 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x1493be510380007, negotiated timeout = 40000
14/10/23 15:50:43 INFO mapred.LocalJobRunner: map > sort
14/10/23 15:50:46 INFO mapred.LocalJobRunner: map > sort
then it crash.. I think program maybe in dead lock and that is what i want to solve zookeeper problem above.
If want another configuration file i set in hadoop or hbase or others, just tell me, i'll post up.
I don't think zookeeper is your problem. You should look at your other logs for more information about your map/reduce job status. Check the datanode and namenode logs for errors along with the yarn log messages through the yarn job tracker ui.
ZooKeeper Messages
Those messages are from zookeeper trying to connect with the Zookeeper sasl client. If sasl is not configured the client will still be able to connect but the connection won't be authenticated.
Error message comes from this file
150 // The user did not override the default context. It might be that they just don't intend to use SASL,
151 // so log at INFO, not WARN, since they don't expect any SASL-related information.
152 String msg = "Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL ";
153 if (runtimeException != null) {
154 msg += "(" + runtimeException + ")";
155 } else {
156 msg += "(unknown error)";
157 }
158 this.configStatus = msg;
159 this.isSASLConfigured = false;
160 }
If you want to get rid of the error you will have to configure zookeeper to use sasl. Sorry don't have any experience with configuration sasl for zookeeper.
ZooKeeper SASL Configuration
Add follwing properties in hbase-site.xml file
<value></value> #this is my server ip
restart ./start-hbase.sh
This is how I solved it - after I tried including hbase-site.xml in classpath and giving the zookeeper quorum value as -Dhbase.zookeeper.quorum - and they did not work.
I copied hbase-site.xml to the same folder as my jar and then did
jar uf myjar.jar hbase-site.xml
And then I ran hadoop jar myjar.jar Blah
This fixed the problem
I have a 4 node cluster (1 Namenode/Resource Manager 3 datanodes/node managers)
I am trying to run a simple tez example orderedWordCount
hadoop jar C:\HDP\tez-\tez-mapreduce-examples- orderedwordcount sample/test.txt /sample/out
The job gets accepted ,the Application master and container gets setup but on the nodemanager I see these logs
2014-09-10 17:53:31,982 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.RMProxy: Connecting to ResourceManager
at /
2014-09-10 17:53:34,060 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: Already tried 0 time(s); retry policy is RetryUpToMaximumCountWithFixedSleep(maxRetries=10, sleepTime=1000
After configurable timeout the job fails
I searched for this problem and it always pointed to yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.address configuration. In all my resource manager node and node managers I have this configuration defined correctly but for some reason its not getting picked up
It might be possible that your ResourceManager is listening on an IPv6 Port while your worker nodes (i.e NodeManagers) might be using IPv4 to connect to the ResourceManager
To quickly check if this is the case, do a
netstat -aln | grep 8030
If you get something similar to :::8030, then your ResourceManager is indeed listening on an IPv6 Port. If its a IPv4 port, you should see something similar to
To fix this, you might want to consider disabling IPv6 on all your machines and try once again.
There is a problem in the Hadoop2 code with configuring the yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.address e.g.:
It is currently not properly placed into the 'conf' configuration at
To prove the issue, we patched that file to directly inject our scheduler address.
The patch below is a hack. The root cause is with the 'conf' object that needs to load the
property "yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.address".
protected static <T> T createRMProxy(final Configuration configuration, final Class<T> protocol, RMProxy instance) throws IOException {
YarnConfiguration conf = (configuration instanceof YarnConfiguration)
? (YarnConfiguration) configuration
: new YarnConfiguration(configuration);
LOG.info("LEE: changing the conf to include yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.address at");
conf.set("yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.address", "");
RetryPolicy retryPolicy = createRetryPolicy(conf);
if (HAUtil.isHAEnabled(conf)) {
RMFailoverProxyProvider<T> provider =
instance.createRMFailoverProxyProvider(conf, protocol);
return (T) RetryProxy.create(protocol, provider, retryPolicy);
} else {
InetSocketAddress rmAddress = instance.getRMAddress(conf, protocol);
LOG.info("LEE: Connecting to ResourceManager at " + rmAddress);
T proxy = RMProxy.<T>getProxy(conf, protocol, rmAddress);
return (T) RetryProxy.create(protocol, proxy, retryPolicy);
EDIT: we solved this problem by adding yarn-site.xml to the CLASSPATH.
there is no need to modify RMProxy.java
It is because your resource manager is not reachable. Try to ping you resource manager from other nodes and see if it works. Maintain these configs consistent across cluster.
2014-05-12 16:41:26,773 INFO org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC: Server at namenode/ not available yet, Zzzzz...
2014-05-12 16:41:28,777 INFO org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: namenode/ Already tried 0 time(s); retry policy is RetryUpToMaximumCountWithFixedSleep(maxRetries=10, sleepTime=1 SECONDS)
core site xml....
<description>A base for other temporary directories.</description>
i put in etc/hosts namenode
in masters
in slaves
and my namenode is on user#
if i do jps on all node it shows datanode namenode job/tasktracker working fine
You need to change to localhost into namenode in slaves and masters file and restart hadoop once it will work fine.
for better view
Thanks for your Comment
if i put hostname in slaves of namenode it runs datanode and namenode on same node
configuration of my masters and slave are hereafter,
on namenode's masters
on namenode'master
hdname1#data1 (data1 belong to ip of node and hdname1 is user)
on datanode's masters
on datanode's slaves
While running Pig Script which is inserting data into HBase i got following error.
2013-10-25 14:57:03,147 [main-SendThread(localhost:2181)] INFO
org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn - Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
2013-10-25 14:57:03,147 [main-SendThread(localhost:2181)] INFO org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn - Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
2013-10-25 14:57:03,169 [main-SendThread(localhost:2181)] INFO org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn - Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x41ead7bb150092, negotiated timeout = 180000
Also when i see slave logs it says that unable to establish connection to master, But master says that connection is established successfully. Below are the logs of both:
Master Log :
zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Initiating client connection, connectString=slave:2181,hadoop-master:2181,ubuntu:2181 sessionTimeout=180000 watcher=hconnection
13/10/24 19:51:56 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to server slave:2181. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
13/10/24 19:51:56 INFO zookeeper.RecoverableZooKeeper: The identifier of this process is 104744#hadoop-master
13/10/24 19:51:56 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Socket connection established to slave:2181, initiating session
13/10/24 19:51:56 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Session establishment complete on server slave:2181, sessionid = 0x141ead77c250002, negotiated timeout = 180000
Slave Log
2013-10-24 19:51:32,174 INFO org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.FastLeaderElection: New election. My id = 1, proposed zxid=0x80000002a
2013-10-24 19:51:32,180 WARN org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumCnxManager: Cannot open channel to 0 at election address hadoop-master:3888
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:339)
Below are my configurations:
export HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=true
The host and port that the HBase master runs at.
A value of 'local' runs the master and a regionserver in a single process.
The directory shared by RegionServers.
The mode the cluster will be in. Possible values are
false: standalone and pseudo-distributed setups with managed Zookeeper
true: fully-distributed with unmanaged Zookeeper Quorum (see hbase-env.sh)
Property from ZooKeeper's config zoo.cfg.
The port at which the clients will connect.
Comma separated list of servers in the ZooKeeper Quorum.
For example, "host1.mydomain.com,host2.mydomain.com,host3.mydomain.com".
By default this is set to localhost for local and pseudo-distributed modes
of operation. For a fully-distributed setup, this should be set to a full
list of ZooKeeper quorum servers. If HBASE_MANAGES_ZK is set in hbase-env.sh
this is the list of servers which we will start/stop ZooKeeper on.
Default block replication.
The actual number of replications can be specified when the file is created.
The default is used if replication is not specified in create time.
By entering command jps i get following output:
At Master:
104744 HMaster
91841 JobTracker
80184 TaskTracker
91475 DataNode
91222 NameNode
105062 HRegionServer
91747 SecondaryNameNode
104666 HQuorumPeer
At Slave:
11533 HQuorumPeer
2444 SecondaryNameNode
5970 TaskTracker
11756 HRegionServer
This is probably an issue with your HBase config not being on the classpath when running the Pig script. One thing you can try is to set the zookeeper connection settings in the Pig script to see if it connects to the correct instance. If it does, you can add the HBase config to the classpath before launching your script.