Raleway font decoding error CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED - laravel

I am using Laravel 9 and Vue js 3, It works finely without an error before, But after I use some components from bootstrap, It got an error like this :
GET https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED 200 on runtime-dom.esm-bundler.js:10
I have tried to delete the components I've just added, but still the error won't go, what is causing the problem?


Laravel Randomly Throws an Error during Live Wire Ajax/Emit calls about Telescope, even though it is disabled

This error I randomly get every other call on my local is driving me insane.
Call to a member function implementsInterface() on null
I am using Laravel 9 with maninly Livewire, and I've only noticed it in my Livewire Ajax calls.
It seems to be related the Laravel Telescope which I disabled in .env and even removed the serviceProvider from config/app.php to no avail.
It seems to happen during only after a Livewire $emit function.
The code error happens in
staging\vendor\laravel\telescope\src\Watchers\ViewWatcher.php: 164
protected function isViewComposerClosure(ReflectionFunction $closure): bool
return $closure->getClosureScopeClass()->implementsInterface(Factory::class) &&
array_key_exists('class', $closure->getStaticVariables());
I went ahead and uninstalled telescope from composer just now. I am not sure how code was getting to Telescope or if it is gonna cause a new error. It would be great to someday find an answer here. For now I it seems no telescope installed prevents the error. I am just confused as Telescope was disabled and a step further removed as a ServiceProvider.

Laravel 9 Bug, Pagination shows pagination.next instead of >>

I am facing some weird bugs, my pagination next and previous buttons appear like this pagination.next and pagination.previous instead of >> and <<
my pagination.vue file is still the same as original
'previous' => '« Previous',
'next' => 'Next »',
The bug just appeared without altering any code, i have also realised that my login and register pages have the same issue, the error message display as auth.failed instead of showing this credentials dont much our records
Pagination Error Message:
Login Form error:
am using laravel vue and inertia

unable to generate PDF from spatie bowsershot

i have installed browsershot in my laravel project
I have installed puppeteer, installed chromium , my npm version is updated, but still i am unable to get the PDF of my simple html input , i have tried to take screenshot by URL method and save as image(It works), but my requirement is to generate PDF of my html.
This is my code in controller
Error Message:
"message": "The process "PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin NODE_PATH='/var/www/html/ProjectName/node_modules/' /usr/local/bin/node '/var/www/html/benesprint/vendor/spatie/browsershot/src/../bin/browser.js' '{"url":"file:\/\/\/tmp\/1933874416-0068512001600765779\/index.html","action":"pdf","options":{"path":"\/var\/www\/html\/ProjectName\/public\/DevTest.pdf","args":["--no-sandbox"],"viewport":{"width":800,"height":600},"displayHeaderFooter":false,"executablePath":"\/usr\/bin\/chromium-browser","timeout":60000,"printBackground":true}}'" exceeded the timeout of 60 seconds.",
**i would be grateful if you can help me out.**
i have similiar problem when browsershot inside container. and my step to resolve is like this:
Manual generate PDF from html using laravel tinker. if there is an error, try reinstall chromium and puppeteer library.
If success, then try remove all css and javascript links from html, and check for the result.
If success, then add --proxy-server="direct://" and --proxy-bypass-list=* into browsershot args
If step 3 is not working, then you can put css and javascript directly into view template or using php code to inclue those files like
<?php include public_path('css/styles.css') ?>

Form login data is not sent in IE 11, Laravel 5.4

I am working on a project with Laravel 5.4, when testing login in IE 11 browser I have an error related to missing the parameter (TokenMismatchException).
I debugged the data before reaching the final destination, and checked that no data arrived (+ request: ParameterBag).IE 11: Other browsers are OK:Error in IE:Does anyone have an idea of ​​what might be causing this behavior?

blueimp jQuery-File-Upload not working for laravel 5

i am using , https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload plugin for image upload using ajax call in laravel 5. i also refered article http://peterjolson.com/using-laravel-and-jquery-file-upload/. but i am getting the following error error
GET http://localhost:8000/...../server/php/ 500 (Internal
Server Error)
when i use https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload/wiki/Basic-plugin i get the same error. Can anyone help with this or please suggest any working image uploader with ajax call for laravel 5
There is a main.js file, you need to adjust the url there according to the path you store it:
url: '../../uploadimage/server/php/'
