Laravel 9 Bug, Pagination shows instead of >> - laravel

I am facing some weird bugs, my pagination next and previous buttons appear like this and pagination.previous instead of >> and <<
my pagination.vue file is still the same as original
'previous' => '« Previous',
'next' => 'Next »',
The bug just appeared without altering any code, i have also realised that my login and register pages have the same issue, the error message display as auth.failed instead of showing this credentials dont much our records
Pagination Error Message:
Login Form error:
am using laravel vue and inertia


How to stop the GET method is not supported for this route from showing?

I have a working Laravel project with loads of different routes.
I'm currently testing it and one of my tests was to check if a user were to use a delete or post route from the URL. I didn't know what the application would do honestly and it outputted the typical:
The GET method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: DELETE
which I have seen a million times. Is there a way to stop this error from coming up and instead output an error screen or simply redirect to a different view?
The error message:
The GET method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: DELETE.
should only appear when your Laravel site has APP_DEBUG set to true (in the .env file).
When APP_DEBUG is set to false as it should always be in on a live site, then the user will be shown a 404 error page instead.
You can easily test this by adding the following code to your routes file:
Route::delete('test', function() {
return 'You should never see this text when viewing url via a GET request';
May be u didn't noticed but ur form tag method attribute and route definition is different

Why do i get a 419 error when submitting a form using Cypress test runner

Within a Laravel project, i want to use Cypress to test a form submission, however, I receive a 419 page expired error: 'PUT test/users/1/update 419 (unknown)'. I've tried adding a timeout, or using .click() but think there's something im missing. Any ideas? the console log isnt giving much away.
<form id="applications_form"...

ajax returns page source, not the message

All the answers I saw here or elsewhere on Google were with jquery. This is not jquery.
I send an ajax string to a php file.
The php, among other things, formulates a message string which I echo
back to the client.
The returned string is put up in the client as an alert.
The form is then reset.
The problem is that when I do this it puts up as much of the page source that the alert can handle. If I open developer tools to look at the return, it puts the message up correctly, not the page source. Here is the return snippet in my ajax:
ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4){
The php file does a simple echo of a text string.
What is it about developer tools that makes this run correctly and why doesn't it print out the message in the alert when developer tools is not there?
When I run the backend php by itself, with or without developer tools, it displays the message properly.
Does anyone have any ideas?
More information: I tried to replace the alert and reset with a
display.innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText where display is a javascript object formed from getElementById("ajaxReturn") of a "div id="ajaxReturn". It didn't work. When I tried developer tools, it showed the network response text as being the page source.
I also added && this.status == 200 to the if statement. No change.
The problem is solved. I am not deleting this because it might help some other poster who runs into the same problem. I launched the AJAX with an onclick to a javascript function called ajaxFunction(). The html entity containing the onclick had an href="#" in it. Removing that href solved the problem.
I had the exact same issue and my cause was related to having an extra slash in my URL.
Lets say my URL was:
I had a wrong link as follows:
On both instances my server loads the page,
But the Ajax shows the page source as response for:
But works fine for:
The ajax is essentially posting to index.php/ajaxpage.php which then responds with whats on index.php instead of whats on ajaxpage.php

MVC LazyInitializer Error Handling

I want to have an error Page if My Aplication cannot connect to Database.
But for now I have sth like this:
Then If I step over I have an error in Layout where I check if IsAuthenticated it also shows an error in
<li>#if (WebSecurity.IsAuthenticated)
if (User.IsInRole("admin"))
{#Html.ActionLink("Admin Panel", "Index", "Admin")}
But it only happens if I am logged in.
If I am not logged in then it only shows an error which I showed in Picture,
Then if I click step over I get an error page in web browser which is a result I want to have.
Q: How to get an error Page if Database is not connected without going to VS10 to code view ?
I also have an error controller and it works for displaying error page if someone types wrong www address.

"Server Error" when users try to create a new account - Magento 1.7

I'm setting up our Magento 1.7 store, hoping to be ready for launch soon. I've noticed a problem:
When users try to create a new account, they fill out their info on /customer/account/create page just fine, then when they click submit, they get this 500 Error:
The website encountered an error while retrieving
the account is actually created, however.
Similar deal on when users submit their email on the Forgot Password page, they press submit and get this:
The website encountered an error while retrieving
no email is sent.
If you see this and know how to help with this prob, your advice would be much appreciated, truly.
In case it helps, we are using a theme, rather than default.
EDIT - (I was asked if I had checked server error)
My server errors show as this, for the above situations:
Forgot Password submit shows this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Mandrill_API::addTo() in
D:\Magento\app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\Email\Template.php on line
Create Account submit shows this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Mandrill_API::addTo() in
D:\Magento\app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\Email\Template.php on line
as well.
Here is 6 lines(437-442) of that Template.php file:
foreach ($emails as $key => $email) {
$mail->addTo($email, '=?utf-8?B?' . base64_encode($names[$key]) . '?=');
$text = $this->getProcessedTemplate($variables, true);
I've learned that when I enter a random, fake email for Forgot Password, and press submit, a confirmation appears, saying something like "If this email exists, then a new email was sent to that email!", but when I submit an email of a real existing customer, then it gives me the 500 error I've mentioned.
Still nothing - if anyone out there sees this, and you have a bit of time to help solve this perhaps, may Talos bless you!
I turns out this was a problem with transaction emails.
Cause by an extension, Mandrill, which is added to magento when I installed the MailChimp extension, called "MageMonkey - MailChimp Integration by ebizmarts"
Once I enabled Mandrill, in config, advanced, all transactions and transaction emails work perfectly fine!
It's possible that it's a .htaccess or server configuration problem. Where is it hosted? Do you have a .htaccess file in the root of the installation?
