BotFramework using React-SPFX Framework - botframework

I am using react spfx botframework for building the chatbot applictaion. I am integrating the backend service from azure portal but i am not able to edit the css of the section under react-film class as i am not able to locate it. the class which i wanted to edit is react-film--css-cnmnh-24dn9z webchat__suggested-actions__carousel and react-film so that i can change the layout from filmstrip to grid in the botframework webpart. Please provide me a way how to access the particular class or a way to change it from filmstrip to grid layout.
I have tried to find the html in frontend and backend part but i am not able to find those components as it is synamically creating botframework .


Any suggestions on a way to get user comments back from a Xamarin Forms application. Possibly something using

I would like to add a "User Feedback" link to my Xamarin Forms application and I am looking for some suggestions on where to start. If possible I don't want to have the user send me comments through email. I'm already using and would like to use something like that or maybe there are web sites that users could use.
Would appreciate comments and suggestions on ways that this could be done.
IOS Configuration
4- To start using Instabug in your iOS app, add the following line in the FinishedLaunching method inside the AppDelegate class.
Instabug.StartWithToken ("YOUR_APP_TOKEN_HERE", IBGInvocationEvent.Shake);
Android Configuration
5-To start using Instabug in your Android application, add the following line in the OnCreate method inside the MainApplication class.
new Instabug.Builder(this, YOUR_APP_TOKEN_HERE")
You can let the user submit comments or feature requests via a few useful services:
zendesk and their mobile sdk
intercom and their mobile sdk
you can integrate support forms or feature requests, activate on user action in the app and communicate via corresponding services administrative part, which includes all the tools, charts, analytics and automation (alerts, bots, etc).

loading Images in my xamarin app from my api

I am writing a xamarin application connected to an API with .net core 2.2.
My mobile app will list categories which are created dynmically in my web backend and distribute through my api.
Each category will have an icon.
So the workflow should be:
Day1: 2 categories defined in the backend. Call to the api and refresh the list on the mobile app.
Day 2: add one new category in the backend. Call to the api and refresh the list on the mobile app.
Than I am wondering what is the best way to display my icons to improve the performance.
1: Point to a url icon
2: Convert blob in Image
Could you halp and point me to the right way please?
By far, you should use the url:
Bitmap creation are integrated by Xamarin.Forms framework and implements best practices for handling images (especially on android, bitmaps are hell)
You can even use a cache image library to automatically cache your images so they will be downloaded just once (use FFImageLoading or ImageSourceHandler glidex / ffimageloading)

How to create a MS Dynamics CRM app

I would like to create a Visual Studio project to my Dynamics site.
I'm using .NET and Javascript. My target is create a component (html + javascript/angular/...) and add this component into my dynamics page layout (or somewhere in dynamic site to see my UI).
My project has Back-end as well which using web API and get Dynamics CRM metadata by Client Object Model and send result to the component.
I finished my backend API and client HTML component. But I don't know how to install my app and show my component into my Dynamic site.
Could anyone share me some tutorials or demos related this?
To get you started... the general way to add things into CRM is via unmanaged or managed Solutions:
The solution that contains everything is called the Default Solution. You can get to it by going to Settings > Customizations > Customize the System.
You can put your JavaScript code into one or more web resources. Then add them to a form and register them on the OnLoad, OnSave, or individual field OnChange events.
C# code goes in as a Plugin Assembly or a Custom Workflow Assembly. To register those, use the Plugin Registration Tool, which is available in the SDK.
Once your plugins are registered, you can add them to a solution and port them to other systems.

How can we implement 'adaptive cards' in angular js 1.x

I would like to implement visualizer in my angular ui for Bot.Can anyone help how can we render adaptive cards in an angular ui. I am using Angular 1.x.
You can render Adaptive Cards in a client-side web application using the HTML client library microsoft-adaptivecards available via NPM.
For instructions and a code example, check out:
There are also code samples available on the Adaptive Cards GitHub repository:

Integrate existing MVC view into Umbraco

I have created an Umbraco site using the latest version (6.1.6) as an MVC site. Now I have an existing website which retrieves a list of users. I would like to integrate these pages into Umbraco under a custom section. In previous versions of Umbraco (4.7), I used to create user controls in .NET to perform my non-Umbraco db tasks and then link them up in Umbraco by dropping the DLL and the user control in.
How do I do this with the MVC site? I did a bit of reading up on SurfaceController and RenderMVCController but am confused as I really don't want to use any Umbraco related controllers. I would just like to integrate the existing views/controllers into the Umbraco site like I used to do with .NET user controls
Any ideas how this can be achieved?
You can still use webforms controls like you did before. Umbraco lets you mix Web Forms and MVC, however it's based on the page. As far as I'm aware, you can't mix MVC and Web Forms functionality into a single page, but you can have both Web Forms and MVC pages in your application.
If you are able to get by with it, you can create a new page using a Master Page template (non-MVC) and use your usercontrol macros there.
