Integrate existing MVC view into Umbraco - model-view-controller

I have created an Umbraco site using the latest version (6.1.6) as an MVC site. Now I have an existing website which retrieves a list of users. I would like to integrate these pages into Umbraco under a custom section. In previous versions of Umbraco (4.7), I used to create user controls in .NET to perform my non-Umbraco db tasks and then link them up in Umbraco by dropping the DLL and the user control in.
How do I do this with the MVC site? I did a bit of reading up on SurfaceController and RenderMVCController but am confused as I really don't want to use any Umbraco related controllers. I would just like to integrate the existing views/controllers into the Umbraco site like I used to do with .NET user controls
Any ideas how this can be achieved?

You can still use webforms controls like you did before. Umbraco lets you mix Web Forms and MVC, however it's based on the page. As far as I'm aware, you can't mix MVC and Web Forms functionality into a single page, but you can have both Web Forms and MVC pages in your application.
If you are able to get by with it, you can create a new page using a Master Page template (non-MVC) and use your usercontrol macros there.


Is it a good practice to use one URL for entire application in ASP.NET MVC Project?

I have an ASP.NET MVC project that use ajax for load part of page in entire application use #Html.Partial.My client request's is the website should have only one URL.I'm at the beginning of the project and it is a big clinic management system. I want my codes be reusable for other projects and have a nice performance. Can i do that with this approach?

ASP.NET MVC 5 per user custom built views with widgets

I want to make an MVC 5 app that will allow users to customize views/pages, create new ones. On the custom pages they can set-up widgets and be able to save the views. Also they should be able to setup the default view that will be loaded by default.
Any ideas how can I achieve this? I believe the views should be saved in the database.
I found this template engine RazorEngine. This seams to be what I am looking for. Anybody has any experience using RazorEngine?
I think you should try some CMS like dotnetnuke etc. other wise build your own framework for all the things so that it can save and fetch your details to and from database.

YUI 3.5 App Framework server routing

I am currently looking at implementing YUI 3.5 pr1 (and then the final version when released) in a fairly large application.
The backend is built with PHP and MySQL using a MVC structure with a front controller pattern. By it self, the server can process URLs ( etc and return a fully rendered page.
I would like to implement the App Framework in YUI across the whole application so that javascript-enabled browser will effectively have something like a 1-page app with history management avaliable.
I am currently looking at the app framework docs on the staging site. Unfortunately, the docs aren't complete (in particular sections on routing coordination with server and progressively enhanced apps).
In any case, if a user visits with an HTML4 browser (all versions of IE), and he has javascript enabled, he would need to be redirected to
Is this something that's built into the App Framework? I would prefer to utilise a solution that does not require the whole page to be rendered out and then redirected to the hashtaged URL and then rerendered again.
Finally, I have watched the intro video on the App Framework and it mentioned that they are using the Handlebars template engine. I am using Twig as my template engine on the server side. Is it possible to use an alternative template engine with the app framework? In particular the twig js engine.

GetOverriddenBrowser() for ASP.NET MVC 3

ASP.NET MVC 4 has some nice mobile features which are replacing my mutant mobile view engines, but until it's production ready, I'd like to implement the browser override feature for ASP.NET MVC 3.
SetOverriddenBrowser() seems to set a .ASPXBrowserOverride cookie with an overriding User Agent that returns an HttpBrowserCapabilitiesBase object via HttpContext.GetOverriddenBRowser().
What would be the simplest way of implementing this feature for MVC 3 to make use of the mobile detection library, including
There is a blog post on the site that you might find useful. Check it out here. It covers the implementation of 51Degrees with MVC 4.

How can I mix Forms Authentication and Windows Authentication in MVC 2 in IIS 7.5?

I've seen this posted alot that solves the problem if you are running ASP.Net application not a MVC 2 one in IIS 7.5. Would the same solution work using location in the web.config and 2 seperate login pages like it does for Do you need to register a new route to do that?
I know it would work with 2 seperate applications in IIS, but i want them all in the same application. Any ideas?
Solutions for
Mixing Forms authentication with Windows authentication
It looks like you can use the following solution.
But i had to create a page inside my MVC solution that gets hit directly to handle the Windows Authentication then redirects to the mvc site. The location section inside of the web.config should work then since it's not relying on the routing.
