Laravel Horizon getting empty Dashboard Invalid or unexpected token - laravel

I installed a Horizon 5.14.1 in Laravel 9.36.2
But when im gonna acess a dashboard i got this error
Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token (at app.js?id=766b568d1924aa83b2a1f279d2c5ab9e:2:484352)
But in the console, php artisan horizon this works.
Someone can help me?


Getting 419 page expired error while logging in laravel app

I am trying to login in my laravel app on live server on local it works fine. but on live server it give 419 page expired error. I tried previouse questions answer on Stackoverflow but nothing working.
I tried to find if there is any file which is not starting from <?php
Also I made sure that #csrf token is passed from login form.
It was working fine suddenly start giving this error
this is because you use "HTTP" protocol.use "HTTPS" instead it it should be fine.

Error when trying to log in using Laravel Passport

I'm getting the following error trying to login using the Laravel Passport:
Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError: Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Key\InMemory cannot implement Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Key - it is not an interface
I was wondering how can this error be solved?

Getting 403 error while using googleApis dialogflow with flutter

I have done exactly the example asked me to do here : ypelud/chatbot
I also created the daligogflow.json by creating a service account key.
I am able to compile the code fluently. But when I type something, I'm getting this error:
Dart Error: Unhandled exception:
DetailedApiRequestError(status: 403, message: IAM permission
'dialogflow.sessions.detectIntent' on 'projects/chatbot-gdg/agent'
The code seems to be working. No problem in getting it executed.
but when it comes to authorization, although i placed the service key json, it throws me the above error.
I would be glad if If the problem gets solved. Because that might save my school project very well.

Laravel Passport oauth/token route not calling issue Token method

i have a problem in laravel passport.
i installed passport successfully. im using below code to get token
Route::post('/oauth/token', [
'uses' => '\Laravel\Passport\Http\Controllers\AccessTokenController#issueToken',
but when i test this by postman it return`s error 500 and show no error, just blank page.
of course it works on local. i have uploaded my site on server and configured it. when i test it on server, this error happens.
please help me thank you.

Laravel Auth Validation Message

i did something in laravel project coz of which i am getting this type of validatoin message.
How to fix it.?
