Release apps in stages for Android - google-play-console

Does the Google Play Console have a way to roll out an app update in stages?
In the App Store Connect (iOS) there is this type of option, which gradually releases the app to all users for seven days, so that if a bug is detected in the launch by a number of customers, it is easier to correct it before it reaches all app users.


What defines an unknown source in Android Auto

My team and I are developping an Android Auto enabled app. And it appears to me this app is only available in my car unit, when I enable unknown sources in the Android Auto app.
However I'm wondering what defines an unknown source and how do I make sure my app is not an unknown source. Does Android Auto communicate with the Google Play Services for this or do i need to sign the APK with specific data?
How are you deploying your app? If you are deploying with Android Studio: as I recall you won't see it on your real automotive head unit, just the emulator. To show on the head unit it needs to be deployed in the Play Store, at least in developer and pre-release mode while under development.
First of all: Android Auto runs on your own device, meaning it adapts the same permissions you granted to particular apps. If your app doesn't have an app in the normal UI or you didn't open it on your phone once, then it would usually prompt you to grant permissions the first time you open it.
An unknown source is pretty much any way of getting your app outside of the Google Play Store (and OEM-specific app stores like Samsung App Store for Samsung devices etc.).
That is especially common if you e.g. download an .apk from the internet and want to install it, but your phone thinks their own file manager is an unknown source (because it is not intended to download apps).

Apple Health (HealthKit) Request

I am making an app that collects information from Apple Health (HealthKit). When the application is installed for the first time, the apple screen appears with the permissions that will be used, but when it is in Testflight that screen never appears, is there any extra configuration that has to be done when it is released to production?
if the app is installed from xcode, it works correctly
I had two different bundles, one both in the card of my app and another service that I have OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension. Within both they must point to release and not to debug. that's what i did and it worked in testFlight

Beta app promoted to production by mistake, can I go back to open beta in google developer console

I was using open beta testing (Early Access) but by mistake I uploaded APK on production and published, can I go back to open beta testing?
Unfortunately not.
Unpublishing the app will also remove the availability of the app in Beta.
You will need to publish another APK to Production to remove this one. By setting a low maxSdkVersion or a high minSdkVersion or some more constraints in the manifest that affect the availability of the app, you may possibly manage to limit the number of users who would be able to install it.

Xcode App Distribution to Friends

Yesterday I saw a Website of a Company which has a test version of their iPhone App downloadable for everybody from their website.
Since I am an Apple Developer, I know that you need the UDID of the target device to declare it as a test device, because you have to code sign it to the device.
When I have downloaded the file, it was a normal App file from Xcode. I dragged it to iTunes and from there to my Device, and what do you suppose happened?
Yes; it worked on my Device!! ;-)
I have not jail-broken my device and the app Works on any device I have tried it on without add the devices to any Developer Account...
Does anybody know how to do this???
How can I distribute an app to any device by email or web download without adding test device UDIDs to my account to work on any phone???
The company could either have distributed it as a source code (which can be run by anyone with a developer's account) or by a link to the app store
You can either do one of two things to distribute an app Adhoc:
1 . As a normal App developer you add devices UDIDs separately to the developer portal.
2 . Create a company Adhoc developer's account (which costs extra money and DOESN'T allow you to post to the app store (but that also requires UDIDs))
Alternatively you can post it on the app store and distribute it via that method.
Due to code signing only jailbroken devices may run unsigned apps (or apps not signed for them)
I'd love to know how they do that. I do the next best thing: I use to distribute my apps. It does require UDIDs but easily collects them, and deployment to those users is one touch after building/uploading. There is also a feedback API that I find quite handy.

iPad adHoc app limitation

My client wants to use AdHoc iPad app. (don't want to go through app submission)
I want to know there's any limitation if i use AdHoc app.
Do i need to reinstall the app to every devices every 3 months? (the profile will be expired every three months)
I want to use ASIHTTPRequest to retrieve update datas from web server. Can I do that on AdHoc app and etc
Thanks for the help.
There is a limit of 100 devices. More info at:
Ad Hoc Distribution
"With Ad Hoc distribution you can share your application with up to 100 other iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch users. Through email or by posting it to a website or server, users can download and install your app."
Yes, re-installation will be required.
Yes, data can be fetched from the server.
You can look into iOS Developer Enterprise Program
"Distribute your proprietary, in-house iOS apps to employees or members of your organization. You can also securely host and wirelessly distribute or update in-house apps to employees, keeping them current anywhere, anytime."
Make sure to read "Terms & Conditions" closely as Apple may allow enterprise apps for employees only.
