mifi or phone hotspot? performance comparison - performance

I use a data sIM to connect my phone and my laptop, through the phone hotspot.
I recently used the SIM in a broadband router, and the connection was sensibly improved.
Now I don't have that home broadband router anymore (nomad-ing) and I wonder if a mobile wifi (mifi) has a better connection than the phone hotspot, using the same SIM card.
I tried to figure out with some search if the phone and the mifi have a similar reception (beyond both being 4G) but I didn't get far.
Hence my question(s):
is there a general connection improvement using a mifi over a smartphone hotspot?
if so, which properties/parameters are to compare?
Thank everybody in advance


Route websocket data through USB link to PC client (Android)

I have an issue where WiFi is not available on an Android device. We want to stream image data from the device using a websocket server (written using WebSocket++) through to the PC. However, I'm not sure if this is possible without operational WiFi. So, the position we are in is that we may only have the USB link available.
Someone today suggested we might be able to get Websockets working using adb port forwarding (see https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/adb#forwardports), but I'm not sure if that's correct. Could this work, and what would that solution look like?
Are there any other reasonable options. I'm not certain if tethering is available on the device and if that could be another solution?

Receiving broadcast in Windows 10 phone

I've got a Windows 10 based Mobile phone and want to receive a broadcast UDP packages send by a esp8266 breadboard. My mobile phone and esp8266 board are not connected to any wifi network or router so both have a fixed IP-addresses which can be completely different like: Mobile Phone =>, esp8266 board => The both have to communicate directly without a wifi-router.
Does somebody made this work or can tell me how get this working.
Regards, Wamor
You could set the esp8266 up as an AP (access point). This allows you to connect to the esp8266 from your phone like you would to a wifi router.
Check out https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/esp8266-thing-hookup-guide/example-sketch-ap-web-server for a tutorial on how to do this.
Another useful link to a project that is similar to yours:

P2P network on windows phone 7.1

I am trying to connect two windows phone emulators without router to form p2p network, is there any solution to connect them with access point without router and internet. and can be a possibility of using IP address of emulator.
answer plz
To the best of my knowledge no it is not possible in Mango - but is in WP8. You could however use a wireless network to perform create a UDP multicast socket and and then "connect" to one another that way.
Have a look at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/davrous/archive/2010/03/29/windows-phone-7-platformer-starter-kit-for-xna-studio-4-0.aspx it's got some pretty good pointers.

Know IP Address of USB tethering interface in Windows Phone

Is it possible to know the IPAddress of Windows Phone [Mango] devices when connected to PC through USB tethering.?
I am asking this because when i connect my phone to pc, using sockets it can connect to ANY Ipaddress. In other words, the SocketError enumeration always return me Success. which is quite strange.
If someone help me clarifying this issue.
The phone itself can be accessed via the loopback interface (aka - you can see that if you try to analyze the network traffic for a debug session. The level of access, however, is limited to the extent of the debugger integration.
While the phone is connected it gets the IP address The network interface of the computer (e.g. to connect to it from the phone) has the address

UDPAnySourceMulticastClient works only in Wi-fi?

I am developing an application in which device discovery in a network is required. I am using UDPAnySourceMulticastClient in windows phone 7 for discovering desktop clients. Whenever I connect desktop to a D-link or wi-fi connector, I am able to discover desktop in my wp7.
But my problem arises when I connect desktop through ethernet to some network and connect wp7 to the same network that desktop is using I am not able to discover desktops(Even though I am sending message to the group). Is it UDPAnySourceMulticastClient works only if both are connected through wi-fi network?
Thanks in advance
UDP multicast is dependent upon the hardware used to make the network (routers, etc.) to rebroadcast the message to all other clients. While more complex scenarios are possible, it's unusual for multicast to be enabled for anything other than communications connected to the same wireless hub.
