"Cannot bind to socket on endpoint {}." error within Memgraph - memgraphdb

When binding to Memgraph I get the error Cannot bind to socket on endpoint {}. How can I avoid this error?

Make sure that the specified port (the default port Memgraph runs on is 7687) isn't being used by another process or that you haven't already started another Memgraph instance on the same port.


Can't bind or listen to Memgraphs sockets

It makes no difference if I try to bind or listen to Memgraph I get the error. Depengin on the thing that I'm trying to do I get either: Cannot bind to socket on endpoint {} or Cannot listen on socket endpoint {}.
By default, Memgraph uses port 7687. It seems that some other application or process is using that port and is preventing you from connecting to the socket.
Another reason could be starting of another Memgraph instance on the same port.

tyrus standalone client how can I bind to one specific nic card on my host

Only one of the host's interfaces has a network route specified and without specifying a bind address my connection success with the server has been random.
How can I configure the Tyrus Standalone client with the interface to bind to?
Turns out that v1.19 introduced the client property "SOCKET_BINDING" that is used to set the Property name for defining local binding address for all socket created by the client.

NiFi not launching

INFO [main] org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.Command Apache NiFi is currently running, listening to Bootstrap on port 20740, PID=31405
That means NiFi is running, and I can see its log in logs/nifi-app.log.
The UI is available at https://servername:9443/nifi. It successfully initiated communication with Bootstrap.
But i have this error, and the UI fails to appear. Do you have any solutions?
Failed to invoke #OnEnabled method of JettyWebSocketServer[id=01591009-1d2b-177f-e304-a7cc87d735ce] due to java.net.BindException: Address already in use
"java.net.BindException: Address already in use" means a port is already in use by something else on your system.
In this case it shows that it is coming from the JettyWebSocketServer controller service which is trying to bind to port 9998.
You can use "netstat -lntp" to see what is using port 9998. It could also be possible that you have more than one instance of the controller service with both of them configured with port 9998 and one of them is binging to it and the other fails.
Seems like a Controller Service that fails... Try browsing your flow.xml.gz and check for any ControllerServices named JettyWebSocketServer. Change their <state></state> from <state>ENABLED</state> to <state>DISABLED</state> and try running NiFi again.
You can tell it is a controller service by the #enabledannotation which invokes a method that needs to run when the controller service is enabled.
NiFi shouldn't fail to start because of a failing controller service but it seems to be the problem(probably a bug).
After it start back up, you can configure the controller service to run on a different port.
I also suggest, that if it is the case, that you open an issue to Apache about this since it seems like a pretty major bug.

Checking to see if an Oracle listener is running without installing the client?

Is it possible to check if an Oracle listener is running on a remote machine without using the Oracle client?
Perhaps by connecting to specific port on a remote server?
It depends on exactly what you want to check.
You could try to telnet to port 1521 (or whatever port you expect the listener to be listening on). If the connection is successful, that would imply that there is a listener. You're not going to be able to see, however, what services are registered with the listener. And you won't be able to see whether the listener would actually be able to hand off a connection to the database. That's why it generally doesn't make a lot of sense to monitor the listener in isolation-- you generally want to monitor whether you can successfully connect to the database not whether the listener process is running.

Oracle listener create logon

I would like to prepare listner in another port but I have got problems you can see this in picture with I added below. Also I would like to connect to dabase using this "listener" and check connection in CMD using easy connect.
My username: rafal password:oracle
listener in 1521 is working but in another port I have got problem
"No listener" error indicates either that you're reaching the wrong server, or the right server on the wrong port, or that the listener is not started. I would start by checking that the listener is started, since you can reach the other one.
