Is changing indexed pages language can heart page position? - internationalization

I have a website ( more the 3 years ago running 1 language (English), I have more then 12 indexed page, now I want to add Arabic as primary language. for Arabic for english
Is that good or not?
And what's better in my case:
-- most visitors from arab countries.


How to add translations for country names in Virtuemart?

I am setting up a Virtuemart website in German, but when I select a country for my shipping address, the countries show up in English instead of German.
I have tries to configure the country names in the Virtuemart countries configuration, but German translations I have entered there don't seem to work.
My configuration in Virtuemart Countries for Austria after translating to German:
But the countries still show up in English on the website:
If translating a country name through the Virtuemart countries menu does not work, you might want to try adding/editing the country translations configuration file.
In the case of German, add or edit the following file:
and make sure it contains the following content:
To find the translation key for each country, you could check the file that contains the English translations for the country names, which is located at:
The website should now show the countries in German:

Magento duplicate Content due to Store Code in URL

I have and - both have the same content. Rel canonical doesn't help, due to the fact that i want all /uk pages to be indexed in United Kingdom and all /us pages to be indexed in US and A. How to solve this problem, so that google does not see duplicate content but indexes the pages according to the country?
ahreflang tag in the will help and it will tell Google each page for which country it refers.
Nadeem brought me into the right direction its all about hreflang

How I can see all my last site contents (news) in Google search results?

I have news magazine site that collect news from on-line newspaper and sites.
Site content and first page changes every 2-5 minutes (because find new news and i my first page display last news list).Google find my 2-3 age news of my site content.
what is wrong and what should i do.
You will have to read about and address Google's Crawler frequency criteria:
You can read the article here:

Magento homepage site title for 11 different websites

I have a multi-store Magento installation for 11 different domains all selling the same product but targeting different countries, currencies and languages.
I have one CMS homepage at the moment set with content being pulled in with static blocks and a featured category. The title for all 11 websites is 'Home Page' in english.
I want to be able to change the meta title of each site, is there a way I can do this without having to create 11 separate CMS homepages in the admin and then assigning each website to it's specific CMS page? It seems overkill to have to create a separate page to change just change one line on each website.
The title, meta-keywords and meta-description are added to the page from here: Mage_Cms_Block_Page::_prepareLayout(), to be more exact, on these lines:
if ($head) {
I see here 2 quick options:
You override the method mentioned above and replace $head->setTitle($page->getTitle()) with $head->setTitle($this->__($page->getTitle())) and add to your translation files the translation of Home page for every language.
You override the method Mage_Cms_Model_Page::getTitle() and make it return a translated version of the title then again add Home page to your translation files.
I recommend the first option.
If you have 11 sites all selling the same item, duplicate content could very well become an issue, especially if you are dealing with hundreds+ skus. I would suggest doing the individual CMS pages like you first suggested and change more than just the META data.
Also, in System>Configuration>Design, you can change the Title Prefix and Suffix and default info per site so that may help as well.

How to split (A/B) test Magento product pages

I want to test different variations of product pages/layouts that I set up on Magento. It would be simple with a CMS page - but one cannot just create a new product. Customers should be able to buy exactly the same product, but enter on different pages.
NB: The google website optimizer thing (which I could never get working anyway) is apparantly dead now, replaced by content experiments via Google Analytics.
CMS pages are simple A/B whereas product pages are multivariate. That means you get something ridiculous like 32 recipes for a product if you go and setup different descriptions, titles, pictures and whatever else. It all works just fine in 1.7 but there is some effort needed to follow the screencasts, test and tinker.
If you want A/B for products consider setting up two stores/website views in the backend, e.g. 'store A' and 'store B'. Now edit the index.php and set the store code to 'A' for people with even IP addresses and 'B' for people with odd IP addresses:
$mageRunCode=(ip2long(1 & $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? 'A' : 'B')
Consider testing the layout change for only one product. The normal product page will be your control page (page "A")
If the price on the control page doesn't get updated frequently, simply create the challenger page (page B) as a static page somewhere on your server.
After you've done that setup the experiment in Analytics, add the experiment code to page A and you're done.
