Stateful Functions Java Custom Type Protobuf - protocol-buffers

I’m trying to setup a Protobuf custom type for Java and I noticed that the Python SDK features a “make_protobuf_type” function where you call it to make that Protofile a custom type for stateful functions. What would be the Java equivalent in this case?
I was looking around and found a ProtobufTypeSerializer that I thought I could implement as a custom type or maybe even call the functions in a SimpleType instance but the class does not have a public constructor to use its functions. Any recommendations? Would I have to setup my own custom Protobuf type serialized? If that is the case, would I pass in the Proto file of the generated Java proto file serialize / deserialize?


Quarkus Extension - Remove a class from dependent library or replace part of a class

Within a custom Quarkus extension I would like to integrate an existing java library that currently is not compatible to Quarkus.
Are there any examples for the following use cases:
remove a java class from a dependency library (library is referenced as maven-dependency)- In this case I'll provide a compatible implementation within the runtime-module.
replace specific parts of an existing class form a dependency library (e.g. a default implementation of an interface)
Thanks, Thomas
For the first case, you can use a io.quarkus.deployment.builditem.RemovedResourceBuildItem to have Quarkus essentially remove a class from a dependency.
For the second case, you'll likely need to use a io.quarkus.deployment.builditem.BytecodeTransformerBuildItem which lets you declare an ASM class transformer which can change a class in arbitrary ways.
If you are only looking to change the class for native mode, it's much easier to instead use and

Prism use of discovered service

Suppose a Prism version 8 WPF module has a ViewModel which needs to call on a service.
the service implements IService, but there exists a number of implementations of this service. Each implementation is a file (class library), possibly as a IModule (see below).
The user shall be able to configure which file to use either by configuration or by a folder's content.
Obviously(?) I am thus thinking of Module discovery by creating the right type of ModuleCatalog while "bootstrapping" the application and the service could thus be contained in this module.
If the call is a void call ("fire-and-forget") I guess I could simply use EventAggregator (implementing the service as an observer), however the call returns a value.
What is the best approach solving this?
(I would like to avoid writing my own assembly "discovering/loading" of some kind of a swappable service implementation dll file)
If you can inject IEventAggregator, you can inject IService, can't you?
If no module registered an implementation, you'll get an exception. If more than one module did, the last one wins (with unity as container, at least).

How to use Spring to back Freemarker "?new" built in?

Currently we have a number of classes that extend TemplateMethodModelEx which we construct using Spring and then inject into the Freemarker Configuration as shared variables so they are available as functions to all of our templates.
However, it would be nicer to have more fine grained control and make these methods available on demand in individual templates. One can instantiate them using the ?new built in, but internally that uses the general Java reflection mechanism for instantiating the class, and these models need to be constructed via Spring to get their dependencies.
In a perfect world, I'd like to make it so that the ?new built in use Spring to construct the class. It looks like to do that I would need to find a way to overload BeansWrapper.newInstance(Class, List) to use Spring, but I'm unclear on the best way to accomplish that.
Note that we are currently using Freemarker 2.3.23

Passing Java Object via remote transport in Spring XD

If the message payload passed from one "filter" to the next "filter" in Spring XD stream is a custom Java class instance, I suppose some kind of serialization mechanism is required if the "pipe" in between is a remote transport.
What kind of "serialization"/"transformation" is available in Spring XD for this case?
Will Java serialization work for this case? And if the custom class is serializable, will Spring XD automatically serialise/deserialize the object, or we still need to give some hints in the stream definition/module definition?
XD uses Kryo serialization with remote transports. would work in theory, however we don't want to assume that payload types implement Also, I personally don't see any advantage in choosing Java serialization automatically over Kryo if the payload is Serializable. Java serialization is supported via Spring XD's type conversion.
You should be able to create a stream containing something like:
filter1 --outputType=--application/x-java-serialized-object | filter2 --input-type=my.custom.SerializablePayloadType
In this case, the type conversion will use Java serialization before hitting the transport. The message bus will detect that the payload is a byte array and will send it directly to the next module as is. The message containing the bytes will set the content-type header to the declared outputType so that it can be deserialized using Java serialization by the inbound converter.
The above requires that the payload implements Serializable. Also custom payload types must be included in Spring XD's class path, i.e., add a jar to xd/lib on each installed container.

struts2: accessing external service from type converter

is it possible to inject a service reference into custom type converter?
my situation is quite typical in fact, I have a combo, which binds to collection of entities. On submit I get only an ID of selected entity and have to refetch the real object in my action. I was thinking about more elegant way to do this, and it seems like making an ID-to-entity custom converter which would perform fetching - would be a good idea.
But I failed trying to map a converter to Spring bean in the same fashion like actions...
Interesting question. Are you using the spring plugin ?.
It is supposed to take care of service-objects creation, (and wiring with other services) for Struts2, and this should be able to include Type Converters. From here:
By using the struts2-spring-plugin in conjunction with type conversion, developers easily can use dependency injection to provide a converter with services
But I have not used that feature.
